--- name: "Bug Report" about: "nerdtree-git-plugin is misbehaving? Tell us about it." labels: bug --- #### Self-Diagnosis - [ ] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin/issues) for an answer to my question. - [ ] I have reviewed the NERDTree documentation(README.md). - [ ] I have searched the web for an answer to my question. #### Environment (for bug reports) - [ ] Operating System: - [ ] vimrc settings ```vim " all settings about nerdtree and other plugins ``` - Other NERDTree-dependent Plugins - [ ] jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs - [ ] ryanoasis/vim-devicons - [ ] tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight - [ ] Others (specify): - [ ] I've verified the issue occurs with only `nerdtree-git-plugin` installed. - [ ] Copy-Paste `call gitstatus#doctor#Say()` outputs #### Steps to Reproduce the Issue 1. #### Current Result (Include screenshots where appropriate.) #### Expected Result