" Txtfmt: Set of Vim plugins (syntax, ftplugin, plugin) for creating and " displaying formatted text with Vim. " File: This is the txtfmt ftplugin file, which contains mappings and " functions for working with the txtfmt color/formatting tokens. " Creation: 2004 Nov 06 " Last Change: 2008 May 10 " Maintainer: Brett Pershing Stahlman " License: This file is placed in the public domain. "echoerr "Sourcing ftplugin..." " Let the common code know whether this is syntax file or ftplugin let s:script_name = 'ftplugin' " Function: s:Add_undo() <<< " Purpose: Add the input string to the b:undo_ftplugin variable. (e.g., unmap " commands, etc...) " Return: none " NOTE: This cannot be in common config, since it is called even when common " config is being skipped for this script. fu! s:Add_undo(s) if !exists('b:undo_ftplugin') let b:undo_ftplugin = '' let add_sep = 0 elseif b:undo_ftplugin !~ '^\s*$' let add_sep = 1 else let add_sep = 0 endif let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin.(add_sep!=0?'|':'').a:s endfu " >>> " plugin load considerations <<< " Important Note: I intentionally skip the standard check for " exists("b:did_ftplugin") because I want to make it easy for txtfmt user to " load txtfmt ftplugin after another ftplugin. The standard check would " make this more difficult. " NOTE: Vim bug? in ftplugin.vim will cause error if you set b:undo_ftplugin " but not b:did_ftplugin. " Yes. It is a bug. It's been fixed, but don't count on it, since we want it " to work for version 6.3... let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Don't source the ftplugin again for same buffer, as it will cause errors due " to . Note that this is important now that I've removed the check on " b:did_ftplugin. if exists("b:loaded_txtfmt") finish endif let b:loaded_txtfmt = 1 " Ensure that b:loaded_txtfmt is unlet whenever an ftplugin is about to be " loaded. " Note: Originally, I initialized b:undo_ftplugin to the empty string. The " problem with doing so, however, is that it clobbers undo actions defined by " a previously sourced ftplugin. Recall that txtfmt is designed to be used in " combination with other filetypes (e.g., by using the dot-separated filetype " name mechanism). " Note: Don't unlet b:did_ftplugin, as standard ftplugin.vim does this call s:Add_undo('unlet! b:loaded_txtfmt') " >>> " Set compatibility options <<< " (set to Vim defaults to avoid errors with line continuation) let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " >>> " Common Configuration <<< " Note: No point in having the modeline and/or global options processed by " both the syntax and ftplugin files. " IMPORTANT: Everything inside the "Common Configuration" fold should be " identical between the syntax and ftplugin files. Keep in sync as changes are " made... if !exists('b:txtfmt_did_common_config') " Note: An unlet of b:txtfmt_did_common_config is intentionally NOT added " to b:undo_ftplugin. If it were unlet by b:undo_ftplugin, we would " generally do common configuration twice, since the standard setup will " source b:undo_ftplugin between the loading of syntax and filetype " plugins. In order for the mechanism to work properly, " b:txtfmt_did_common_config needs to be unlet before either syntax or " filetype plugin is loaded. There are currently several ways to get this " to happen: :e[dit], :b[delete], :Refresh let b:txtfmt_did_common_config = 1 " Ensure that the code within plugin/txtfmt.vim will be executed when the " file is sourced. let b:txtfmt_do_common_config = 1 " TODO - Should we ensure that warning occurs for missing file? runtime plugin/txtfmt.vim " Make sure the common config doesn't run again unlet b:txtfmt_do_common_config endif " >>> " Note on writing to b:undo_ftplugin <<< " Regardless of who did the common config, it is ESSENTIAL that only the " ftplugin write to b:undo_ftplugin, as ftplugin.vim function LoadFTPlugin() " can run between sourcing of syntax file and sourcing of ftplugin file, and " when it does, if b:undo_ftplugin exists, it will attempt to unlet both it " and did_ftplugin. Problem is two-fold. Whatever syntax file has written to " undo_ftplugin is lost, and worse, did_ftplugin may not exist at that point. " If it does not, the "unlet" without the ! will generate error! Note: Bram " said he would fix this in distributed version, but everyone will still have " the old for awhile... " >>> " Script-local functions <<< " Function: s:SID() <<< " Purpose: Returns the SID number of this script. (help ) " Note: This function is taken directly from the Vim help. fu! s:SID() return matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze_SID$') endfu " >>> " Function: s:Prep_for_single_quotes() <<< " Description: Double all single-quotes in the input string to prepare it for " insertion within single quotes in a string that will be exec'ed. (:help " literal-string) fu! s:Prep_for_single_quotes(s) return substitute(a:s, "'", "''", 'g') endfu " >>> " Function: s:Move_cursor() <<< " Purpose: Move the cursor right or left (within the current line) by the " specified number of characters positions. Note that character positions are " not always the same as screen columns, and are certainly not always the same " as byte positions. " IMPORTANT NOTE: This function was designed to effect the cursor position " offset specified by the '.' in a fmt/clr spec. Because of the way the " offsets are calculated in the caller (Insert_tokstr), the raw offset may " need to be adjusted by one character due to (for example) the impossibility " of positioning cursor before BOL. The logic for doing this should be " multi-byte aware. Although such logic could be implemented in this " function's caller, there is no reason to have it in both functions. The " logic in Insert_tokstr may be simplified if this function is made simply to " move as far as possible on the current line in the specified direction, in " cases in which the offset as specified is too large. " Note: As a general rule, character positions correspond to screen columns; " in some cases, however, a single character may occupy multiple screen " columns (e.g. a tab). Also, there may be cases in which multiple characters " occupy a single screen column (e.g. a base character followed by combining " characters). " Method: Begin moving in the specified direction a single byte at a time. " Each time a byte position change results in a screen position change of *at " least* one column, consider that we have moved by exactly one character. " This strategy ensures that a tab will be considered a single character " (unless 'virtualedit' is set), as will the combination of a base character " and its associated combining characters. (Note, however, that such special " cases should not generally be an issue because this function was designed to " handle offsets in sequences of txtfmt tokens, which should not include tabs " or combining characters.) " Inputs: " off - Absolute value specifies number of character positions to " move. Sign specifies the direction: " pos. ==> right, neg. ==> left " Return: The difference between the number of characters positions we were " requested to move and the number of character positions we actually moved; " i.e., zero indicates no problem executing the requested move. " Error: Not possible. Since this function is used only internally, " questionable inputs are silently converted to safe ones. fu! s:Move_cursor(off) " Convert the signed offset that was input to a direction and magnitude. if a:off < 0 let off = -a:off let inc = -1 else let off = a:off let inc = 1 endif " Are we moving rightward? if inc == 1 " Determine the current mode, which determines the right-most valid " position on the line. let mode = mode() " Determine the last byte on which cursor may be positioned. " (In insert mode, cursor may be positioned just after the