function! targets#sources#pair#new(args) " args.trigger is used differently from tags source return { \ 'args': { \ 'opening': a:args['o'], \ 'closing': a:args['c'], \ 'trigger': a:args['c'], \ }, \ 'genFuncs': { \ 'c': function('targets#sources#pair#current'), \ 'n': function('targets#sources#pair#next'), \ 'l': function('targets#sources#pair#last'), \ }, \ 'modFuncs': { \ 'i': function('targets#modify#drop'), \ 'a': function('targets#modify#keep'), \ 'I': function('targets#modify#shrink'), \ 'A': function('targets#modify#expand'), \ }} endfunction function! targets#sources#pair#current(args, opts, state) if a:opts.first let cnt = 1 else let cnt = 2 endif let target = s:select(cnt, a:args.trigger) call target.cursorE() " keep going from right end return target endfunction function! targets#sources#pair#next(args, opts, state) if targets#util#search(a:args.opening, 'W') > 0 return targets#target#withError('no target') endif let oldpos = getpos('.') let target = s:select(1, a:args.trigger) call setpos('.', oldpos) return target endfunction function! targets#sources#pair#last(args, opts, state) if targets#util#search(a:args.closing, 'bW') > 0 return targets#target#withError('no target') endif let oldpos = getpos('.') let target = s:select(1, a:args.trigger) call setpos('.', oldpos) return target endfunction " select a pair around the cursor " args (count, trigger) function! s:select(count, trigger) " try to select pair silent! execute 'keepjumps normal! v' . a:count . 'a' . a:trigger . 'v' let target = targets#target#fromVisualSelection() if == && == target.el return targets#target#withError('pair select') endif return target endfunction