" ingo/external.vim: Functions to launch an external Vim instance. " " DEPENDENCIES: " - ingo/compat.vim autoload script " - ingo/os.vim autoload script " " Copyright: (C) 2013 Ingo Karkat " The VIM LICENSE applies to this script; see ':help copyright'. " " Maintainer: Ingo Karkat " " REVISION DATE REMARKS " 1.013.005 13-Sep-2013 Use operating system detection functions from " ingo/os.vim. " 1.012.004 08-Aug-2013 Move escapings.vim into ingo-library. " 1.004.003 09-Apr-2013 FIX: "E117: Unknown function: s:externalLaunch". " 1.002.002 25-Feb-2013 ENH: Allow to specify filespec of GVIM " executable. " 1.000.001 28-Jan-2013 file creation from DropQuery.vim let s:externalLaunch = (ingo#os#IsWindows() ? 'silent !start' : 'silent !') function! ingo#external#LaunchGvim( commands, ... ) execute s:externalLaunch . ' ' . (a:0 ? a:1 : 'gvim') join(map(a:commands, '"-c " . ingo#compat#shellescape(v:val, 1)')) endfunction " vim: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab ff=unix fdm=syntax :