last byte.) let last_col = mode =~ 'i' ? virtcol('$') : virtcol('$') - 1 "echomsg 'mode='.mode.' last_col='.last_col endif " Determine starting byte and screen column location. let col = col('.') let vcol_prev = virtcol('.') " Keep track of how many character positions we've moved. let moved = 0 " Loop until we reach desired location while moved < off " Determine next byte position. (Next byte may or may not belong to a " different character.) let col = col + inc " Make sure we're not about to move too far. if inc == 1 " Moving rightward if col > last_col " Can't move any further right! break endif else " Moving leftward if col < 1 " Can't move any further left! break endif endif " Adjust cursor pos to new byte position call cursor(0, col) " Determine new virtual col let vcol = virtcol('.') " Has screen position changed since last time through? if vcol_prev != vcol let moved = moved + 1 endif " Save the virtual column for next time let vcol_prev = vcol endwhile " Return the number of character positions *not* moved (usually 0) return off - moved endfu " >>> " Function: s:Insert_tokstr() <<< " Called_from: 'insert' or 'normal' mode mapping " Purpose: Insert the fmt/clr token sequence specified by tokstr at the cursor " location. Tokstr should be one of the following: " -a literal (already translated) token sequence with offset prepended (just " as it would have been returned by s:Translate_fmt_clr_spec) " -an untranslated fmt/clr spec. " -empty string (in which case, user will be prompted to enter a fmt/clr spec) " After any required translations, this function ensures that the token " sequence is inserted into the buffer (at a location determined by 'cmd' " argument). It accomplishes the token insertion in one of two ways, depending " upon current mode: " 'insert': Returns the token sequence to be inserted (since the assumption is " that this function has been invoked from an expression register " (=)). " 'normal': Uses the specified 'cmd' in conjunction with normal!. " Originally, this function was also responsible for moving the cursor " to the inter-token position indicated by the (optional) dot replacing one of " the commas in the fmt/clr spec. This could be done only because all " insertions (including ones from 'insert' mode) were accomplished within this " function using normal! That implementation, however, (specifically, the " use of normal! from within an insert-mode mapping) caused problems with " respect to an active count applied to the preceding enter-insert command " (the one that started the insert from which mapping was invoked). Thus, the " cursor adjustment functionality has been moved to a separate function " (s:Adjust_cursor), invoked from the mapping after this function has " returned. Since the offset governing cursor adjustment is determined within " this function, we use static variables s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off and " s:Adjust_cursor_modestr to communicate the information to s:Adjust_cursor. " Inputs: " tokstr - raw (un-translated) fmt/clr spec to insert. If empty, user " will be prompted for fmt/clr spec list. " cmd - [iIaAoOs] - Vim command used (conceptually, at least) to " insert the token string. Note that in some cases, the current " mode will determine how the tokens are actually inserted. " literal - nonzero if the input tokstr comprises an offset followed by " the literal fmt/clr tokens; i.e., if it needs no translation. " (This might be the case if this routine is called from a " user-defined mapping.) " Note: When this flag is set, the input tokstr should be in the " form returned by s:Translate_fmt_clr_spec. " end_in_norm - nonzero if it is desired that we end up in normal mode after " map completion. (Most 'insert-token' commands have an " alternate form that causes this flag to be set) " v:count1 If greater than 1 and mode is normal, indicates the count to " be used with the normal mode command used to insert the " tokens. " Note: Used only when a:1 is not supplied. " a:1 If supplied, represents the count to be used with the normal " mode command that inserts the tokens. (Needed when this " function is called from a user-map) " Return: Depends upon mode from which we are called: " 'insert': Returns the inserted string, since we have been called from an " expression register (=). " 'normal': Returns an empty string. " Error: Use echoerr with meaningful error message, as this function is " generally invoked directly from mapping. " Assumptions: Cursor position and mode unchanged from when map was invoked " Vim trivia: col('.') and col('$') return 1 for empty line fu! s:Insert_tokstr(tokstr, cmd, literal, end_in_norm, ...) " Declare modifiable version of input parameter let tokstr = a:tokstr " Ensure that if we return without inserting any tokens (i.e. because user " canceled the operation), s:Adjust_cursor will not attempt to do " anything. unlet! s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off unlet! s:Adjust_cursor_modestr " Assumption: If a:literal is true, input tokstr has already been " translated and validated by s:Translate_fmt_clr_spec, and in fact, is " exactly the string returned by that function; hence, validation will not " be performed here. if !a:literal if tokstr == '' " Prompt user for special fmt/clr spec string let tokstr = s:Prompt_fmt_clr_spec() " Strip surrounding whitespace, which is ignored. " Note: Only surrounding whitespace is ignored! Whitespace not " permitted within fmt/clr spec list. let tokstr = substitute(tokstr, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', 'g') " Check for Cancel request if tokstr == '' " Note that nothing about position or mode has changed at this point return '' endif endif " Translate and validate fmt/clr spec let tokstr = s:Translate_fmt_clr_list(tokstr) if tokstr == '' " Invalid fmt/clr sequence echoerr "Insert_tokstr(): Invalid fmt/clr sequence entered: ".s:err_str " Note that nothing about position or mode has changed at this point return '' endif endif " At this point, we have a translated fmt/clr spec comprising an offset " followed by the actual fmt/clr token sequence. Extract the pieces from " the string (internally generated - no need for validation) let offset = substitute(tokstr, '\(\-\?[[:digit:]]\+\),\(.*\)', '\1', '') let tokstr = substitute(tokstr, '\(\-\?[[:digit:]]\+\),\(.*\)', '\2', '') " If user didn't specify offset, default is past inserted chars if offset < 0 " Get length of tokstr, noting that it may contain multi-byte " tokens. let offset = strlen(substitute(tokstr, '.', 'x', 'g')) endif " Validate the command " Get cmd string in standard form (strip surrounding whitespace) " TODO - Perhaps this isn't necessary, since cmd is generated internally. let cmd = substitute(a:cmd, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') if cmd !~ '^[iIaAoOs]$' echoerr 'Insert_tokstr(): Invalid insert token cmd string: '.cmd return '' endif " Validate current mode let modestr = mode() if modestr !~ '^[niR]$' echoerr "Insert_tokstr(): May be called only from 'normal' and 'insert' modes." return '' endif " Validation Complete! " Build start/end mode string for convenience in testing let modestr = modestr.(a:end_in_norm ? 