" Copyright (c) 2014 Junegunn Choi " " MIT License " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be " included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, " EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND " NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION " OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION " WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. if exists("g:loaded_easy_align") finish endif let g:loaded_easy_align = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:easy_align_delimiters_default = { \ ' ': { 'pattern': ' ', 'left_margin': 0, 'right_margin': 0, 'stick_to_left': 0 }, \ '=': { 'pattern': '===\|<=>\|\(&&\|||\|<<\|>>\)=\|=\~[#?]\?\|=>\|[:+/*!%^=><&|.?-]\?=[#?]\?', \ 'left_margin': 1, 'right_margin': 1, 'stick_to_left': 0 }, \ ':': { 'pattern': ':', 'left_margin': 0, 'right_margin': 1, 'stick_to_left': 1 }, \ ',': { 'pattern': ',', 'left_margin': 0, 'right_margin': 1, 'stick_to_left': 1 }, \ '|': { 'pattern': '|', 'left_margin': 1, 'right_margin': 1, 'stick_to_left': 0 }, \ '.': { 'pattern': '\.', 'left_margin': 0, 'right_margin': 0, 'stick_to_left': 0 }, \ '#': { 'pattern': '#\+', 'delimiter_align': 'l', 'ignore_groups': ['!Comment'] }, \ '"': { 'pattern': '"\+', 'delimiter_align': 'l', 'ignore_groups': ['!Comment'] }, \ '&': { 'pattern': '\\\@ winlen ? '..' : '' echon "\r" let yet = 0 for [hl, msg] in a:tokens if empty(msg) | continue | endif execute "echohl ". hl let yet += len(msg) if yet > winlen - len(ellipsis) echon msg[ 0 : (winlen - len(ellipsis) - yet - 1) ] . ellipsis break else echon msg endif endfor finally echohl None let [&ruler, &showcmd] = xy endtry endfunction function! s:echon(l, n, r, d, o, warn) let tokens = [ \ ['Function', s:live ? ':LiveEasyAlign' : ':EasyAlign'], \ ['ModeMsg', get(s:mode_labels, a:l, a:l)], \ ['None', ' ']] if a:r == -1 | call add(tokens, ['Comment', '(']) | endif call add(tokens, [a:n =~ '*' ? 'Repeat' : 'Number', a:n]) call extend(tokens, a:r == 1 ? \ [['Delimiter', '/'], ['String', a:d], ['Delimiter', '/']] : \ [['Identifier', a:d == ' ' ? '\ ' : (a:d == '\' ? '\\' : a:d)]]) if a:r == -1 | call extend(tokens, [['Normal', '_'], ['Comment', ')']]) | endif call add(tokens, ['Statement', empty(a:o) ? '' : ' '.string(a:o)]) if !empty(a:warn) call add(tokens, ['WarningMsg', ' ('.a:warn.')']) endif call s:echon_(tokens) return join(map(tokens, 'v:val[1]'), '') endfunction function! s:exit(msg) call s:echon_([['ErrorMsg', a:msg]]) throw 'exit' endfunction function! s:ltrim(str) return substitute(a:str, '^\s\+', '', '') endfunction function! s:rtrim(str) return substitute(a:str, '\s\+$', '', '') endfunction function! s:trim(str) return substitute(a:str, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') endfunction function! s:fuzzy_lu(key) if has_key(s:known_options, a:key) return a:key endif let key = tolower(a:key) " stl -> ^s.*_t.*_l.* let regexp1 = '^' .key[0]. '.*' .substitute(key[1 : -1], '\(.\)', '_\1.*', 'g') let matches = filter(keys(s:known_options), 'v:val =~ regexp1') if len(matches) == 1 return matches[0] endif " stl -> ^s.*t.*l.* let regexp2 = '^' . substitute(substitute(key, '-', '_', 'g'), '\(.\)', '\1.