fun! vm#region#init() let s:V = b:VM_Selection let s:v = s:V.Vars let s:G = s:V.Global let s:F = s:V.Funcs let s:X = { -> g:VM.extend_mode } let s:R = { -> s:V.Regions } let s:Byte = { pos -> s:F.pos2byte(pos) } let s:lcol = { ln -> len(getline(ln)) } let s:B = { -> s:v.block_mode && g:VM.extend_mode } endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Region class """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " A new region will only been created if not already existant " b:VM_Selection (= s:V) contains Regions, Matches, Vars (= s:v = plugin variables) " s:V.Global : holds the Global class methods " s:V.Regions : contains the regions with their contents """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! vm#region#new(cursor, ...) "---------------------------------------------------------------------- if a:0 if a:0 == 2 "making a new region from offsets let a = byte2line(a:1) | let c = a:1 - line2byte(a) let b = byte2line(a:2) | let d = a:2 - line2byte(b) else "making a new region from positions let a = a:1 | let b = a:2 | let c = a:3 | let d = a:4 endif | endif "---------------------------------------------------------------------- let cursor = a:cursor || ( a:0 && c==d && a==b ) "cursor or region? if !g:VM.is_active | call vm#init_buffer(cursor) | endif "activate if needed if !a:0 | let R = "create region else | let R =, a, b, c, d) endif "---------------------------------------------------------------------- "update region index and ID count let s:v.index = R.index | let s:v.ID += 1 "keep regions list ordered if empty(s:R()) || s:R()[s:v.index-1].A < R.A call add(s:R(), R) else let i = 0 for r in s:R() if r.A >= R.A call insert(s:R(), R, i) break endif let i += 1 endfor let s:v.index = i call s:G.update_indices(i) endif if s:v.active_group call add(s:V.Groups[s:v.active_group], R) endif call s:G.update_cursor_highlight() return R endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let s:Region = {} fun!, ...) """Initialize region variables and methods. " " Uppercase variables (A,B,K) are for byte offsets, except L (end line). " a/b/k/l/L : start, end, anchor, first line, end line " R.cur_col() : returns the current cursor column(a or b), based on direction. " R.cur_Col() : cur_col() in byte offset form " R.cur_ln() : the line where cur_col() is located " R.char() : returns the char under the active head, '' in cursor mode. " : an individual incremental id, that will never change. " R.dir : is the current orientation for the region. " R.txt : is the text content. " R.pat : is the search pattern associated with the region " R.matches : holds the highlighting matches let R = copy(self) let R.index = len(s:R()) let R.dir = s:v.direction let = s:v.ID + 1 let = s:v.active_group let R.A_ = { -> line2byte(R.l) + R.a } let R.B_ = { -> line2byte(R.L) + R.b } let R.cur_ln = { -> R.dir ? R.L : R.l } let R.cur_col = { -> R.dir ? R.b : R.a } let R.cur_Col = { -> R.cur_col() == R.b ? R.B : R.A } let R.char = { -> s:X()? getline(R.l)[R.cur_col()-1] : '' } let R.matches = {'region': [], 'cursor': 0} if !a:0 && a:cursor "/////////// CURSOR //////////// call s:region_vars(R, 1) elseif !a:0 "/////////// REGION //////////// call s:region_vars(R, 0) else "///////// FROM ARGS /////////// call s:region_vars(R, a:cursor, a:1, a:2, a:3, a:4) endif call add(s:v.IDs_list, if ! call R.highlight() endif call R.update_bytes_map() return R endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.empty() dict return self.A == self.B endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.bytes(...) dict """Update [l, L, a, b] from the new offsets. "args: either new offsets A & B, or list [A shift, B shift] let r = self if a:0 > 1 | let r.A = a:1 | let r.B = a:2 elseif a:0 | let r.A += a:1[0] | let r.B += a:1[1] | endif let r.l = byte2line(r.A) let r.a = r.A - line2byte(r.l) let r.L = byte2line(r.B) let r.b = r.B - line2byte(r.L) "fix for empty lines if !r.a | let r.a = 1 | let r.l -= 1 | endif if !r.b | let r.b = 1 | let r.L -= 1 | endif if ! | call r.update() | endif return [r.l, r.L, r.a, r.b] endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Remove region """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.remove() dict """Remove a region and its id, then update indices.""" call self.remove_highlight() call