function common_help( ) { echo -e "Valid options are :" echo -e "" echo -e "Fine Tuning of library and include directories:" echo -e "\t--no-static\tPrevents the static library archive (lib/$LIBNAME.a) from beeing build" echo -e "" echo -e "Debug Options:" echo -e "\t--debug=#\tCompilation debuglevel." echo -e "This value also influences the way the library is compiled." echo -e "The possible values for it are:" echo -e "" echo -e "0 - Don't debug. No debugging information will be compiled in, and the maximum" echo -e " optimization will be applied." echo -e "1 - Compile in debug information (-ggdb3). Don't change optimization." echo -e "2 - Compile with debug information, but dont optimize." echo -e "3 - Compile with debug information and set additional debug defines" echo -e "4 - Compile with debug information, additional debug defines " echo -e " and libmudflap support. (Note: your compiler needs to support mudflap)" echo -e "" echo -e "Other Options:" echo -e "\t--force-gcc\tForces configure to accept current C compiler version" echo -e "\t--force-gpp\tForces configure to accept current C++ compiler version" echo -e "\t--force-make\tForces configure to accept the current make version" echo -e "\t--no-pkg-config\tSkippes any search for pkg-config" echo -e "\t--prefix=<path>\tPath prefix to install the program into. default is $PREFIX" echo -e "\t--sysconfdir=<path>\tPath prefix for systemwide configurations." echo -e "\t--help\t\tDisplays this help screen" echo -e "" echo -e "Some influential environment variables:" echo -e " CC C compiler command" echo -e " CXX C++ Compiler" echo -e " CFLAGS C compiler flags" echo -e " CXXLAGS C++ Compiler flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if you have" echo -e " headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>" echo -e "" echo -e "Use these variables to override the choices made by \`configure' or to help" echo -e "it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations." } function display_help() { common_help echo -e "" echo -e "Project specific flags:" i=0 while [[ $i < ${#PROJECT_HELP[*]} ]] do echo -e ${PROJECT_HELP[$i]} i=$(($i+1)) done } global_function_index=0 function add_help() { ARG=$* PROJECT_HELP[$global_function_index]=$ARG global_function_index=$((global_function_index+1)) } function maybe_display_help() { if [ ! -z "$HELP" ] then display_help cleanup fi } # vim: ft=sh