*', 'g') let matches = filter(keys(s:known_options), 'v:val =~ regexp2') if empty(matches) call s:exit("Unknown option key: ". a:key) elseif len(matches) == 1 return matches[0] else " Avoid ambiguity introduced by deprecated margin_left and margin_right if sort(matches) == ['margin_left', 'margin_right', 'mode_sequence'] return 'mode_sequence' endif if sort(matches) == ['ignore_groups', 'ignores'] return 'ignore_groups' endif call s:exit("Ambiguous option key: ". a:key ." (" .join(matches, ', '). ")") endif endfunction function! s:shift(modes, cycle) let item = remove(a:modes, 0) if a:cycle || empty(a:modes) call add(a:modes, item) endif return item endfunction function! s:normalize_options(opts) let ret = {} for k in keys(a:opts) let v = a:opts[k] let k = s:fuzzy_lu(k) " Backward-compatibility if k == 'margin_left' | let k = 'left_margin' | endif if k == 'margin_right' | let k = 'right_margin' | endif if k == 'mode_sequence' | let k = 'align' | endif let ret[k] = v unlet v endfor return s:validate_options(ret) endfunction function! s:compact_options(opts) let ret = {} for k in keys(a:opts) let ret[s:shorthand[k]] = a:opts[k] endfor return ret endfunction function! s:validate_options(opts) for k in keys(a:opts) let v = a:opts[k] if index(s:known_options[k], type(v)) == -1 call s:exit("Invalid type for option: ". k) endif unlet v endfor return a:opts endfunction function! s:split_line(line, nth, modes, cycle, fc, lc, pattern, stick_to_left, ignore_unmatched, ignore_groups) let mode = '' let string = a:lc ? \ strpart(getline(a:line), a:fc - 1, a:lc - a:fc + 1) : \ strpart(getline(a:line), a:fc - 1) let idx = 0 let nomagic = match(a:pattern, '\\v') > match(a:pattern, '\C\\[mMV]') let pattern = '^.\{-}\s*\zs\('.a:pattern.(nomagic ? ')' : '\)') let tokens = [] let delims = [] " Phase 1: split let ignorable = 0 let token = '' let phantom = 0 while 1 let matchidx = match(string, pattern, idx) " No match if matchidx < 0 | break | endif let matchend = matchend(string, pattern, idx) let spaces = matchstr(string, '\s'.(a:stick_to_left ? '*' : '\{-}'), matchend + (matchidx == matchend)) " Match, but empty if len(spaces) + matchend - idx == 0 let char = strpart(string, idx, 1) if empty(char) | break | endif let [match, part, delim] = [char, char, ''] " Match else let match = strpart(string, idx, matchend - idx + len(spaces)) let part = strpart(string, idx, matchidx - idx) let delim = strpart(string, matchidx, matchend - matchidx) endif let ignorable = s:highlighted_as(a:line, idx + len(part) + a:fc, a:ignore_groups) if ignorable let token .= match else let [pmode, mode] = [mode, s:shift(a:modes, a:cycle)] call add(tokens, token . match) call add(delims, delim) let token = '' endif let idx += len(match) " If the string is non-empty and ends with the delimiter, " append an empty token to the list if idx == len(string) let phantom = 1 break endif endwhile let leftover = token . strpart(string, idx) if !empty(leftover) let ignorable = s:highlighted_as(a:line, len(string) + a:fc - 1, a:ignore_groups) call add(tokens, leftover) call add(delims, '') elseif phantom call add(tokens, '') call add(delims, '') endif let [pmode, mode] = [mode, s:shift(a:modes, a:cycle)] " Preserve indentation - merge first two tokens if len(tokens) > 1 && empty(s:rtrim(tokens[0])) let tokens[1] = tokens[0] . tokens[1] call remove(tokens, 0) call remove(delims, 0) let mode = pmode endif " Skip comment line if ignorable && len(tokens) == 1 && a:ignore_unmatched let tokens = [] let delims = [] " Append an empty item to enable right/center alignment of the last token " - if the last token is not ignorable or ignorable but not the only token elseif a:ignore_unmatched != 1 && \ (mode ==? 