'n' : 'i') " Calculate offset from end of tokstr (inverse offset) " a b c d e f "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 : offset "6 5 4 3 2 1 0 : inv_off " We'll need to know number of *characters* (not bytes) in tokstr let tokstrlen = strlen(substitute(tokstr, '.', 'x', 'g')) let inv_off = tokstrlen - offset " Make modestr and inv_off available for s:Adjust_cursor, which should run " immediately after this function returns. let s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off = inv_off let s:Adjust_cursor_modestr = modestr " Note on cursor positioning: <<< " -The normal! insert commands will result in cursor being positioned 'ON' " the last char inserted, regardless of which mode we start in. (For " commands ending in insert mode, this means insert position just before " the last char inserted.) " TODO - Explain why - help on normal explains how the incomplete " command (in this case enter-insert) will be terminated with . " -The 'stopinsert' used when starting in insert and ending in normal mode " will cause cursor to move back one, if we were in insert mode when " mapping was invoked. " -undo undoes everything in a 'normal' command as a unit, so we put the " entire command for changing text into a single normal!. Note that since " cursor movement commands are not part of undo mechanism, any necessary " cursor adjustments may be made after the text change. " -When starting in normal and ending in insert mode, there are 2 cases: " 1) Last char inserted is end of line, so we must use startinsert! to " start insert and end up with cursor after last inserted char. (Can't " position cursor beyond it in normal mode.) " 2) Last char inserted is not at end of line. Could move right one, then " use 'startinsert'. " >>> if modestr[0] == 'n' " Insert the tokens with the appropriate enter-insert command and " count. Originally, I thought that doing it this way, rather than " using explicit cursor() and setline() calls, made the insertions " repeatable with repeat command (.); unfortunately, however, the " repeat command works only for normal mode commands entered ON " COMMAND LINE! While I could go back to using setline() and cursor(), " the logic for simulating a particular type of enter insert command " ([iIaAoOs]) with an optional count argument is a bit simpler this " way. " Determine the effective count (either from optional input or " v:count1). if a:0 > 0 " Note: Counts are generated internally; hence, validation has " been performed already. let l:count = a:1 else let l:count = v:count1 endif " IMPORTANT NOTE: = works differently in actual normal mode " from the way it works when used in a normal command. Due to what I " would call a bug, but one which Bram has no intention of fixing due " to the complexity of the various segments of code that process the " strings, you cannot embed character nr2char(128) in a string literal " used in an expression register. This character is used in the gui to " introduce a special sequence, which results in termcap expansion of " some sort. The point is, since character 128 could be used as txtfmt " token, need another way to insert a string that could contain it. " Solution: use the actual string variable, rather than a string " literal. This is actually more intuitive anyways - I just wasn't " sure what the scope requirements were for variables used in " expression register - it works. exe 'normal! '.l:count.a:cmd."\\=l:tokstr\" "IMPORTANT: Return empty string so that default return of 0 is not "inserted by the "=" used to invoke this function from insert "mode ! return '' else " Return the token string to be inserted via expression register " (=) in insert-mode mapping. return l:tokstr endif endfu " >>> " Function: s:Adjust_cursor() <<< " Purpose: " Method: " Inputs: (indirect, via script-local vars) " s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off " s:Adjust_cursor_modestr " Return: Empty string (to permit the function to be called from an expression " register) " Error: Not possible. Since this function is used only internally, " questionable inputs are silently converted to safe ones. " Note: There is at least one scenario under which we must return empty string " immediately (i.e., without performing any adjustment): it is the case in " which user has canceled a token insertion. In this case, neither of the " script-local input vars will exist. fu! s:Adjust_cursor() if !exists('s:Adjust_cursor_modestr') || !exists('s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off') " It appears no adjustment is required return '' endif if s:Adjust_cursor_modestr == 'nn' " Cursor is on last inserted char now. Special care must be taken " to ensure that we don't attempt to set cursor before beginning of " line (inv_off == tokstrlen and first char inserted is first char on " line). Note that this insert type works as though the chars had been " inserted, offset implemented, then insert mode exited. " Extreme points: " inv_off==0 --> Position on last char inserted " inv_off==tokstrlen --> Position before first char or on first " char if beginning of line. " Adjust cursor in multi-byte safe manner " Note: I am intentionally letting Move_cursor handle the special " case of cursor positioned at beginning of line. Move_cursor is " multi-byte safe and will not attempt to position the cursor before " the beginning of the line, even when inv_off requests it. call s:Move_cursor(-s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off) elseif s:Adjust_cursor_modestr == 'ni' " Cursor is on last inserted char now, but with an inv_off of 0, " needs to end up 1 col position right of last inserted char after " entering insert mode. There are 2 cases to consider... " *** Case 1 *** " New cursor position is past the end of the line. " In this case, we cannot use Move_cursor to accomplish the shift " because we are currently in normal mode, which precludes the setting " of cursor position past EOL. (Note: Calling startinsert prior to " Move_cursor doesn't work since, according to the Vim docs, "when " using this command in a function or script, the insertion only " starts after the function or script is finished.") Fortunately, we " can call startinsert! to enter insert mode and position the cursor " past the end of the line. " *** Case 2 *** " New cursor position is *NOT* past the end of the line. " Accomplish the required right shift simply by adjusting the value of " inv_off passed to Move_cursor. There is no way for Move_cursor " to fail to reach requested position in this case, since even in the " extreme case (inv_off == tokstrlen and tokens inserted at beginning " of line), the offset of 1 ensures we won't request a position before " BOL. if s:Move_cursor(-s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off + 1) " Move_cursor was unable to move past EOL. startinsert! else startinsert endif elseif s:Adjust_cursor_modestr == 'in' " Cursor is at col number of last inserted char + 1, which is where it " needs to be for inv_off==0. Stopinsert will shift it 1 char left. " Note that if inv_off==tokstrlen, cursor will end up to left of " inserted chars unless this would put it prior to beginning of line. call s:Move_cursor(-s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off) exe 'stopinsert' elseif s:Adjust_cursor_modestr == 'ii' " Cursor is at col number of last inserted char + 1, which is where it " needs to be for inv_off==0. " one beyond it (for inv_off==0). Note that since we're staying in " insert mode, positions before and after inserted chars are legal, " even when inserted char(s) are at beginning or end of line. call s:Move_cursor(-s:Adjust_cursor_inv_off) endif return '' endfu " >>> " Function: s:Prompt_fmt_clr_spec() <<< " Purpose: Prompt user for type of formatting region desired, and return " the string entered " How: The user will be prompted to enter a fmt/clr[/bgc] list, consisting of " fmt/clr[/bgc] atoms separated by commas and/or dots. The format of a " fmt/clr[/bgc] atom is described in header of Translate_fmt_clr_spec()., " Return: The entered string fu! s:Prompt_fmt_clr_spec() " Prompt the user for fmt/clr spec string " TODO: Decide whether prompt needs to distinguish between bgc and clr call inputsave() let str = input('Enter a fmt / clr string. (Enter to cancel): ') call inputrestore() return str endfu " >>> " Function: s:Lookup_clr_namepat() <<< " Purpose: Convert the input color name pattern to a color index in range " 1..8, using the buffer-specific color definition array " b:txtfmt_{clr|bgc}_namepat. " Use b:txtfmt_cfg_{fg|bg}color{} arrays to determine whether the specified " color is active. " Return: " Requested color valid and active: Color index between 1 and 8 " Requested color invalid: 0 " Requested color valid but inactive: -1 * {color_index} fu! s:Lookup_clr_namepat(typ, namepat) if a:typ == 'c' let fg_or_bg = 'fg' let clr_or_bgc = 'clr' elseif a:typ == 'k' let fg_or_bg = 'bg' let clr_or_bgc = 'bgc' else echoerr "Internal error - Unknown color type `".a:typ."' passed to Lookup_clr_namepat()" return 0 endif " Loop over all color definitions (active and inactive), looking for one " whose regex matches input color name let i = 1 while i < b:txtfmt_num_colors if a:namepat =~ b:txtfmt_{clr_or_bgc}_namepat{i} " We found a match! if b:txtfmt_cfg_{fg_or_bg}colormask[i - 1] != '1' " Inactive color return -1 * i else " Active color return i endif endif let i = i + 1 endwhile " Didn't find it! return 0 endfu " >>> " Function: s:Translate_fmt_clr_spec() <<< " Purpose: Convert the input fmt/clr spec string to the corresponding fmt/clr " token. " How: The input fmt/clr spec string will be in one of the following formats: " "f-" " "c-" " "k-" if background colors are active " "f[u][b][i][[s][r][[c]]]" Note that s, r and c values must be disallowed for " certain permutations of b:txtfmt_cfg_longformats " and b:txtfmt_cfg_undercurl " "c" " "k" if background colors are active " Note: must match one of the color definitions specified by user " (or default if user hasn't overriden). " Note: Specification of an inactive color is considered to be an error. " Return: One of the following: " 1) A single fmt token " 2) A single clr token " 3) A single bgc token " 4) '' - empty string if erroneous user entry " Error: If error, function will set the script-local s:err_str " Note: The function logic takes advantage of the fact that both strpart() and " string offset bracket notation (s[i]) allow indices past end of string, in " which case, they return empty strings. fu! s:Translate_fmt_clr_spec(s) " Declare modifiable version of input parameter let s = a:s " Check for empty string (all whitespace considered empty string, as it " should have been detected as 'Cancel' request by caller). if s =~ '^\s*$' " Caller should validate this, but just in case let s:err_str = "Empty fmt/clr spec" return '' endif let len = strlen(s) let ret_str = '' if s[0] ==? 'f' " fmt string if s[1] == '-' if strlen(s) == 2 " default format let ret_str = ret_str.nr2char(b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok) else " Shouldn't be anything after f- let s:err_str = 'Unexpected chars after "f-"' return '' endif else " Not a default fmt request - remainder of string should match " [ubi[sr[c]]] let s = strpart(s, 1) if s =~ '[^'.b:ubisrc_fmt{b:txtfmt_num_formats-1}.']' " s contains illegal (but not necessarily invalid) char if s !~ '[^ubisrc]' " Illegal (but not invalid) char " User has mistakenly used s, r or c with one of the " 'short' formats or c with a version of Vim that doesn't " support undercurl. Give an appropriate warning. if !b:txtfmt_cfg_longformats let s:err_str = "Only 'u', 'b' and 'i' attributes are permitted when one of the 'short' formats is in effect" else " Long formats are in use; hence, we can get here only " if user attempted to use undercurl in version of Vim " that doesn't support it. let s:err_str = "Undercurl attribute supported only in Vim 7 or later" endif else let s:err_str = 'Invalid chars in fmt spec after "f"' endif return '' else " Convert the entered chars to a binary val used to get token " Note: Validation has already been performed; hence, we know " that s represents both a valid and active token. let bin_val = 0 if s=~'u' | let bin_val = bin_val + 1 | endif if s=~'b' | let bin_val = bin_val + 2 | endif if s=~'i' | let bin_val = bin_val + 4 | endif if s=~'s' | let bin_val = bin_val + 8 | endif if s=~'r' | let bin_val = bin_val + 16 | endif if s=~'c' | let bin_val = bin_val + 32 | endif let ret_str = ret_str.nr2char(b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok + bin_val) endif endif elseif s[0] ==? 'c' || s[0] ==? 'k' if s[0] ==? 'k' && !b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolor " Oops! Background colors aren't active. let s:err_str = "The current 'tokrange' setting does not support background colors." \." (:help txtfmt-formats)" return '' endif " clr or bgc string if s[1] == '-' if strlen(s) == 2 " default format let ret_str = ret_str.nr2char( \ s[0] ==? 'c' \ ? b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok \ : b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok \) else " Shouldn't be anything after c- or k- let s:err_str = 'Unexpected chars after "'.s[0].'-"' return '' endif else " Not a default clr/bgc request - remainder of string denotes a " color let typ = s[0] let s = strpart(s, 1) " Determine which color index corresponds to color pattern let clr_ind = s:Lookup_clr_namepat(typ, s) if clr_ind == 0 let s:err_str = "Invalid color name pattern: '".s."'" return '' elseif clr_ind < 0 " TODO_BG: Make sure the help note below is still valid after " help has been updated. let s:err_str = "Color ".(-1 * clr_ind)." is not an active " \.(typ ==? 'c' ? "foreground" : "background") \." color. (:help " \.(typ ==? 'c' ? "txtfmtFgcolormask" : "txtfmtBgcolormask").")" return '' endif " IMPORTANT NOTE: clr_ind is 1-based index (1 corresponds to first " non-default color) let ret_str = ret_str.nr2char( \(typ ==? 'c' \ ? b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok \ : b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok) \ + clr_ind) endif else let s:err_str = 'Invalid fmt/clr spec. Must begin with ' \.(b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolor ? '"f", "c" or "k"' : '"f" or "c"') return '' endif " Return the token as a string return ret_str endfu " >>> " Function: s:Translate_fmt_clr_list() <<< " Purpose: Translate the input comma/dot-separated list of fmt/clr/bgc spec " atoms into a string of tokens suitable for insertion into the buffer. " Validation is performed. Also, cursor offset into translated token string is " determined based upon the presence of a dot (replaces comma when it appears " between fmt/clr/bgc atoms - may also appear as first or last character in " fmt/clr/bgc spec list). " Input: Comma/Dot-separated list of fmt/clr/bgc spec atoms. " Return: String of the following format: " , " Error: Return empty string and set s:err_str " Warning: Set s:wrn_str fu! s:Translate_fmt_clr_list(s) " For convenience let s = a:s let len = strlen(s) " Initializations <<< let offset = -1 " -1 means not explicitly set by user let offset_fixed = 0 " binary flag let i = 0 let sep = '' "[,.] or '' for end-of string let num_fld = 0 " # of atoms encountered let tokstr = '' " built up in loop " >>> " Process the fmt/clr/bgc spec atom(s) in a loop while i < len " Find end of spec ([,.] or end of string) " (Commas and dots not allowed except as field sep) " NOTE: Match with '$' returns strlen (even for empty string) let ie = match(s, '[,.]\|$', i) " Extract field sep and text let sep = iei let fld = strpart(s, i, ie-i) let num_fld = num_fld+1 " Translate field if non-empty let tok = s:Translate_fmt_clr_spec(fld) if tok == '' " Must have been error let s:err_str = "Invalid fmt/clr spec: '".fld."': ".s:err_str return '' endif let tokstr = tokstr.tok " Validate the field in various ways elseif i==ie " check null fields let fld = '' if ie==0 " at beginning of list ('.' permitted) if ie==len-1 let s:err_str = "Separator with nothing to separate" return '' elseif len==0 " Note: This should probably be checked before now, but " just to be complete... let s:err_str = "Invalid empty fmt/clr spec list" return '' elseif sep=='.' let offset = 0 else let s:err_str = "Invalid leading ',' in fmt/clr spec list" return '' endif else " not at beginning of list let s:err_str = "Empty field encountered at '".strpart(s, i) return '' endif endif if ie==len-1 " validate last char in string if num_fld==0 " NOTE: Can't actually get here... let s:err_str = "fmt/clr spec list contains no fields" return '' elseif sep!