" Test brace expansion. function! s:Call( text ) return join(ingo#subs#BraceExpansion#ExpandStrict(a:text), ' ') endfunction call vimtest#StartTap() call vimtap#Plan(18) call vimtap#Is(s:Call('fo{!,X,o}'), 'fo! foX foo', 'same prefix, different suffixes') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('fo{x,oy,obar}'), 'fox fooy foobar', 'same prefix, different length suffixes') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('{my,their,our}foo'), 'myfoo theirfoo ourfoo', 'different prefixes, same suffix') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('{my,their,our}fo{!,X,o}'), 'myfo! myfoX myfoo theirfo! theirfoX theirfoo ourfo! ourfoX ourfoo', 'different prefixes, different suffixes') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{1..3}'), 'foo1 foo2 foo3', 'same prefix, number sequence') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{1,2}'), 'foo1 foo2', 'same prefix, short number sequence') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{1..5..2}'), 'foo1 foo3 foo5', 'same prefix, number sequence with offset') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{{1..5..2},X}'), 'foo1 foo3 foo5 fooX', 'same prefix, number sequence with offset and suffix') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{{1..5..2},X}'), 'foo1 foo3 foo5 fooX', 'same prefix, number sequence with offset and suffix') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{{1..5..2},X,Y}'), 'foo1 foo3 foo5 fooX fooY', 'same prefix, number sequence with offset and suffixes') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{{1..5..2},{X..Z}}'), 'foo1 foo3 foo5 fooX fooY fooZ', 'same prefix, number sequence with offset and char sequence') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{{1..5..2},X,Y,Z,10,20,30,40}'), 'foo1 foo3 foo5 fooX fooY fooZ foo10 foo20 foo30 foo40', 'same prefix, number sequence with offset and char sequence and another number sequence (only first detected)') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{{X..Z},{1..5..2}}'), 'fooX fooY fooZ foo1 foo3 foo5', 'same prefix, char sequence and number sequence (not detected)') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('Foo{Has,Is,Can}Boo'), 'FooHasBoo FooIsBoo FooCanBoo', 'two commons in outside') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('{my,their,our}Foo{Has,Is,Can}Boo{Here,Now,More}'), 'myFooHasBooHere myFooHasBooNow myFooHasBooMore myFooIsBooHere myFooIsBooNow myFooIsBooMore myFooCanBooHere myFooCanBooNow myFooCanBooMore theirFooHasBooHere theirFooHasBooNow theirFooHasBooMore theirFooIsBooHere theirFooIsBooNow theirFooIsBooMore theirFooCanBooHere theirFooCanBooNow theirFooCanBooMore ourFooHasBooHere ourFooHasBooNow ourFooHasBooMore ourFooIsBooHere ourFooIsBooNow ourFooIsBooMore ourFooCanBooHere ourFooCanBooNow ourFooCanBooMore', 'two commons in the middle') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{\,bar\,,xy}'), 'foo,bar, fooxy', 'embedded commas') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{bar,\{O\},xy}'), 'foobar foo{O} fooxy', 'embedded braces in one word') call vimtap#Is(s:Call('foo{bar,\},\{,xy}'), 'foobar foo} foo{ fooxy', 'embedded braces in two words') call vimtest#Quit()