function! targets#multigen#new(context, lastRawTarget) return { \ 'gens': [], \ 'context': a:context, \ 'lastRawTarget': a:lastRawTarget, \ \ 'add': function('targets#multigen#add'), \ 'next': function('targets#multigen#next'), \ 'nextN': function('targets#generator#nextN'), \ 'target': function('targets#generator#target') \ } endfunction function! targets#multigen#add(factories, ...) dict let whichs = a:000 for factory in a:factories for which in whichs let gen =, which) if gen != {} call add(self.gens, gen) endif endfor endfor endfunction function! targets#multigen#next(first) dict if a:first for gen in self.gens call endfor else call " fill up where we used the last target from endif let targets = [] for gen in self.gens call add(targets, endfor while 1 let [target, idx] = s:bestTarget(targets, self.context, 'multigen') if target.state().isInvalid() " best is invalid -> done let self.currentTarget = target return self.currentTarget endif " if two generators produce the same target, skip it " also used for growing in some cases if self.lastRawTarget.equal(target) let targets[idx] = continue endif let self.currentTarget = target return self.currentTarget endwhile endfunction " select best of given targets according to s:rangeScores " detects for each given target what range type it has, depending on the " relative positions of the start and end of the target relative to the cursor " position and the currently visible lines " The possibly relative positions are: " c - on cursor position " l - left of cursor in current line " r - right of cursor in current line " a - above cursor on screen " b - below cursor on screen " A - above cursor off screen " B - below cursor off screen " All possibly ranges are listed below, denoted by two characters: one for the " relative start and for the relative end position each of the target. For " example, `lr` means "from left of cursor to right of cursor in cursor line". " Next to each range type is a pictogram of an example. They are made of these " symbols: " . - current cursor position " ( ) - start and end of target " / - line break before and after cursor line " | - screen edge between hidden and visible lines " ranges on cursor: " cr | / () / | starting on cursor, current line " cb | / ( /) | starting on cursor, multiline down, on screen " cB | / ( / |) starting on cursor, multiline down, partially off screen " lc | / () / | ending on cursor, current line " ac | (/ ) / | ending on cursor, multiline up, on screen " Ac (| / ) / | ending on cursor, multiline up, partially off screen " ranges around cursor: " lr | / (.) / | around cursor, current line " lb | / (. /) | around cursor, multiline down, on screen " ar | (/ .) / | around cursor, multiline up, on screen " ab | (/ . /) | around cursor, multiline both, on screen " lB | / (. / |) around cursor, multiline down, partially off screen " Ar (| / .) / | around cursor, multiline up, partially off screen " aB | (/ . / |) around cursor, multiline both, partially off screen bottom " Ab (| / . /) | around cursor, multiline both, partially off screen top " AB (| / . / |) around cursor, multiline both, partially off screen both " ranges after (right of/below) cursor " rr | / .()/ | after cursor, current line " rb | / .( /) | after cursor, multiline, on screen " rB | / .( / |) after cursor, multiline, partially off screen " bb | / . /()| after cursor below, on screen " bB | / . /( |) after cursor below, partially off screen " BB | / . / |() after cursor below, off screen " ranges before (left of/above) cursor " ll | /(). / | before cursor, current line " al | (/ ). / | before cursor, multiline, on screen " Al (| / ). / | before cursor, multiline, partially off screen " aa |()/ . / | before cursor above, on screen " Aa (| )/ . / | before cursor above, partially off screen " AA ()| / . / | before cursor above, off screen " A a l r b B relative positions " └───────────┘ visible screen " └─────┘ current line " returns best target (and its index) according to range score and distance to cursor function! s:bestTarget(targets, context, message) if len(a:targets) == 1 return [a:targets[0], 0] endif let [bestScore, minLines, minChars] = [0, 1/0, 1/0] " 1/0 = maxint let cnt = len(a:targets) for idx in range(cnt) let target = a:targets[idx] let [range, lines, chars] = target.range(a:context) let score = s:rangeScore(range) " if target.state().isValid() " echom target.string() " echom 'score ' . score . ' lines ' . lines . ' chars ' . chars " endif if (score > bestScore) || \ (score == bestScore && lines < minLines) || \ (score == bestScore && lines == minLines && chars < minChars) let [bestScore, minLines, minChars, best, bestIdx] = [score, lines, chars, target, idx] endif endfor if exists('best') " echom 'best ' . best.string() " echom 'score ' . bestScore . ' lines ' . minLines . ' chars ' . minChars return [best, bestIdx] endif return [targets#target#withError(a:message), -1] endfunction function! s:rangeScore(range) if !exists('s:rangeScores') let s:rangeScores = {} let ranges = split(get(g:, 'targets_seekRanges', \ 'cc cr cb cB lc ac Ac lr rr ll lb ar ab lB Ar aB Ab AB rb al rB Al bb aa bB Aa BB AA' \ )) let rangesN = len(ranges) for i in range(rangesN) let s:rangeScores[ranges[i]] = rangesN - i endfor endif return get(s:rangeScores, a:range) endfunction