='.' let s:err_str = "Trailing comma not allowed in fmt/clr spec list" return '' endif endif " If here, field is OK unless atom is bad... " Do offset logic if offset==-1 && sep=='.' let offset = num_fld endif " Update for next iteration let i = ie+1 if i > len break endif " OLD (implicit) logic for determining cursor offset <<< " TODO_BG: Get rid of this... "if tok=~b:re_fmt_any_stok || tok=~b:re_fmt_etok " if fmt_begun " " Fix cursor location (if not already fixed) " if offset==0 " let offset = num_fld-1 " endif " endif " " If fmt start tok, set flag " if tok!~b:re_fmt_etok " let fmt_begun = 1 " endif "elseif tok=~b:re_clr_any_stok || tok=~b:re_clr_etok " if clr_begun " " Fix cursor location (if not already fixed) " if offset==0 " let offset = num_fld-1 " endif " endif " " If clr start tok, set flag " if tok!~b:re_clr_etok " let clr_begun = 1 " endif "endif " >>> endwhile " Return the special format string return offset.','.tokstr endfu " >>> " Function: s:Jump_to_tok() <<< " Purpose: Jumps forward or backwards (as determined by a:dir), to the " v:count1'th nearest token of type given by a:type ('c'=clr 'k'=bgc 'f'=fmt " 'a'=any (clr, bgc or fmt)). If 'till' argument is nonzero, jump will " position cursor one char position closer to starting location than the " sought token. (This behavior is analogous to t and T normal mode commands.) " Note: If the map that invokes this function is a visual-mode mapping, " special logic is required to restore the visual selection prior to " performing any cursor movement. This is because Vim's default vmap behavior " is to remove the visual highlighting and position the cursor at the start of " the visual area as soon as the map is invoked. For the motion mappings that " call this function, the default behavior is not acceptable. " Inputs: " type 1 or 2 chars indicating the type of token sought. Format is as " follows: " [{target-modifier}]{target-type} " {target-modifier} := " b 'begin region' tokens only " e 'end region' tokens only " {target-type} " c = fg color, k = bg color, f = format, " a = fg color, bg color, or format " dir single char indicating direction for search (f=forward, b=back). " Wrap behavior is determined by the 'wrapscan' option. " till If nonzero, jump lands cursor not on the token, but just 'before' " it (where before indicates the side closest to starting point). " 'Till' is used because of analogy with Vim's t and T commands in " normal mode. " v:count1 If greater than 1, indicates the number of jumps to be performed. " Allows a count to be used with the invoking mapping when jumping " to the N'th token of a particular type and in a particular " direction is desired. " a:1 If supplied, represents the count to be used. (Needed when this " function is called from a user-map) " Return: Always return empty string, in case function is called from an " expression register in insert mode. " IMPORTANT NOTE: On the use of \%# atom -- When used in search() (i.e., " non-interactively), Vim appears to use lookahead to optimize when using " \%#\@!; however, a '\%#' by itself, or followed by \@=, is NOT optimized. " (Vim searches the entire file with wraparound before finding the cursor " position!) " NOTE: Ideally, if the 'till' flag is set for a backwards search, I would use " the /e modifier with a ? search begun from normal mode to find the token and " position the cursor on the character after it. (If token is last char on " line, cursor would be positioned in first column of following line.) " However, this can cause problems when tok range includes char code 128. This " problem can be avoided if search() is used. Unfortunately, search() does not " permit the /e modifier to be used (and \zs and/or \ze appear to be a bit " buggy when used just after a newline - e.g., try /\n\zs/ and see what " happens!). Thus, my strategy for finding the target location when the 'till' " flag is set is to use search() to find the sought token, employing patterns " that will match only if the 'till' destination location actually exists. If " search() finds a valid destination, I then accomplish the 'till' move with a " subsequent positioning command. fu! s:Jump_to_tok(mode, type, dir, till, ...) " Determine whether we jump only to active tokens " By default, we don't. let jtin = exists('b:txtfmtJumptoinactive') \ ? b:txtfmtJumptoinactive \ : exists('g:txtfmtJumptoinactive') \ ? g:txtfmtJumptoinactive \ : 0 " Get the search pattern " Design Decision Needed: Decide whether to permit inactive color tokens " to serve as target of jump. If this is desired, perhaps create special " b:txtfmt_re_CLR_<...> and b:txtfmt_re_BGC_<...> regexes. Alternatively, " use the b:re_no_self_esc and b:re_no_bslash_esc patterns on the " <...>_atom regexes. " Note: Let jumptoinactive option determine whether inactive tokens can " serve as jump targets. if a:type == 'c' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'CLR' : 'clr'}_tok elseif a:type == 'bc' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'CLR' : 'clr'}_stok elseif a:type == 'ec' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'CLR' : 'clr'}_etok elseif a:type == 'k' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'BGC' : 'bgc'}_tok elseif a:type == 'bk' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'BGC' : 'bgc'}_stok elseif a:type == 'ek' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'BGC' : 'bgc'}_etok elseif a:type == 'f' let re = b:txtfmt_re_fmt_tok elseif a:type == 'bf' let re = b:txtfmt_re_fmt_stok elseif a:type == 'ef' let re = b:txtfmt_re_fmt_etok elseif a:type == 'a' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'ANY' : 'any'}_tok elseif a:type == 'ba' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'ANY' : 'any'}_stok elseif a:type == 'ea' let re = b:txtfmt_re_{jtin ? 'ANY' : 'any'}_etok else " Error - shouldn't ever get here - just return return '' endif " Important Note: If mode is visual, Vim has already removed the visual " highlighting and positioned the cursor at the start of the visual " region. Since this is a motion mapping, we need to undo this; i.e., " restore the visual highlighting and put the cursor at the correct " end/corner of the visual region, allowing for the fact that any number " of "o" and or "O" commands may have been executed to bounce the cursor " between ends/corners... Normal mode gv fits the bill. " Important Note: When a visual mode mapping invokes this function, Vim " has already changed mode to normal before we get here. Thus, we must use " the mode string passed from the mapping to determine whether we need to " restore the visual selection. Since we're using gv, it doesn't matter " which visual sub-mode was in effect. if a:mode == 'v' normal! gv endif " Get the search options if a:dir == 'b' " Leave wrap option alone so that 'wrapscan' will be honored let opt = 'b' if a:till " NOTE: The \n\_. handles the following 2 cases: " 1) Sought token is at end of line followed by non-empty line " 2) Sought token is at end of line followed by empty line " NOTE: The \%#\@! ensures that if we're sitting on a character " after the the target token type, we don't match the token just " before it. (Otherwise we'd get stuck when trying to do multiple " successive backwards jumps.) let re = re.'\%(\n\%#\@!\_.\|\%#\@!.\)\@=' endif elseif a:dir == 'f' " Leave wrap option alone so that 'wrapscan' will be honored let opt = '' if a:till " The following pattern will position us on the buffer position " one char prior to the sought token, even in case where the token " is at beginning of a line preceded by blank line. " NOTE: landing on a \n puts cursor at end of line ended by the " newline. " NOTE: \@= is necessary when cpo-c is set to avoid skipping every " other token when there are multiple consecutive tokens of same " type. let re = '\_.'