*vo_cheatsheet.txt* Last change: 2011-03-01 VIMOUTLINER CHEAT SHEET~ This overview has Vimoutliner specific commands for the available operations. Remember that all Vim commands can be performed in Vimoutliner files. This is especially useful for copy, paste, moving around and similar commands. For more extensive descriptions of command uses in Vimoutliner do ':h vo-command'. |vo-command| List format explained: [command] [mode] [description] CHECKBOXES~ ,,cb normal Insert a check box on the current line/range ,,cx normal Toggle check box state (percentage aware) ,,cd normal Delete check boxes ,,c% normal Create a check box with percentage placeholder ,,cp normal Create a check box with percentage placeholder on all headings ,,cz normal Compute completion for the tree below the current heading. EXECUTABLE LINES~ ,,e normal Execute the executable tag line under cursor FOLDING~ ,,1 all set foldlevel=0 ,,2 all set foldlevel=1 ,,3 all set foldlevel=2 ,,4 all set foldlevel=3 ,,5 all set foldlevel=4 ,,6 all set foldlevel=5 ,,7 all set foldlevel=6 ,,8 all set foldlevel=7 ,,9 all set foldlevel=8 ,,0 all set foldlevel=99999 FORMATTING~ ,,- all Draw dashed line ,,s normal Sort sub-tree under cursor ascending ,,S normal Sort sub-tree under cursor descending ,,B normal Make body text start with a space ,,b normal Make body text start with a colon and space >> normal Demote headline << normal Promote headline insert Demote headline insert Promote headline Q normal Reformat (Synonym for gq) OTHER~ ,,f normal Directory listing of the current directory ,,w insert Save changes and return to insert mode ,,D all VimOutliner reserved command TAGGING/INTEROUTLINE~ normal Follow tag/interoutline (Synonym for Ctrl+]) normal Return from tag (Synonym for Ctrl+T) TIME AND DATE~ ,,t normal Append timestamp (HH:MM:SS) to heading ,,T normal Pre-pend timestamp (HH:MM:SS) to heading ,,t insert Insert timestamp (HH:MM:SS) at cursor ,,d normal Append datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD) to heading ,,d insert Insert datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD) at cursor ,,D normal Pre-pend datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD) to heading vim:set filetype=help textwidth=78: