" made by Michael Scherer ( misc@mandrake.org ) " $Id: svn.vim 282 2005-01-31 21:24:55Z misc $ " " 2004-09-13 : Lukas Ruf ( lukas.ruf@lpr.ch ) " - re-ordered windows " - set focus on svn-commit.tmp (that's where one has to write) " - set buffer type of new window to 'nofile' to fix 'TODO' " " 2005-01-31 : " - autoclose on exit, thanks to Gintautas Miliauskas ( gintas@akl.lt ) " and tips from Marius Gedminas ( mgedmin@b4net.lt ) " " 2005-02-08 : " - rewrite in pure vim function, from Kyosuke Takayama ( support@mc.neweb.ne.jp ) " - simplified installation instruction, from Marius Gedminas ( mgedmin@b4net.lt ) " " 2005-02-11 : " - reindent with space, asked by Marius Gedminas ( mgedmin@b4net.lt ) " - do not preview if no file are diffed, patch from Marius Gedminas. " " to use it, place it in ~/.vim/ftplugins ( create the directory if it doesn't exist ) function! Svn_diff_windows() let i = 0 let list_of_files = '' while i <= line('$') && getline(i) != '--This line, and those below, will be ignored--' && getline(i) != "-- Diese und die folgenden Zeilen werden ignoriert --" let i = i + 1 endwhile while i <= line('$') let line = getline(i) if line =~ '^[AM]' let file = substitute(line, '\v^[AM]M?\s*[+]?\s*(.*)\s*$', '\1', '') let file = "'".substitute(file, "'", "'\''", '')."'" let list_of_files = list_of_files . ' '.file endif let i = i + 1 endwhile if list_of_files == "" return endif pclose new " autocmd bufenter * if ( &buftype == "nofile" ) | q | endif silent! setlocal ft=diff previewwindow bufhidden=delete nobackup noswf nobuflisted nowrap buftype=nofile exe ':r!LANG=C svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x -up ' . list_of_files setlocal nomodifiable goto 1 redraw! wincmd R wincmd p " goto 1 redraw! syn on endfunction function! s:empty_commit_message() return getline(1) == '' && (getline(2) =~ '^--This line.*ignored--' || getline(2) =~ '^-- Diese und die.*ignoriert --' ) endfunction set nowarn call Svn_diff_windows() if v:version >= 700 let filename = findfile('.svnheader', '.;') if filereadable(filename) && s:empty_commit_message() mark ' :exec "0read " . filename '' endif endif set nowb