.re.'\@=' endif else " Error - Should never get here - just return return '' endif " Get the count, which is either supplied explicitly as optional extra " arg, or is obtained from v:count1 if a:0 > 0 " Note: Counts are generated internally; hence, validation has " been performed already. let l:count = a:1 else let l:count = v:count1 endif " In a loop count, perform the search() let i = 0 while i < l:count " Note: If search fails, cursor will not be moved. " IMPORTANT NOTE: Simplest thing would be to use normal search command " here, but that gives problems if tok range includes 128! let l2 = search(re, opt) " Did we find the sought token? if l2 > 0 " We're on found tok if a:till " NOTE: 2 cases: " 1) Backward search - we're on token, but we need to be at " position just past it (and search() assures us the position " exists. " 2) Forward search - search() got us to correct position (for " both 'till' and non-'till' cases. if a:dir == 'b' " Backward search " IMPORTANT NOTE: Original implementation used col() and " cursor(), which are *NOT* multi-byte safe! " Use virtcol and special search instead. " Note: Vim documentation implies that the following holds " true when cursor is positioned on the last character of " the line: virtcol('.') == virtcol('$') - 1 let c2 = virtcol('.') if c2 != virtcol('$') - 1 " Not last char on line call search('\%'.(c2 + 1).'v', '') else " Last char on line - move to start of next line " Note: cursor() can handle col of 1 even for empty " line. Also, it's mult-byte safe. call cursor(l2 + 1, 1) endif endif endif else " No reason to keep looping... break endif let i = i + 1 endwhile return '' endfu " >>> " Function: s:Mapwarn_check() <<< " Purpose: Determine whether the user has already been warned about the " mapping ambiguity/conflict indicated by input arguments, and return nonzero " if so. Additionally, if the 'add' parameter is true, record the input " conflict/ambiguity in the data structures maintaining such information so " that the function will return true for it next time. " Inputs: " lhs - lhs of the new mapping " rhs - rhs of the old (existing) mapping " mode - single character indicating the mode of the mapping (e.g. n=normal, " v=visual, i=insert, o=operator-pending, etc...) " add - flag indicating whether the conflict indicated by lhs, rhs and mode " should be added to the data structures searched by this function fu! s:Mapwarn_check(lhs, rhs, mode, add) let found = 0 let i = 0 if exists('g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt') while i < g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt if a:lhs == g:txtfmt_mapwarn_lhs{i} && \ a:rhs == g:txtfmt_mapwarn_rhs{i} && \ a:mode == g:txtfmt_mapwarn_mode{i} let found = 1 break endif let i = i + 1 endwhile endif if !found && a:add " Make sure g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt is self-starting if !exists('g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt') let g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt = 0 endif " Add a new conflict/ambiguity to the arrays let g:txtfmt_mapwarn_lhs{g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt} = a:lhs let g:txtfmt_mapwarn_rhs{g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt} = a:rhs let g:txtfmt_mapwarn_mode{g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt} = a:mode let g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt = g:txtfmt_mapwarn_cnt + 1 endif " Indicate whether input conflict/ambiguity was found return found endfu " >>> " Function: s:Undef_map() <<< " Purpose: Creates an undo action for the map whose lhs, rhs and unmap_cmd are " input, and adds the undo action to b:undo_ftplugin. " Inputs: " mode - single char, used as input to maparg, mapcheck, etc... " lhs - string representing the lhs of the map to be undone " rhs - string representing the rhs of the map to be undone. " Assumptions: " -All maps to be undone are buffer-local. " -All occurrences of '[_a-zA-Z0-9]' in the rhs of a mapping defined by " this plugin represent a call to a script-local function. " Note: rhs is required so that we can be sure to delete *only* maps created " by this plugin. (Consider that user could either intentionally or " inadvertently override one of the txtfmt maps with a completely unrelated " map after this plugin is loaded. For this reason, we cannot (or should not) " blindly delete lhs.) fu! s:Undef_map(lhs, rhs, mode) " Determine the unmap command to be used. if a:mode=='n' let unmap_cmd = 'nunmap' elseif a:mode=='i' let unmap_cmd = 'iunmap' elseif a:mode=='o' let unmap_cmd = 'ounmap' elseif a:mode=='v' let unmap_cmd = 'vunmap' else echoerr 'Internal error - unsupported mapmode passed to Undef_map()' return 1 endif " Create the undo action, taking special care to avoid deleting a map with " the same lhs, created by user after the sourcing of this plugin. " Note: Prep_for_single_quotes ensures that single quotes contained in lhs " or rhs are properly escaped before being wrapped in the single-quoted " string that will be parsed when b:undo_ftplugin is exec'ed. " Note: Be sure not to add whitespace between the lhs of the map being " unmapped and the subsequent '|' as this will result in nonexistent " mapping error. " Note: When the maparg() is executed, it will return function names of " the form '{number}_func' rather than 'func'. Thus, to ensure " that the delayed comparison works properly, I need to convert a:rhs to " the {number}_ form now. let rhs = substitute(a:rhs, '\ze[_a-zA-Z0-9]', \'\= "" . s:SID() . "_"', 'g') call s:Add_undo("if maparg('".s:Prep_for_single_quotes(a:lhs) \."', '".a:mode."') == '".s:Prep_for_single_quotes(rhs)."' | " \.unmap_cmd." ".a:lhs."| endif") endfu " >>> " Function: s:Def_map() <<< " Purpose: Define both the level 1 and level 2 map as appropriate. " Inputs: " mode - single char, used as input to maparg, mapcheck, etc... " lhs1 - lhs of first-level map " lhs2 - rhs of first-level map, lhs of second-level map " rhs2 - rhs of second-level map " How: Consider whether user already has a map to level 2 (which should take " precedence over maplevel 1). Also, make sure the map from level 2, if it " exists, is not incorrect, etc... " Note: Cause b:undo_ftplugin to be updated so that whatever mappings are made " by us will be unmapped when ftplugin is unloaded. " Return: " 0 - success " nonzero - error " NOTE: Function will echoerr to user fu! s:Def_map(mode, lhs1, lhs2, rhs2) " TODO - Perhaps eventually support operator mode if needed if a:mode=='n' let cmd1 = 'nmap' let cmd2 = 'nnoremap' elseif a:mode=='i' let cmd1 = 'imap' let cmd2 = 'inoremap' elseif a:mode=='o' let cmd1 = 'omap' let cmd2 = 'onoremap' elseif a:mode=='v' let cmd1 = 'vmap' let cmd2 = 'vnoremap' else echoerr 'Internal error - unsupported mapmode passed to Def_map()' return 1 endif " Do first map level <<< if !hasmapto(a:lhs2, a:mode) " User hasn't overridden the default level 1 mapping " Make sure there's no conflict or ambiguity between an existing map " and the default one we plan to add... let oldarg = maparg(a:lhs1, a:mode) let oldchk = mapcheck(a:lhs1, a:mode) " Check for conflicts and ambiguities, decoding applicable portions of " mapwarn option character flag string into more immediately useful " variables, to avoid messy ternaries in the subsequent logic. " Note: Create only the variables that will be used. if oldarg != '' " Map conflict let l:problem = 'c' if b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'M' let l:msg_or_err = 'm' elseif b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'E' let l:msg_or_err = 'e' endif if exists('l:msg_or_err') let l:once_only = b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'O' endif let l:create = b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'C' let l:old_rhs = oldarg elseif oldchk != '' " Map ambiguity let l:problem = 'a' if b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'm' let l:msg_or_err = 'm' elseif b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'e' let l:msg_or_err = 'e' endif if exists('l:msg_or_err') let l:once_only = b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'o' endif let l:create = b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn =~ 'c' let l:old_rhs = oldchk endif if exists('l:problem') " There's an ambiguity or conflict if exists('l:msg_or_err') " We need to warn unless warning is precluded by 'once-only' " mechanism if !l:once_only || !s:Mapwarn_check(a:lhs1, l:old_rhs, a:mode, l:once_only) let l:warnstr = 'Level 1 map ' \.