" ============================================================================ " File: preview.vim " Description: Vim global plugin to preview markup files(markdown,rdoc,textile) " Author: Sergey Potapov (aka Blake) " Version: 0.8 " Homepage: http://github.com/greyblake/vim-preview " License: GPLv2+ -- look it up. " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Sergey Potapov (aka Blake) " " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or " modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as " published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of " the License, or (at your option) any later version. " " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU " General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software " Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, " MA 02111-1307 USA " ============================================================================ " Set default options " NOTE: +uname+ external call takes the most of the time. Because of this " definition of defaults was moved to autoload from plugin directory. if(!exists('g:PreviewBrowsers')) if(system("uname") =~ "Darwin") let g:PreviewBrowsers = 'open,safari,firefox,chromium-browser,epiphany,google-chrome,opera' else let g:PreviewBrowsers = 'firefox,safari,chromium-browser,epiphany,google-chrome,opera' endif endif if(!exists('g:PreviewCSSPath')) let g:PreviewCSSPath = expand('') . '/../../stylesheets/preview.css' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewMarkdownExt')) let g:PreviewMarkdownExt = 'markdown,md,mkd,mkdn,mdown' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewTextileExt')) let g:PreviewTextileExt = 'textile' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewRdocExt')) let g:PreviewRdocExt = 'rdoc' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewHtmlExt')) let g:PreviewHtmlExt = 'html,htm,xht,xhtm,xhtml' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewRonnExt')) let g:PreviewRonnExt = 'ronn' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewRstExt')) let g:PreviewRstExt = 'rst,reStructuredText,restructuredtext' endif if(!exists('g:PreviewMarkdownFences')) let g:PreviewMarkdownFences = 1 endif function! s:load() ruby << END_OF_RUBY require 'singleton' require 'tempfile' require 'tmpdir' require 'rubygems' require 'shellwords' class Preview include Singleton EXT_OPTIONS = { :markdown => "g:PreviewMarkdownExt", :textile => "g:PreviewTextileExt", :rdoc => "g:PreviewRdocExt", :ronn => "g:PreviewRonnExt", :html => "g:PreviewHtmlExt", :rst => "g:PreviewRstExt" } OPTIONS = { :browsers => "g:PreviewBrowsers", :css_path => "g:PreviewCSSPath", :fenced_code_blocks => "g:PreviewMarkdownFences" }.merge!(EXT_OPTIONS) # defines the options that can be overridden with a buffer-local version BUFFER_OPTIONS = [:fenced_code_blocks] DEPENDECIES = { # :format => {:gem => 'name of gem' , :require => 'file to require'} :markdown => {:gem => 'redcarpet' , :require => 'redcarpet' }, :textile => {:gem => 'RedCloth' , :require => 'redcloth' }, :rdoc => {:gem => 'github-markup', :require => 'github/markup' }, :ronn => {:gem => 'ronn' , :require => 'ronn' }, :rst => {:gem => 'RbST' , :require => 'rbst' } } def show update_fnames EXT_OPTIONS.keys.each do |opt| if has_option(opt) and exts_match?(option(opt).split(',')) send "show_#{opt}" return end end error "don't know how to handle .#{filetype} format" rescue Exception => error puts "#{error.class}: #{error.message}" puts error.backtrace end def show_markdown return unless load_dependencies(:markdown) show_with(:browser) do exts = { :tables => true, :autolink => true, :lax_spacing => true } if has_option(:fenced_code_blocks) and option(:fenced_code_blocks).to_i != 0 exts[:fenced_code_blocks] = true end markdown = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::HTML, extensions = exts) wrap_html markdown.render(content) end end def show_html show_with(:browser){content} end def show_rdoc return unless load_dependencies(:rdoc) show_with(:browser) do wrap_html GitHub::Markup::RDoc.new(content).to_html end end def show_textile return unless load_dependencies(:textile) show_with(:browser) do wrap_html RedCloth.new(content).to_html end end # Syntax for Ronn::Document.new is different as it expects (content) to be a file # TODO: Work out how to read in a string. def show_ronn return unless load_dependencies(:ronn) show_with(:browser) do tmp_file = Tempfile.new(@base_name + ".ronn"){|f| f.write(content)} wrap_html Ronn::Document.new(tmp_file.path).to_html end end def show_rst return unless load_dependencies(:rst) show_with(:browser) do wrap_html RbST.new(content).to_html end end private # TODO: handle errors when app can't be opened def show_with(app_type, ext="html") fpath = tmp_write(ext, yield) app = get_apps_by_type(app_type).find{|app| which(app.split()[0]) } app_path = which(app.split()[0]) args = app.shellsplit()[1..-1] << fpath if app_path cmd = "#{app_path} #{args.shelljoin} &" VIM.command "call system('#{cmd}')" VIM.command "redraw" else error "any of applications you specified in #{OPTIONS[app_type_to_opt(app_type)]} are not available" end end def which(cmd) ENV['PATH'].split(':').each do |dir| fpath = File.join(dir, cmd) return fpath if File.executable?(fpath) end false end def update_fnames @filename = VIM::Buffer.current.name || Time.now.to_i.to_s @base_name = File.basename(@filename) @base_path = @filename.gsub(@base_name, "") end def get_apps_by_type(type) option(app_type_to_opt(type)).split(',') end def app_type_to_opt(type) case type when :browser :browsers else raise "Undefined application type #{type}" end end def exts_match?(exts) exts.find{|ext| ext.downcase == filetype.downcase} end def filetype update_fnames from_option = VIM.evaluate("&filetype") from_filename = @filename[/\.([^.]+)$/, 1] from_option.nil? ? from_filename : from_option end def tmp_write(ext, data) tmp = File.open(File.join(Dir::tmpdir, [@base_name,ext].join('.')), 'w') tmp.write(data) tmp.close tmp.path end def content text = "" VIM::Buffer.current.count.times do |i| text += VIM::Buffer.current[i+1] + "\n" end text end def error(msg) puts("Preview: #{msg}") end def wrap_html(body) <<-END_OF_HTML #{@base_name} #{css_tag} #{base_tag}
END_OF_HTML end def css_tag %Q() end def base_tag %Q{} end def option(name) raise "Unknown option #{name.inspect}" unless OPTIONS.keys.include?(name) var = OPTIONS[name] if BUFFER_OPTIONS.include?(name) bvar = "b:" + var[/^g:(.*)$/, 1] var = bvar if VIM.evaluate("exists('#{bvar}')") != 0 end VIM.evaluate(var) end def has_option(name) raise "Unknown option #{name.inspect}" unless OPTIONS.keys.include?(name) var = OPTIONS[name] if BUFFER_OPTIONS.include?(name) bvar = "b:" + var[/^g:(.*)$/, 1] return true if VIM.evaluate("exists('#{bvar}')") != 0 end VIM.evaluate("exists('#{var}')") != 0 end def load_dependencies(format) require DEPENDECIES[format][:require] true rescue LoadError error "To preview #{format} format you need to install #{DEPENDECIES[format][:gem]} gem" false end end END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! s:init() if(!(exists('s:loaded') && s:loaded)) call s:load() let s:loaded = 1 endif endfunction function! preview#show() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! preview#show_markdown() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show_markdown END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! preview#show_textile() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show_textile END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! preview#show_rdoc() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show_rdoc END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! preview#show_html() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show_html END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! preview#show_ronn() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show_ronn END_OF_RUBY endfunction function! preview#show_rst() call s:init() ruby << END_OF_RUBY Preview.instance.show_rst END_OF_RUBY endfunction