'r' || mode ==? 'c') && \ (!ignorable || len(tokens) > 1) && \ a:nth >= 0 " includes -0 call add(tokens, '') call add(delims, '') endif return [tokens, delims] endfunction function! s:do_align(todo, modes, all_tokens, all_delims, fl, ll, fc, lc, nth, recur, dict) let mode = a:modes[0] let lines = {} let min_indent = -1 let max = { 'pivot_len2': 0, 'token_len': 0, 'just_len': 0, 'delim_len': 0, \ 'indent': 0, 'tokens': 0, 'strip_len': 0 } let d = a:dict let [f, fx] = s:parse_filter(d.filter) " Phase 1 for line in range(a:fl, a:ll) let snip = a:lc > 0 ? getline(line)[a:fc-1 : a:lc-1] : getline(line) if f == 1 && snip !~ fx continue elseif f == -1 && snip =~ fx continue endif if !has_key(a:all_tokens, line) " Split line into the tokens by the delimiters let [tokens, delims] = s:split_line( \ line, a:nth, copy(a:modes), a:recur == 2, \ a:fc, a:lc, d.pattern, \ d.stick_to_left, d.ignore_unmatched, d.ignore_groups) " Remember tokens for subsequent recursive calls let a:all_tokens[line] = tokens let a:all_delims[line] = delims else let tokens = a:all_tokens[line] let delims = a:all_delims[line] endif " Skip empty lines if empty(tokens) continue endif " Calculate the maximum number of tokens for a line within the range let max.tokens = max([max.tokens, len(tokens)]) if a:nth > 0 " Positive N-th if len(tokens) < a:nth continue endif let nth = a:nth - 1 " make it 0-based else " -0 or Negative N-th if a:nth == 0 && mode !=? 'l' let nth = len(tokens) - 1 else let nth = len(tokens) + a:nth endif if empty(delims[len(delims) - 1]) let nth -= 1 endif if nth < 0 || nth == len(tokens) continue endif endif let prefix = nth > 0 ? join(tokens[0 : nth - 1], '') : '' let delim = delims[nth] let token = s:rtrim( tokens[nth] ) let token = s:rtrim( strpart(token, 0, len(token) - len(s:rtrim(delim))) ) if empty(delim) && !exists('tokens[nth + 1]') && d.ignore_unmatched continue endif let indent = s:strwidth(matchstr(tokens[0], '^\s*')) if min_indent < 0 || indent < min_indent let min_indent = indent endif if mode ==? 'c' let token .= substitute(matchstr(token, '^\s*'), '\t', repeat(' ', &tabstop), 'g') endif let [pw, tw] = [s:strwidth(prefix), s:strwidth(token)] let max.indent = max([max.indent, indent]) let max.token_len = max([max.token_len, tw]) let max.just_len = max([max.just_len, pw + tw]) let max.delim_len = max([max.delim_len, s:strwidth(delim)]) if mode ==? 'c' let pivot_len2 = pw * 2 + tw if max.pivot_len2 < pivot_len2 let max.pivot_len2 = pivot_len2 endif let max.strip_len = max([max.strip_len, s:strwidth(s:trim(token))]) endif let lines[line] = [nth, prefix, token, delim] endfor " Phase 1-5: indentation handling (only on a:nth == 1) if a:nth == 1 let idt = d.indentation if idt ==? 'd' let indent = max.indent elseif idt ==? 's' let indent = min_indent elseif idt ==? 'n' let indent = 0 elseif idt !=? 'k' call s:exit('Invalid indentation: ' . idt) end if idt !