remove(s:R(), self.index) call remove(s:v.IDs_list, index(s:v.IDs_list, if len(s:R()) | call s:G.update_indices() else | let s:v.index = -1 | endif if s:v.index >= len(s:R()) | let s:v.index = len(s:R()) - 1 | endif return self endfun fun! s:Region.clear(...) dict """Called if it's necessary to clear the byte map as well.""" call self.remove_from_byte_map(a:0) return self.remove() endfun fun! s:Region.remove_from_byte_map(all) dict """Remove a region from the bytes map.""" if !s:X() | return | endif if a:all for b in range(self.A, self.B) | call remove(s:V.Bytes, b) | endfor else for b in range(self.A, self.B) if s:V.Bytes[b] > 1 | let s:V.Bytes[b] -= 1 else | call remove(s:V.Bytes, b) | endif endfor endif endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.get_text() dict """UNUSED: Get text content between A and B offsets. let r = self if r.h == 0 | return getline(r.l)[r.a-1:r.b-1] | endif if r.h == 1 | return \ getline(r.l)[(r.a)-1:(s:lcol(r.l))-1] . getline(r.L)[:r.b-1] | endif for ln in range(self.h) endfor endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Region motions """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "NOTE: these lambdas aren't really used much for now. let s:forward = { -> index(['w', 'W', 'e', 'E', 'l', 'j', 'f', 't', '$'], s:motion[0]) >=0} let s:backwards = { -> index(['b', 'B', 'F', 'T', 'h', 'k', '0', '^'], s:motion[0]) >=0} let s:simple = { -> index(['h', 'j', 'k', 'l'], s:motion[0]) >=0} let s:extreme = { -> index(['$', '0', '^'], s:motion[0]) >=0} let s:vertical = { -> index(['j', 'k'], s:motion[0]) >=0} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.move(...) dict let s:motion = a:0? a:1 : s:v.motion "set vertical column if motion is j or k if s:vertical() && !s:v.vertical_col | let s:v.vertical_col = virtcol('.') elseif !s:vertical() | let s:v.vertical_col = 0 | endif if !s:X() call s:move_cursor(self) else call s:move_region(self) endif endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:move_cursor(r) """If not in extend mode, just move the cursors.""" call cursor(a:r.l, a:r.a) exe "keepjumps normal! ".s:motion "keep line or column if s:vertical() | call s:keep_vertical_col(a:r) elseif !s:v.multiline | call s:keep_line(a:r, line('.')) | endif call a:r.update_cursor(getpos('.')[1:2]) endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:keep_line(r, ln) """Ensure line boundaries aren't crossed. Force cursor merging.""" let r = a:r if ( a:ln > r.l ) | call cursor ( r.l, col([r.l, '$'])-1 ) | let s:v.merge = s:X()? s:v.merge : 1 elseif ( a:ln < r.l ) | call cursor ( r.l, col([r.l, 1]) ) | let s:v.merge = s:X()? s:v.merge : 1 else | call cursor ( r.l, col('.') ) endif endfun """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:keep_vertical_col(r) """Keep the vertical column if moving vertically.""" let vcol = s:v.vertical_col let ln = line('.') let endline = (col('$') > 1)? col('$') - 1 : 1 if ( vcol < endline ) call cursor ( ln, s:v.vertical_col ) elseif ( a:r.cur_col() < endline ) call cursor ( ln, endline ) endif endfun """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:move_region(r) let r = a:r | let a = r.a | let b = r.b | let up = 0 | let down = 0 "move the cursor to the current head and perform the motion call cursor(r.cur_ln(), r.cur_col()) exe "keepjumps normal! ".s:motion if s:vertical() | call s:keep_vertical_col(r) | endif "check the line let nl = line('.') if !s:v.multiline | call s:keep_line(r, nl) elseif nl < r.l | let r.l = nl elseif nl > r.L | let r.L = nl elseif nl > r.l && r.cur_ln() == r.l | let r.l = nl elseif nl < r.L && r.cur_ln() == r.L | let r.L = nl endif "get the new position and see if there's been inversion let new = col('.') | let New = s:Byte('.') let went_back = ( New < r.K ) && ( New < r.cur_Col() ) let went_forth = ( New >= r.K ) && ( New >= r.cur_Col() ) "assign new values if s:v.block_mode call s:V.Block.positions(r, new, went_back, went_forth) | return | endif if went_back let r.dir = 0 let r.a = new let r.b = r.k elseif went_forth let r.dir = 1 let r.b = new let r.a = r.k elseif r.dir let r.b = new else let r.a = new endif call r.update_region() endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Update functions """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.update() dict if s:X() | call self.update_region() else | call self.update_cursor() | endif endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.update_cursor(...) dict """Update cursor vars from position [line, col] or offset.""" let r = self if a:0 && !type(a:1) | let r.l = byte2line(a:1) | let r.a = a:1 - line2byte(r.l) elseif a:0 | let r.l = a:1[0] | let r.a = a:1[1] | endif call s:fix_pos(r) call self.update_vars() endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.update_content() dict """Yank region content if in extend mode.""" call cursor(self.l, self.a) | keepjumps normal! m[ call cursor(self.L, self.b+1) | silent keepjumps normal! m]`[y`] let self.txt = getreg(s:v.def_reg) if s:v.multiline && self.b == col([self.L, '$']) let self.txt .= "\n" endif let self.pat = s:pattern(self) endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.update_region(...) dict """Update the main region positions.""" let r = self if a:0 == 4 | let r.l = a:1 | let r.L = a:2 | let r.a = a:3 | let r.b = a:4 elseif a:0 let a = r.a_() | let r.l = a[0] | let r.a = a[1] let b = r.b_() | let r.L = b[0] | let r.b = b[1] | endif call s:fix_pos(r) call self.update_vars() call self.update_content() endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.update_vars() dict """Update the rest of the region vars.""" let r = self let s:v.index = r.index " "--------- cursor mode ---------------------------- if !s:X() let r.L = r.l | let r.b = r.a let r.A = r.A_() | let r.B = r.A let r.k = r.a | let r.K = r.A let r.w = 1 | let r.h = 0 let r.txt = '' | let r.pat = s:pattern(r) "--------- extend mode ---------------------------- else let r.A = r.A_() | let r.B = r.B_() let r.w = r.B - r.A + 1 | let r.h = r.L - r.l let r.k = r.dir? r.a : r.b | let r.K = r.dir? r.A : r.B call r.update_bytes_map() endif endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Highlight functions """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:Region.highlight() dict """Create the highlight entries.""" if | return | endif | let R = self "------------------ cursor mode ---------------------------- if !s:X() let R.matches.cursor = matchaddpos('MultiCursor', [[R.l, R.a]], 40) return endif "------------------ extend mode ---------------------------- let max = R.L - R.l let region = [] let cursor = [R.cur_ln(), R.cur_col()] "single line skip the for loop if !max | let region = [[R.l, R.a, R.w]] | else | let max += 1 | endif "define highlight for n in range(max) let line = n==0 ? [R.l, R.a, len(getline(R.l))] : \ n eol | let r.a = eol? eol : 1 | endif if r.b > eoL | let r.b = eoL? eoL : 1 | endif else if r.a > eol+1 | let r.a = eol? eol+1 : 1 | endif if r.b > eoL+1 | let r.b = eoL? eoL+1 : 1 | endif endif endfun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fun! s:region_vars(r, cursor, ...) let R = a:r if !a:0 && a:cursor "/////////// CURSOR //////////// let R.l = getpos('.')[1] " line let R.L = R.l let R.a = getpos('.')[2] " position let R.b = R.a call s:fix_pos(R) if s:B() && s:v.block[1] && s:v.block[0] if R.dir && R.a > s:v.block[0] let R.a = s:v.block[0] let R.b = s:v.block[1] elseif !R.dir && R.b < s:v.block[0] let R.b = s:v.block[0] let R.a = s:v.block[1] endif endif let R.A = R.A_() " byte offset a let R.B = R.B_() " byte offset b let R.w = R.B - R.A + 1 " width let R.h = R.L - R.l " height let R.k = R.dir? R.a : R.b " anchor let R.K = R.dir? R.A : R.B " anchor offset let R.txt = R.char() " character under cursor in extend mode let R.pat = s:pattern(R) elseif !a:0 "/////////// REGION //////////// let R.l = getpos("'[")[1] " starting line let R.L = getpos("']")[1] " ending line let R.a = getpos("'[")[2] " begin let R.b = getpos("']")[2] " end call s:fix_pos(R) let R.A = R.A_() " byte offset a let R.B = R.B_() " byte offset b let R.w = R.B - R.A + 1 " width let R.h = R.L - R.l " height let R.k = R.dir? R.a : R.b " anchor let R.K = R.dir? R.A : R.B " anchor offset let R.txt = getreg(s:v.def_reg) " text content let R.pat = s:pattern(R) " associated search pattern else "///////// FROM ARGS /////////// let R.l = a:1 let R.L = a:2 let R.a = a:3 let R.b = a:4 call s:fix_pos(R) let R.A = R.A_() " byte offset a let R.B = R.B_() " byte offset b let R.w = R.B - R.A + 1 " width let R.h = R.L - R.l " height let R.k = R.dir? R.a : R.b " anchor let R.K = R.dir? R.A : R.B " anchor offset call R.update_content() endif endfun