(l:problem == 'a' ? 'ambiguity:' : 'conflict: ') \.a:lhs1.' already mapped to '.l:old_rhs if l:msg_or_err == 'm' echomsg l:warnstr else echoerr l:warnstr endif endif endif endif " Do the map for buffer unless map creation is precluded by conflict " or ambiguity in absence of the 'create' flag. " Note: Do not use attribute, since that would cause Vim to " display error, due to the original mapping. if !exists('l:problem') || l:create exe cmd1.' '.a:lhs1.' '.a:lhs2 " Create undo action for the map just created call s:Undef_map(a:lhs1, a:lhs2, a:mode) endif else "echomsg "Skipping 1st level" endif " >>> " Do second map level <<< " Assumption: Second-level mappings have long <...> names, " preceded by . It is safe to assume user hasn't mapped one to " something else... exe cmd2.' '.a:lhs2.' '.a:rhs2 " Create undo action for the map just created call s:Undef_map(a:lhs2, a:rhs2, a:mode) " >>> " Success return 0 endfu " >>> " Function: s:MakeString() <<< " Purpose: Build and return a string by concatenating a base string some " number of times to itself. " Inputs: " str -base string, which will be concatenated to itself " len -# of occurrences of 'str' to put in the return string " Return: The generated string fu! s:MakeString(str, len) let s = '' let i = 0 while i < a:len let s = s.a:str let i = i + 1 endwhile return s endfu " >>> " Function: s:ShowTokenMap() <<< " Purpose: Echo to user a table showing the current use of all tokens in the " range of fmt/clr tokens. " How: Use echo, as this is intended as a temporary showing for informational " purposes only. Highlighting of column headers is accomplished via echohl " Format: Should be something like the sample table shown below... " Note: char-nr should use the number format indicated by " b:txtfmt_cfg_starttok_display. " Note: For inactive colors, an asterisk will be prepended to char-nr, and " '(inactive)' will be appended to the description. In order to keep the " numbers aligned properly, active colors will have a space prepended to the " char-nr. " TODO: Decide whether it's necessary to wrap inactive char-nr's in parens. If " not, get rid of it. "=== [FG] COLORS === "char-nr description clr-pattern clr-def "180 no color - "181 Color0 ^\\%(k\\|bla\\%[ck]\\)$,c:Black,g:#000000 #000000 "182 Color1 ^blu\\%[e]$,c:DarkBlue,g:#0000FF #0000FF "183 Color2 ^g\\%[reen]$,c:DarkGreen,g:#00FF00 #00FF00 ". ". "=== FORMAT === "char-nr description spec "189 no format - "190 italic i "191 bold b "192 bold,italic bi ". ". ". ". " Important Note: The subsequent lines will be output if and only if " background colors are enabled. "=== BG COLORS === "char-nr description clr-pattern clr-def " 197 no color - "*198 Color0 (inactive) ^\\%(k\\|bla\\%[ck]\\)$,c:Black,g:#000000 #000000 " 199 Color1 ^blu\\%[e]$,c:DarkBlue,g:#0000FF #0000FF " 200 Color2 ^g\\%[reen]$,c:DarkGreen,g:#00FF00 #00FF00 " . " . fu! s:ShowTokenMap() " Loop 2 times - first time is just to calculate column widths let cw1 = 0 | let cw2 = 0 | let cw3 = 0 | let cw4 = 0 " Define an array, indexed by fgbg_idx, which may be used to build fg/bg " specific var names. let clr_or_bgc{0} = 'clr' let clr_or_bgc{1} = 'bgc' " Initialize the vars that will accumulate table text let fmt_header = '' | let fmt_lines = '' let clr_header = '' | let clr_lines = '' let bgc_header = '' | let bgc_lines = '' " Determine number format to use for char-nr column let use_hex = strpart(b:txtfmt_cfg_starttok_display, 0, 2) == '0x' let i = 0 while i < 2 " Loop over all format lines (1 hdr and b:txtfmt_num_formats-1 fmt) let iFmt = -1 " start with header line while iFmt < b:txtfmt_num_formats let line = '' " Initialize text for current line " Column 1 if iFmt == -1 let col1_text = ' char-nr' else let col1_text = b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok + iFmt if use_hex " Convert to hex let col1_text = TxtfmtUtil_num_to_hex_str(col1_text) endif " Prepend space for alignment let col1_text = ' ' . col1_text endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col1_text) > cw1 let cw1 = strlen(col1_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col1_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw1 + 2 - strlen(col1_text))) endif " Column 2 if iFmt == -1 let col2_text = 'description' elseif iFmt == 0 let col2_text = 'no format' else let col2_text = b:txtfmt_fmt{iFmt} endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col2_text) > cw2 let cw2 = strlen(col2_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col2_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw2 + 2 - strlen(col2_text))) endif " Column 3 if iFmt == -1 let col3_text = 'fmt-spec' elseif iFmt == 0 let col3_text = '-' else let col3_text = b:ubisrc_fmt{iFmt} endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col3_text) > cw3 let cw3 = strlen(col3_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col3_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw3 + 2 - strlen(col3_text))) endif " Accumulate line just built into the list of lines if i == 1 if iFmt == -1 " Store header line separately so that echohl can be used let fmt_header = line else " Regular row in table (non-header) let fmt_lines = fmt_lines.(iFmt==0?'':"\").line endif endif let iFmt = iFmt + 1 endwhile " Loop over fg colors and (if necessary) bg colors let fgbg_idx = 0 while fgbg_idx < (b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolor ? 2 : 1) if fgbg_idx == 0 let first_tok = b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok let colormask = b:txtfmt_cfg_fgcolormask else let first_tok = b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok let colormask = b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolormask endif " Loop over all color tokens (even inactive ones) " Index note: In this loop, index 0 refers to 'no color', while index " 1 refers to txtfmtColor{1} (default rgb=0x000000). let iClr = -1 while iClr < b:txtfmt_num_colors let line = '' " Initialize text for current line " Column 1 if iClr == -1 let col1_text = ' char-nr' else if iClr >= 0 let col1_text = (first_tok + iClr) if use_hex " Convert to hex let col1_text = TxtfmtUtil_num_to_hex_str(col1_text) endif " If color is inactive, prepend char-nr with asterisk if iClr > 0 && strpart(colormask, iClr - 1, 1) != '1' " This color is inactive let col1_text = '*' . col1_text else " Prepend space for alignment let col1_text = ' ' . col1_text endif endif endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col1_text) > cw1 let cw1 = strlen(col1_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col1_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw1 + 2 - strlen(col1_text))) endif " Column 2 if iClr == -1 let col2_text = 'description' elseif iClr == 0 let col2_text = 'no color' else let col2_text = 'Color'.iClr if strpart(colormask, iClr - 1, 1) != '1' let col2_text = col2_text . ' (inactive)' endif endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col2_text) > cw2 let cw2 = strlen(col2_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col2_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw2 + 2 - strlen(col2_text))) endif " Column 3 if iClr == -1 let col3_text = 'clr-pattern' elseif iClr == 0 let col3_text = '-' else let col3_text = b:txtfmt_{clr_or_bgc{fgbg_idx}}_namepat{iClr} endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col3_text) > cw3 let cw3 = strlen(col3_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col3_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw3 + 2 - strlen(col3_text))) endif " Column 4 if iClr == -1 let col4_text = 'clr-def' elseif iClr == 0 let col4_text = 'N.A.' else let col4_text = b:txtfmt_{clr_or_bgc{fgbg_idx}}{iClr} endif if i == 0 " Calculate col width if strlen(col4_text) > cw4 let cw4 = strlen(col4_text) endif else " Output line let line = line.