=? 'k' let max.just_len = 0 let max.token_len = 0 let max.pivot_len2 = 0 for [line, elems] in items(lines) let [nth, prefix, token, delim] = elems let tindent = matchstr(token, '^\s*') while 1 let len = s:strwidth(tindent) if len < indent let tindent .= repeat(' ', indent - len) break elseif len > indent let tindent = tindent[0 : -2] else break endif endwhile let token = tindent . s:ltrim(token) if mode ==? 'c' let token = substitute(token, '\s*$', repeat(' ', indent), '') endif let [pw, tw] = [s:strwidth(prefix), s:strwidth(token)] let max.token_len = max([max.token_len, tw]) let max.just_len = max([max.just_len, pw + tw]) if mode ==? 'c' let pivot_len2 = pw * 2 + tw if max.pivot_len2 < pivot_len2 let max.pivot_len2 = pivot_len2 endif endif let lines[line][2] = token endfor endif endif " Phase 2 for [line, elems] in items(lines) let tokens = a:all_tokens[line] let delims = a:all_delims[line] let [nth, prefix, token, delim] = elems " Remove the leading whitespaces of the next token if len(tokens) > nth + 1 let tokens[nth + 1] = s:ltrim(tokens[nth + 1]) endif " Pad the token with spaces let [pw, tw] = [s:strwidth(prefix), s:strwidth(token)] let rpad = '' if mode ==? 'l' let pad = repeat(' ', max.just_len - pw - tw) if d.stick_to_left let rpad = pad else let token = token . pad endif elseif mode ==? 'r' let pad = repeat(' ', max.just_len - pw - tw) let indent = matchstr(token, '^\s*') let token = indent . pad . s:ltrim(token) elseif mode ==? 'c' let p1 = max.pivot_len2 - (pw * 2 + tw) let p2 = max.token_len - tw let pf1 = s:floor2(p1) if pf1 < p1 | let p2 = s:ceil2(p2) else | let p2 = s:floor2(p2) endif let strip = s:ceil2(max.token_len - max.strip_len) / 2 let indent = matchstr(token, '^\s*') let token = indent. repeat(' ', pf1 / 2) .s:ltrim(token). repeat(' ', p2 / 2) let token = substitute(token, repeat(' ', strip) . '$', '', '') if d.stick_to_left if empty(s:rtrim(token)) let center = len(token) / 2 let [token, rpad] = [strpart(token, 0, center), strpart(token, center)] else let [token, rpad] = [s:rtrim(token), matchstr(token, '\s*$')] endif endif endif let tokens[nth] = token " Pad the delimiter let dpadl = max.delim_len - s:strwidth(delim) let da = d.delimiter_align if da ==? 'l' let [dl, dr] = ['', repeat(' ', dpadl)] elseif da ==? 'c' let dl = repeat(' ', dpadl / 2) let dr = repeat(' ', dpadl - dpadl / 2) elseif da ==? 'r' let [dl, dr] = [repeat(' ', dpadl), ''] else call s:exit('Invalid delimiter_align: ' . da) endif " Before and after the range (for blockwise visual mode) let cline = getline(line) let before = strpart(cline, 0, a:fc - 1) let after = a:lc ? strpart(cline, a:lc) : '' " Determine the left and right margin around the delimiter let rest = join(tokens[nth + 1 : -1], '') let nomore = empty(rest.after) let ml = (empty(prefix . token) || empty(delim) && nomore) ? '' : d.ml let mr = nomore ? '' : d.mr " Adjust indentation of the lines starting with a delimiter let lpad = '' if nth == 0 let ipad = repeat(' ', min_indent - s:strwidth(token.ml)) if mode ==? 