More Pleasant Editing on Commit Message ======================================= When you type `git commit`, Vim starts and opens a commit buffer. This plugin improves the commit buffer. committia.vim splits the buffer into 3 windows; edit window, status window and diff window. You no longer need to repeat moving to another window, scrolling and backing to the former position in order to see a long commit diff. If the width of Vim window is too narrow (160 characters by default), committia.vim falls back to single column mode, which has 2 windows; edit window and diff window. For wide window: ![double column mode]( For narrow window: ![single column mode]( ## Hooks You can hook on opening the windows. Available hooks are: - `edit_open`: When opening a commit message window, this hook is called from the window. - `diff_open`: When opening a diff window, this hook is called from the window. - `status_open`: When opening a status window, this hook is called from the window. Please note that this hook is not called on single-column mode since it does not have a dedicated window for status. A vimrc example is below. ```vim " You can get the information about the windows with first argument as a dictionary. " " KEY VALUE AVAILABILITY "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " vcs : vcs type (e.g. 'git') -> all hooks " edit_winnr : winnr of edit window -> ditto " edit_bufnr : bufnr of edit window -> ditto " diff_winnr : winnr of diff window -> ditto " diff_bufnr : bufnr of diff window -> ditto " status_winnr : winnr of status window -> all hooks except for 'diff_open' hook " status_bufnr : bufnr of status window -> ditto let g:committia_hooks = {} function! g:committia_hooks.edit_open(info) " Additional settings setlocal spell " If no commit message, start with insert mode if a:info.vcs ==# 'git' && getline(1) ==# '' startinsert endif " Scroll the diff window from insert mode " Map and imap (committia-scroll-diff-down-half) imap (committia-scroll-diff-up-half) endfunction ``` ## Mappings Mappings to scroll diff window for insert mode are available. | Mapping | Description | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | `(committia-scroll-diff-down-half)` | Scroll down the diff window by half a screen. | | `(committia-scroll-diff-up-half)` | Scroll up the diff window by half a screen. | | `(committia-scroll-diff-down-page)` | Scroll down the diff window by a screen. | | `(committia-scroll-diff-up-page)` | Scroll up the diff window by a screen. | | `(committia-scroll-diff-down)` | Scroll down the diff window by one line. | | `(committia-scroll-diff-up)` | Scroll up the diff window by one line. | ## Variables Some variables are available to control the behavior of committia.vim. ### `g:committia_open_only_vim_starting` (default: `1`) If the value is `0`, committia.vim always attempts to open committia's buffer when `COMMIT_EDITMSG` buffer is opened. If you use [vim-fugitive](, I recommend to set this value to `1`. ### `g:committia_use_singlecolumn` (default: `'fallback'`) If the value is `'always'`, committia.vim always employs single column mode. ### `g:committia_min_window_width` (default: `160`) If the width of window is narrower than the value, committia.vim employs single column mode. ### `g:committia_status_window_opencmd` (default: `'belowright split'`) Vim command which opens a status window in multi-columns mode. ### `g:committia_diff_window_opencmd` (default: `'botright vsplit'`) Vim command which opens a diff window in multi-columns mode. ### `g:committia_singlecolumn_diff_window_opencmd` (default: `'belowright split'`) Vim command which opens a diff window in single-column mode. ### `g:committia_edit_window_width` (default: `80`) If committia.vim is in multi-columns mode, specifies the width of the edit window. ### `g:committia_status_window_min_height` (default: `0`) Minimum height of a status window. ## Future - Cooperate with [vim-fugitive]( - Add more VCS supports - Test all features ## Contribution - [@uasi]( : single column mode - [@anekos]( : submodule and worktree support - [and more contributors who sent a patch]( ## License [Distributed under the MIT license](LICENSE)