" Copyright (c) 2014 Junegunn Choi " " MIT License " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be " included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, " EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND " NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION " OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION " WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. if exists("g:loaded_easy_align_plugin") finish endif let g:loaded_easy_align_plugin = 1 command! -nargs=* -range -bang EasyAlign ,call easy_align#align(0, 0, 'command', ) command! -nargs=* -range -bang LiveEasyAlign ,call easy_align#align(0, 1, 'command', ) let s:last_command = 'EasyAlign' function! s:abs(v) return a:v >= 0 ? a:v : - a:v endfunction function! s:remember_visual(mode) let s:last_visual = [a:mode, s:abs(line("'>") - line("'<")), s:abs(col("'>") - col("'<"))] endfunction function! s:repeat_visual() let [mode, ldiff, cdiff] = s:last_visual let cmd = 'normal! '.mode if ldiff > 0 let cmd .= ldiff . 'j' endif let ve_save = &virtualedit try if mode == "\" if cdiff > 0 let cmd .= cdiff . 'l' endif set virtualedit+=block endif execute cmd.":\=g:easy_align_last_command\\" call s:set_repeat() finally if ve_save != &virtualedit let &virtualedit = ve_save endif endtry endfunction function! s:repeat_in_visual() if exists('g:easy_align_last_command') call s:remember_visual(visualmode()) call s:repeat_visual() endif endfunction function! s:set_repeat() silent! call repeat#set("\(EasyAlignRepeat)") endfunction function! s:generic_easy_align_op(type, vmode, live) if !&modifiable if a:vmode normal! gv endif return endif let sel_save = &selection let &selection = "inclusive" if a:vmode let vmode = a:type let [l1, l2] = ["'<", "'>"] call s:remember_visual(vmode) else let vmode = '' let [l1, l2] = [line("'["), line("']")] unlet! s:last_visual endif try let range = l1.','.l2 if get(g:, 'easy_align_need_repeat', 0) execute range . g:easy_align_last_command else execute range . "call easy_align#align(0, a:live, vmode, '')" end call s:set_repeat() finally let &selection = sel_save endtry endfunction function! s:easy_align_op(type, ...) call s:generic_easy_align_op(a:type, a:0, 0) endfunction function! s:live_easy_align_op(type, ...) call s:generic_easy_align_op(a:type, a:0, 1) endfunction function! s:easy_align_repeat() if exists('s:last_visual') call s:repeat_visual() else try let g:easy_align_need_repeat = 1 normal! . finally unlet! g:easy_align_need_repeat endtry endif endfunction nnoremap (EasyAlign) :set opfunc=easy_align_opg@ vnoremap (EasyAlign) :call easy_align_op(visualmode(), 1) nnoremap (LiveEasyAlign) :set opfunc=live_easy_align_opg@ vnoremap (LiveEasyAlign) :call live_easy_align_op(visualmode(), 1) " vim-repeat support nnoremap (EasyAlignRepeat) :call easy_align_repeat() vnoremap (EasyAlignRepeat) :call repeat_in_visual() " Backward-compatibility (deprecated) nnoremap (EasyAlignOperator) :set opfunc=easy_align_opg@