'l' let token = ipad . token else let lpad = ipad endif endif " Align the token let aligned = join([lpad, token, ml, dl, delim, dr, mr, rpad], '') let tokens[nth] = aligned " Update the line let a:todo[line] = before.join(tokens, '').after endfor if a:nth < max.tokens && (a:recur || len(a:modes) > 1) call s:shift(a:modes, a:recur == 2) return [a:todo, a:modes, a:all_tokens, a:all_delims, \ a:fl, a:ll, a:fc, a:lc, a:nth + 1, a:recur, a:dict] endif return [a:todo] endfunction function! s:input(str, default, vis) if a:vis normal! gv redraw execute "normal! \" else " EasyAlign command can be called without visual selection redraw endif let got = input(a:str, a:default) return got endfunction function! s:atoi(str) return (a:str =~ '^[0-9]\+$') ? str2nr(a:str) : a:str endfunction function! s:shift_opts(opts, key, vals) let val = s:shift(a:vals, 1) if type(val) == 0 && val == -1 call remove(a:opts, a:key) else let a:opts[a:key] = val endif endfunction function! s:interactive(range, modes, n, d, opts, rules, vis, bvis) let mode = s:shift(a:modes, 1) let n = a:n let d = a:d let ch = '' let opts = s:compact_options(a:opts) let vals = deepcopy(s:option_values) let regx = 0 let warn = '' let undo = 0 while 1 " Live preview let rdrw = 0 if undo silent! undo let undo = 0 let rdrw = 1 endif if s:live && !empty(d) let output = s:process(a:range, mode, n, d, s:normalize_options(opts), regx, a:rules, a:bvis) let &undolevels = &undolevels " Break undo block call s:update_lines(output.todo) let undo = !empty(output.todo) let rdrw = 1 endif if rdrw if a:vis normal! gv endif redraw if a:vis | execute "normal! \" | endif endif call s:echon(mode, n, -1, regx ? '/'.d.'/' : d, opts, warn) let check = 0 let warn = '' try let c = getchar() catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ let c = 27 endtry let ch = nr2char(c) if c == 3 || c == 27 " CTRL-C / ESC if undo silent! undo endif throw 'exit' elseif c == "\" if !empty(d) let d = '' let regx = 0 elseif len(n) > 0 let n = strpart(n, 0, len(n) - 1) endif elseif c == 13 " Enter key let mode = s:shift(a:modes, 1) if has_key(opts, 'a') let opts.a = mode . strpart(opts.a, 1) endif elseif ch == '-' if empty(n) | let n = '-' elseif n == '-' | let n = '' else | let check = 1 endif elseif ch == '*' if empty(n) | let n = '*' elseif n == '*' | let n = '**' elseif n == '**' | let n = '' else | let check = 1 endif elseif empty(d) && ((c == 48 && len(n) > 0) || c > 48 && c <= 57) " Numbers if n[0] == '*' | let check = 1 else | let n = n . ch end elseif ch == "\" call s:shift_opts(opts, 'da', vals['delimiter_align']) elseif ch == "\" call s:shift_opts(opts, 'idt', vals['indentation']) elseif ch == "\" let lm = s:input("Left margin: ", get(opts, 'lm', ''), a:vis) if empty(lm) let warn = 'Set to default. Input 0 to remove it' silent! call remove(opts, 'lm') else let opts['lm'] = s:atoi(lm) endif elseif ch == "\" let rm = s:input("Right margin: ", get(opts, 'rm', ''), a:vis) if empty(rm) let warn = 'Set to default. Input 0 to remove it' silent! call remove(opts, 'rm') else let opts['rm'] = s:atoi(rm) endif elseif ch == "\" call s:shift_opts(opts, 'iu', vals['ignore_unmatched']) elseif ch == "\" call s:shift_opts(opts, 'ig', vals['ignore_groups']) elseif ch == "\" if s:live if !empty(d) let ch = d break else let s:live = 0 endif else let s:live = 1 endif elseif c == "\" let opts['stl'] = 1 let opts['lm'] = 0 elseif c == "\" let opts['stl'] = 0 let opts['lm'] = 1 elseif c == "\" let opts['lm'] = 