" Test digesting various lists of strings. call vimtest#StartTap() call vimtap#Plan(11) call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'foo-boo-quux', \ ], '\A'), \ ['foo-'], 'Same first item') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'fox-bar-quux', \ ], '\A'), \ ['-bar-'], 'Same second item') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'fox-boo-baz', \ ], '\A'), \ ['-baz'], 'Same last item') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'foo-boo-baz', \ ], '\A'), \ ['foo-', '-baz'], 'Same first and last items') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-boo-baz', \ 'foo-boo-quux', \ ], '\A'), \ ['foo-boo-'], 'Same first and second items') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'foo-boo-quux', \ 'foo-boo-baz', \ ], '\A'), \ ['foo-'], 'Same first item, less frequent other items') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'foo-boo-quux', \ 'foo-boo-baz', \ ], '\A', 67), \ ['foo-'], 'Same first item, less frequent other items discarded by percentage') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'foo-bar-baz', \ 'foo-boo-quux', \ 'foo-boo-baz', \ ], '\A', 50), \ ['foo-boo-baz'], 'Same first item, less frequent other items accepted via percentage') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'a-long-list-of-various-stuff-and-so-see-here', \ 'the-long-list-has-various-things-in-here-and-nowhere', \ 'my-long-list-can-do-various-things-for-here-and-there', \ ], '\A'), \ ['-long-list-', '-various-', '-and-', 'here'], 'long list') " Note: 'here' loses its preceding separator because in other items is is grouped together with '-here-and-', so it's missing at that position. call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'the-long-list-has-various-things-in-here-and-nowhere', \ 'a-long-list-of-various-stuff-and-so-see-here', \ 'my-long-list-can-do-various-things-for-here-and-there', \ ], '\A'), \ ['-long-list-', '-various-', '-here-and'], 'long list, different ordering') call vimtap#Is(ingo#digest#Get( \ [ \ 'a-long-list-of-various-stuff-and-so-see-here', \ 'the-long-list-has-various-things-in-here-and-nowhere', \ 'my-long-list-can-do-various-things-for-here-and-there', \ ], '\A', 60), \ ['-long-list-', '-various-things-', '-here-and-'], 'long list with percentage') call vimtest#Quit()