jobs: - job: linux displayName: 'Linux' pool: # List of available software on this image: # vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04' strategy: matrix: 'Python 3.6 without libclang completer': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' USE_CLANG_COMPLETER: false 'Python 3.6': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' 'Python 3.6 using Clang compiler': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' YCM_COMPILER: 'clang' 'C++ benchmark': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' YCM_BENCHMARK: true COVERAGE: false 'C++ linting': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' YCM_CLANG_TIDY: true COVERAGE: false maxParallel: 6 variables: COVERAGE: true steps: - checkout: self submodules: recursive - script: ./azure/linux/ displayName: Install dependencies - script: ./azure/ displayName: Run tests condition: and(succeeded(), and(ne(variables['YCM_BENCHMARK'], 'true'), ne(variables['YCM_CLANG_TIDY'], 'true'))) - script: ./azure/ displayName: Benchmark condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['YCM_BENCHMARK'], 'true')) - script: ./azure/ displayName: Lint condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['YCM_CLANG_TIDY'], 'true')) - script: ./azure/ displayName: Send coverage condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['COVERAGE'], 'true')) env: CODECOV_TOKEN: $(CODECOV_TOKEN) CODECOV_JOB_NAME: '$(Agent.JobName)' - job: macos displayName: 'macOS' pool: # List of available software on this image: # vmImage: 'macOS-10.13' strategy: matrix: 'Python 3.6': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' 'C++ benchmark': YCM_PYTHON_VERSION: '3.6.3' YCM_BENCHMARK: true maxParallel: 3 variables: COVERAGE: true steps: - checkout: self submodules: recursive - script: ./azure/macos/ displayName: Install dependencies - script: ./azure/ displayName: Run tests condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['YCM_BENCHMARK'], 'true')) - script: ./azure/ displayName: Benchmark condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['YCM_BENCHMARK'], 'true')) - script: ./azure/ displayName: Send coverage condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['COVERAGE'], 'true')) env: CODECOV_TOKEN: $(CODECOV_TOKEN) CODECOV_JOB_NAME: '$(Agent.JobName)' - job: windows_msvc14 displayName: 'Windows Visual Studio 2015' pool: # List of available software on this image: # vmImage: 'vs2015-win2012r2' strategy: matrix: 'Python 3.7 64-bit': YCM_PYTHON_INSTALLER_URL: '' variables: MSVC: 14 MSBUILD_PATH: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin' steps: - checkout: self submodules: recursive - script: azure\windows\install_dependencies.bat displayName: Install dependencies - script: azure\windows\run_tests.bat displayName: Run tests - script: azure\windows\send_coverage.bat displayName: Send coverage env: CODECOV_TOKEN: $(CODECOV_TOKEN) CODECOV_JOB_NAME: '$(Agent.JobName)' - job: windows_msvc15 displayName: 'Windows Visual Studio 2017' pool: # List of available software on this image: # vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016' strategy: matrix: 'Python 3.7 64-bit': YCM_PYTHON_INSTALLER_URL: '' variables: MSVC: 15 MSBUILD_PATH: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin' steps: - checkout: self submodules: recursive - script: azure\windows\install_dependencies.bat displayName: Install dependencies - script: azure\windows\run_tests.bat displayName: Run tests - script: azure\windows\send_coverage.bat displayName: Send coverage env: CODECOV_TOKEN: $(CODECOV_TOKEN) CODECOV_JOB_NAME: '$(Agent.JobName)' - job: windows_msvc17 displayName: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019' pool: # List of available software on this image: # vmImage: 'windows-2019' strategy: matrix: 'Python 3.7 32-bit': YCM_PYTHON_INSTALLER_URL: '' 'Python 3.7 64-bit': YCM_PYTHON_INSTALLER_URL: '' 'C++ benchmark': YCM_PYTHON_INSTALLER_URL: '' YCM_BENCHMARK: true COVERAGE: false maxParallel: 4 variables: MSVC: 16 MSBUILD_PATH: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin' COVERAGE: true steps: - checkout: self submodules: recursive - script: azure\windows\install_dependencies.bat displayName: Install dependencies - script: azure\windows\run_tests.bat displayName: Run tests condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['YCM_BENCHMARK'], 'true')) - script: azure\windows\benchmark.bat displayName: Benchmark condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['YCM_BENCHMARK'], 'true')) - script: azure\windows\send_coverage.bat displayName: Send coverage condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['COVERAGE'], 'true')) env: CODECOV_TOKEN: $(CODECOV_TOKEN) CODECOV_JOB_NAME: '$(Agent.JobName)'