0 let opts['rm'] = 0 elseif c == "\" silent! call remove(opts, 'stl') silent! call remove(opts, 'lm') silent! call remove(opts, 'rm') elseif ch == "\" || ch == "\" let modes = tolower(s:input("Alignment ([lrc...][[*]*]): ", get(opts, 'a', mode), a:vis)) if match(modes, '^[lrc]\+\*\{0,2}$') != -1 let opts['a'] = modes let mode = modes[0] while mode != s:shift(a:modes, 1) endwhile else silent! call remove(opts, 'a') endif elseif ch == "\" || ch == "\" if s:live && regx && !empty(d) break endif let prompt = 'Regular expression: ' let ch = s:input(prompt, '', a:vis) if !empty(ch) && s:valid_regexp(ch) let regx = 1 let d = ch if !s:live | break | endif else let warn = 'Invalid regular expression: '.ch endif elseif ch == "\" let f = s:input("Filter (g/../ or v/../): ", get(opts, 'f', ''), a:vis) let m = matchlist(f, '^[gv]/\(.\{-}\)/\?$') if empty(f) silent! call remove(opts, 'f') elseif !empty(m) && s:valid_regexp(m[1]) let opts['f'] = f else let warn = 'Invalid filter expression' endif elseif ch =~ '[[:print:]]' let check = 1 else let warn = 'Invalid character' endif if check if empty(d) if has_key(a:rules, ch) let d = ch if !s:live if a:vis execute "normal! gv\" endif break endif else let warn = 'Unknown delimiter key: '.ch endif else if regx let warn = 'Press to finish' else if d == ch break else let warn = 'Press '''.d.''' again to finish' endif end endif endif endwhile if s:live let copts = call('s:summarize', output.summarize) let s:live = 0 let g:easy_align_last_command = s:echon('', n, regx, d, copts, '') let s:live = 1 end return [mode, n, ch, opts, regx] endfunction function! s:valid_regexp(regexp) try call matchlist('', a:regexp) catch return 0 endtry return 1 endfunction function! s:test_regexp(regexp) let regexp = empty(a:regexp) ? @/ : a:regexp if !s:valid_regexp(regexp) call s:exit('Invalid regular expression: '. regexp) endif return regexp endfunction let s:shorthand_regex = \ '\s*\%(' \ .'\(lm\?[0-9]\+\)\|\(rm\?[0-9]\+\)\|\(iu[01]\)\|\(\%(s\%(tl\)\?[01]\)\|[<>]\)\|' \ .'\(da\?[clr]\)\|\(\%(ms\?\|a\)[lrc*]\+\)\|\(i\%(dt\)\?[kdsn]\)\|\([gv]/.*/\)\|\(ig\[.*\]\)' \ .'\)\+\s*$' function! s:parse_shorthand_opts(expr) let opts = {} let expr = substitute(a:expr, '\s', '', 'g') let regex = '^'. s:shorthand_regex if empty(expr) return opts elseif expr !~ regex call s:exit("Invalid expression: ". a:expr) else let match = matchlist(expr, regex) for m in filter(match[ 1 : -1 ], '!empty(v:val)') for key in ['lm', 'rm', 'l', 'r', 'stl', 's', '<', '>', 'iu', 'da', 'd', 'ms', 'm', 'ig', 'i', 'g', 'v', 'a'] if stridx(tolower(m), key) == 0 let rest = strpart(m, len(key)) if key == 'i' | let key = 'idt' | endif if key == 'g' || key == 'v' let rest = key.rest let key = 'f' endif if key == 'idt' || index(['d', 'f', 'm', 'a'], key[0]) >= 0 let opts[key] = rest elseif key == 'ig' try let arr = eval(rest) if type(arr) == 3 let opts[key] = arr else throw 'Not an array' endif catch call s:exit("Invalid ignore_groups: ". a:expr) endtry elseif key =~ '[<>]' let opts['stl'] = key == '<' else let opts[key] = str2nr(rest) endif break endif endfor endfor endif return s:normalize_options(opts) endfunction function! s:parse_args(args) if empty(a:args) return ['', '', {}, 0] endif let n = '' let ch = '' let args = a:args let cand = '' let opts = {} " Poor man's option parser let idx = 0 while 1 let midx = match(args, '\s*{.