VimOutliner is an outline processor with many of the same features as Grandview, More, Thinktank, Ecco, etc. Features include tree expand/collapse, tree promotion/demotion, level sensitive colors, interoutline linking, and body text. What sets VimOutliner apart from the rest is that it's been constructed from the ground up for fast and easy authoring. Keystrokes are quick and easy, especially for someone knowing the Vim editor. VimOutliner can be used without the mouse (but is supported to the extent that Vim supports the mouse). Many of the VimOutliner commands start with a double comma ",," because that's very quick to type. All VimOutliner files have the ".otl" extension. For an overview of the VimOutliner commands you can type ":h vo_cheatsheet" when you have opened an otl file. For help on VimOutliner type ":h vo". * Usage VimOutliner has been reported to help with the following tasks: - Project management - Password wallet - To-do lists - Account and cash book - 'Plot device' for writing novels - Inventory control - Hierarchical database - Web site managment * Characteristics - Fast and effective - Fully integrated with Vim - Extensible through plugins - Many post-processing scripts allow exporting to multiple formats - Extensive documentation For more information on the use of VimOutliner see the README.detailed file in this directory. Installation details To install from the zip file in this page do the following (exchange "x" with version number from the package you have downloaded): $ unzip $ cd vimoutliner-0.3.x $ sh gzip and vimball archives are available here: To install from the gzip archive follow these steps: $ tar -xzvf vimoutliner-0.3.x.tgz $ cd vimoutliner-0.3.x $ sh Installing from the vimball archive does not require of external utilities, just open vimoutliner-0.3.x.vba with Vim and type the following command to install in your home vim folder: :so % If you want to install it in other folder use the following command: :UseVimball path/to/folder NOTE: If you install from a vimball archive you need to set the executable permissions for the scripts in ~/vim/vimoutliner/script (like chmod +x