" Test getting lines from a file that is updated and then deleted. let s:tempfile = tempname() call writefile(['foo', 'bar'], s:tempfile, 's') call vimtest#StartTap() call vimtap#Plan(4) call vimtap#Is(ingo#file#GetLines(s:tempfile), ['foo', 'bar'], 'Get tempfile') sleep 1 call writefile(['fox', 'booze', 'more'], s:tempfile, 's') call vimtap#Is(ingo#file#GetLines(s:tempfile), ['fox', 'booze', 'more'], 'Get updated tempfile') sleep 1 if delete(s:tempfile) != 0 call vimtap#BailOut('Failed to delete temp file: ' . s:tempfile) endif call vimtap#Is(ingo#file#GetLines(s:tempfile), [], 'Get deleted tempfile returns empty List') call vimtap#Is(ingo#file#GetCachedFilesByAge(), [], 'Nothing is cached any longer') call vimtest#Quit()