# vim: set buftype=nofile colorcolumn= scrolloff=0 noshowcmd: vim-easy-align ============== Where's Lennon? --------------- Paul McCartney 1942 George Harrison 1943 Ringo Starr 1940 Pete Best 1941 Formatting table ---------------- ``` | Option| Type | Default | Description | |--|--|--|--| | threads | Fixnum | 1 | number of threads in the thread pool | |queues |Fixnum | 1 | number of concurrent queues | |queue_size | Fixnum | 1000 | size of each queue | | interval | Numeric | 0 | dispatcher interval for processing | |batch | Boolean | false | enables batch processing mode | |batch_size | Fixnum | nil | maximum number of items in batch| |logger | Logger | nil | logger instance for debug logs | ``` Operators with = sign --------------------- ```ruby a = a = 1 bbbb = 2 ccccccc = 3 ccccccccccccccc ddd = 4 eeee === eee = eee = eee=f fff = ggg += gg &&= gg g != hhhhhhhh == 888 i := 5 i %= 5 i *= 5 j =~ 5 j >= 5 aa => 123 aa <<= 123 aa >>= 123 bbb => 123 c => 1233123 d => 123 dddddd &&= 123 dddddd ||= 123 dddddd /= 123 gg <=> ee ``` Formatting YAML (or JSON) ------------------------- ```yaml mysql: # JDBC driver for MySQL database: driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # JDBC URL for the connection (jdbc:mysql://HOSTNAME/DATABASE) url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test database: test "user:pass":r00t:pa55 ``` Using blockwise-visual mode or negative N-th parameter ------------------------------------------------------ ```ruby options = { :caching => nil, :versions => 3, "cache=blocks" => false }.merge(options) ``` Commas ------ aaa, bb,c d,eeeeeee fffff, gggggggggg, h, , ii j,,k