*}\s*$', idx) if midx == -1 | break | endif let cand = strpart(args, midx) try let [l, r, c, k, s, d, n] = ['l', 'r', 'c', 'k', 's', 'd', 'n'] let [L, R, C, K, S, D, N] = ['l', 'r', 'c', 'k', 's', 'd', 'n'] let o = eval(cand) if type(o) == 4 let opts = o if args[midx - 1 : midx] == '\ ' let midx += 1 endif let args = strpart(args, 0, midx) break endif catch " Ignore endtry let idx = midx + 1 endwhile " Invalid option dictionary if len(substitute(cand, '\s', '', 'g')) > 2 && empty(opts) call s:exit("Invalid option: ". cand) else let opts = s:normalize_options(opts) endif " Shorthand option notation let sopts = matchstr(args, s:shorthand_regex) if !empty(sopts) let args = strpart(args, 0, len(args) - len(sopts)) let opts = extend(s:parse_shorthand_opts(sopts), opts) endif " Has /Regexp/? let matches = matchlist(args, '^\(.\{-}\)\s*/\(.*\)/\s*$') " Found regexp if !empty(matches) return [matches[1], s:test_regexp(matches[2]), opts, 1] else let tokens = matchlist(args, '^\([1-9][0-9]*\|-[0-9]*\|\*\*\?\)\?\s*\(.\{-}\)\?$') " Try swapping n and ch let [n, ch] = empty(tokens[2]) ? reverse(tokens[1:2]) : tokens[1:2] " Resolving command-line ambiguity " '\ ' => ' ' " '\' => ' ' if ch =~ '^\\\s*$' let ch = ' ' " '\\' => '\' elseif ch =~ '^\\\\\s*$' let ch = '\' endif return [n, ch, opts, 0] endif endfunction function! s:parse_filter(f) let m = matchlist(a:f, '^\([gv]\)/\(.\{-}\)/\?$') if empty(m) return [0, ''] else return [m[1] == 'g' ? 1 : -1, m[2]] endif endfunction function! s:interactive_modes(bang) return get(g:, \ (a:bang ? 'easy_align_bang_interactive_modes' : 'easy_align_interactive_modes'), \ (a:bang ? ['r', 'l', 'c'] : ['l', 'r', 'c'])) endfunction function! s:alternating_modes(mode) return a:mode ==? 'r' ? 'rl' : 'lr' endfunction function! s:update_lines(todo) for [line, content] in items(a:todo) call setline(line, s:rtrim(content)) endfor endfunction function! s:parse_nth(n) let n = a:n let recur = 0 if n == '*' | let [nth, recur] = [1, 1] elseif n == '**' | let [nth, recur] = [1, 2] elseif n == '-' | let nth = -1 elseif empty(n) | let nth = 1 elseif n == '0' || ( n != '-0' && n != string(str2nr(n)) ) call s:exit('Invalid N-th parameter: '. n) else let nth = n endif return [nth, recur] endfunction function! s:build_dict(delimiters, ch, regexp, opts) if a:regexp let dict = { 'pattern': a:ch } else if !has_key(a:delimiters, a:ch) call s:exit('Unknown delimiter key: '. a:ch) endif let dict = copy(a:delimiters[a:ch]) endif call extend(dict, a:opts) let ml = get(dict, 'left_margin', ' ') let mr = get(dict, 'right_margin', ' ') if type(ml) == 0 | let ml = repeat(' ', ml) | endif if type(mr) == 0 | let mr = repeat(' ', mr) | endif call extend(dict, { 'ml': ml, 'mr': mr }) let dict.pattern = get(dict, 'pattern', a:ch) let dict.delimiter_align = \ get(dict, 'delimiter_align', get(g:, 'easy_align_delimiter_align', 'r'))[0] let dict.indentation = \ get(dict, 'indentation', get(g:, 'easy_align_indentation', 'k'))[0] let dict.stick_to_left = \ get(dict, 'stick_to_left', 0) let dict.ignore_unmatched = \ get(dict, 'ignore_unmatched', get(g:, 'easy_align_ignore_unmatched', 2)) let dict.ignore_groups = \ get(dict, 'ignore_groups', get(dict, 'ignores', s:ignored_syntax())) let dict.filter = \ get(dict, 'filter', '') return dict endfunction function! s:build_mode_sequence(expr, recur) let [expr, recur] = [a:expr, a:recur] let suffix = matchstr(a:expr, '\*\+$') if suffix == '*' let expr = expr[0 : -2] let recur = 1 elseif suffix == '**' let expr = expr[0 : -3] let recur = 2 endif return [tolower(expr), recur] endfunction function! s:process(range, mode, n, ch, opts, regexp, rules, bvis) let [nth, recur] = s:parse_nth((empty(a:n) && exists('g:easy_align_nth')) ? g:easy_align_nth : a:n) let dict = s:build_dict(a:rules, a:ch, a:regexp, a:opts) let [mode_sequence, recur] = s:build_mode_sequence( \ get(dict, 'align', recur == 2 ? s:alternating_modes(a:mode) : a:mode), \ recur) let ve = &virtualedit set ve=all let args = [ \ {}, split(mode_sequence, '\zs'), \ {}, {}, a:range[0], a:range[1], \ a:bvis ? min([virtcol("'<"), virtcol("'>")]) : 1, \ (!recur && a:bvis) ? max([virtcol("'<"), virtcol("'>")]) : 0, \ nth, recur, dict ] let &ve = ve while len(args) > 1 let args = call('s:do_align', args) endwhile " todo: lines to update " summarize: arguments to s:summarize return { 'todo': args[0], 'summarize': [ a:opts, recur, mode_sequence ] } endfunction function s:summarize(opts, recur, mode_sequence) let copts = s:compact_options(a:opts) let nbmode = s:interactive_modes(0)[0] if !has_key(copts, 'a') && ( \ (a:recur == 2 && s:alternating_modes(nbmode) != a:mode_sequence) || \ (a:recur != 2 && (a:mode_sequence[0] != nbmode || len(a:mode_sequence) > 1)) \ ) call extend(copts, { 'a': a:mode_sequence }) endif return copts endfunction function! s:align(bang, live, visualmode, first_line, last_line, expr) " Heuristically determine if the user was in visual mode if a:visualmode == 'command' let vis = a:first_line == line("'<") && a:last_line == line("'>") let bvis = vis && visualmode() == "\" elseif empty(a:visualmode) let vis = 0 let bvis = 0 else let vis = 1 let bvis = a:visualmode == "\" end let range = [a:first_line, a:last_line] let modes = s:interactive_modes(a:bang) let mode = modes[0] let s:live = a:live let rules = s:easy_align_delimiters_default if exists('g:easy_align_delimiters') let rules = extend(copy(rules), g:easy_align_delimiters) endif let [n, ch, opts, regexp] = s:parse_args(a:expr) let bypass_fold = get(g:, 'easy_align_bypass_fold', 0) let ofm = &l:foldmethod try if bypass_fold | let &l:foldmethod = 'manual' | endif if empty(n) && empty(ch) || s:live let [mode, n, ch, opts, regexp] = s:interactive(range, copy(modes), n, ch, opts, rules, vis, bvis) endif if !s:live let output = s:process(range, mode, n, ch, s:normalize_options(opts), regexp, rules, bvis) call s:update_lines(output.todo) let copts = call('s:summarize', output.summarize) let g:easy_align_last_command = s:echon('', n, regexp, ch, copts, '') endif finally if bypass_fold | let &l:foldmethod = ofm | endif endtry endfunction function! easy_align#align(bang, live, visualmode, expr) range try call s:align(a:bang, a:live, a:visualmode, a:firstline, a:lastline, a:expr) catch /^\%(Vim:Interrupt\|exit\)$/ if empty(a:visualmode) echon "\r" echon "\r" else normal! gv endif endtry endfunction let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save