" Test removal of leading and trailing whitespace. call vimtest#StartTap() call vimtap#Plan(6) call vimtap#Is(ingo#str#Trim(''), '', 'no-op on empty string') call vimtap#Is(ingo#str#Trim('foo bar'), 'foo bar', 'no surrounding whitespace, inner kept intact') call vimtap#Is(ingo#str#Trim(' foo bar'), 'foo bar', 'remove just from front') call vimtap#Is(ingo#str#Trim('foo bar '), 'foo bar', 'remove just from back') call vimtap#Is(ingo#str#Trim("\t\t foo\tbar \t "), "foo\tbar", 'remove mixed surrounding whitespace') call vimtap#Is(ingo#str#Trim("\n\nfoo\n\nbar\n"), "foo\n\nbar", 'remove surrounding newlines') call vimtest#Quit()