(col4_text.s:MakeString(' ', cw4 + 2 - strlen(col4_text))) endif " Accumulate line just built into the list of lines if i == 1 if iClr == -1 " Store header line separately so that echohl can be used if fgbg_idx == 0 let clr_header = line else let bgc_header = line endif else " Regular row in table (non-header) if fgbg_idx == 0 let clr_lines = clr_lines.(iClr==0?'':"\").line else let bgc_lines = bgc_lines.(iClr==0?'':"\").line endif endif endif let iClr = iClr + 1 endwhile let fgbg_idx = fgbg_idx + 1 endwhile let i = i + 1 endwhile echohl Title echo b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolor ? ' === FG COLORS ===' : ' === COLORS ===' echo clr_header echohl None echo clr_lines echohl Title echo ' === FORMAT ===' echo fmt_header echohl None echo fmt_lines " If bg colors are not active, we're done if b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolor echohl Title echo ' === BG COLORS ===' echo bgc_header echohl None echo bgc_lines endif endfu " >>> " Function: s:MoveStartTok() <<< " IMPORTANT NOTE: Special care must be taken when defining this function, as " it invokes :Refresh command, which causes the script to be re-sourced. This " leads to E127 'Cannot redefine function' when fu[!] is encountered, since " the function is in the process of executing. if !exists('*s:MoveStartTok') fu! s:MoveStartTok(moveto, ...) if a:0 " Validate and process optional version value if a:0 != 1 echoerr 'Incorrect # of arguments supplied to :MoveStartTok (1 or 2 expected)' return elseif (0 + a:1) =~ '^[1-9][0-9]\{2}$' " Use version supplied by user let old_ver = a:1 else echoerr a:1.' is not a valid Vim version number. Should be same format as v:version' return endif else " Assume current version let old_ver = v:version endif " Validate the new starttok if a:moveto !~ '^\s*'.b:txtfmt_re_number_atom.'\s*$' echoerr "Invalid 'starttok' value supplied: `".a:moveto."'" return endif " Get current settings from buffer-local vars " Assumption: This function can be invoked only from an active txtfmt " buffer let old_starttok = b:txtfmt_cfg_starttok " Determine new settings let new_starttok = a:moveto " Determine amount of shift (signed value) let l:offset = new_starttok - old_starttok " Before proceeding, cache 'effective' values for bgcolor, longformats and " undercurl. Note that 'effective' values are those that would be in " effect if current Vim version were old_ver. Note that effective " undercurl may differ from b:txtfmt_cfg_undercurl. let bgcolor = b:txtfmt_cfg_bgcolor let longformats = b:txtfmt_cfg_longformats if old_ver != v:version " Effective undercurl could differ from b:txtfmt_cfg_undercurl if b:txtfmt_cfg_undercurlpref && old_ver >= b:txtfmt_const_vimver_undercurl " Undercurl desired and supported let undercurl = 1 else " Undercurl either not desired or not supported let undercurl = 0 endif else let undercurl = b:txtfmt_cfg_undercurl endif " Set a flag that indicates whether we will be reserving space for long " formats before the start of bgc range. Note that this value can be true " even if longformats is false. Also note that its value is N/A if " bgcolors are disabled. let lf_reserved = bgcolor && (longformats || !b:txtfmt_cfg_pack) " Determine size of the entire range let rangelen = \ b:txtfmt_const_tokrange_size_{bgcolor}{lf_reserved}{lf_reserved} " Perform upper-bound check on new range if !(new_starttok + rangelen - 1 <= \ b:txtfmt_const_tokrange_limit_{b:txtfmt_cfg_enc_class}) " Invalid destination for move! echoerr "Starttok value of `".new_starttok."' causes upper bound for encoding `" \.b:txtfmt_cfg_enc."' to be exceeded" return endif " If here, move is legal. " Record whether buffer is modified before we start modifying it. This " information is used by modeline processing to determine whether save is " required. let b:txtfmt_ml_save_modified = &modified " Build 2 character class interiors (i.e., without the [ ]): " 1) all chars that are tokens under old range " 2) all chars that are tokens under new range " Begin the first range, which begins with fg color and ends either with " formats (no bg colors or discontinuity between formats and bg colors) or " bg colors. " Note: The end of the first range is determined independently of " lf_reserved, as the range includes only tokens actually used. let re_old_tokrange = nr2char(old_starttok).'-' let re_new_tokrange = nr2char(new_starttok).'-' if !bgcolor || !(longformats && undercurl) " End first range after format tokens " Calculate length of range let end_offset = b:txtfmt_const_tokrange_size_{0}{longformats}{undercurl} - 1 " Close the range let re_old_tokrange = re_old_tokrange.nr2char(old_starttok + end_offset) let re_new_tokrange = re_new_tokrange.nr2char(new_starttok + end_offset) " If bgcolor is enabled, start a new range so that logic after this if " block needn't know or care whether it was entered if bgcolor " Determine offset to start of bgc range let start_offset = b:txtfmt_const_tokrange_size_{0}{lf_reserved}{lf_reserved} let re_old_tokrange = re_old_tokrange.nr2char(old_starttok + start_offset).'-' let re_new_tokrange = re_new_tokrange.nr2char(new_starttok + start_offset).'-' endif endif " If bgcolor is enabled, need to close the first or second range. (If no " bgcolor, first and only range has already been closed.) if bgcolor let end_offset = b:txtfmt_const_tokrange_size_{1}{lf_reserved}{lf_reserved} - 1 let re_old_tokrange = re_old_tokrange.nr2char(old_starttok + end_offset) let re_new_tokrange = re_new_tokrange.nr2char(new_starttok + end_offset) endif " STEP 1: (If and only if escaping is permitted) " Before translating any tokens, need to escape characters that are not " currently tokens, but will be after the move. Escapes, if applicable, " must be taken into account. " Note: Also, need to escape any escape chars that would be considered escaping " or escaped chars after the move. E.g. (if esc=bslash) " should become to ensure that " the effective sequence `' is preserved. " The algorithm for `esc=bslash' may be expressed as follows: Escape each " char in a sequence consisting of any number of backslashes terminated " with a token. Note that it doesn't matter whether number of backslashes " is even or odd, since the assumption is that prior to the move, neither " the backslashes nor the token chars have any special meaning. if b:txtfmt_cfg_escape != 'none' " Note: This concat order is *much* more efficient than the " alternative (since tokens are less common than non-token chars) let re_need_esc = \'\%(['.re_new_tokrange.']' \.'\&[^'.re_old_tokrange.']\)' if b:txtfmt_cfg_escape == 'bslash' silent! exe '%s/\%(\\\%(\\*'.re_need_esc.'\)\@=\|'.re_need_esc.'\)/\\\0/g' elseif b:txtfmt_cfg_escape == 'self' " TODO_BG: Decide whether to use escape() on re_need_esc or " whether to hardcode the extra escapes... silent! exe '%s/'.substitute(b:re_no_self_esc, 'placeholder', \ escape(re_need_esc, '&\'), '').'/\0\0/g' endif endif " STEP 2: Translate token range let re_move = '['.re_old_tokrange.']' if b:txtfmt_cfg_escape != 'none' if b:txtfmt_cfg_escape == 'bslash' let re_move = b:re_no_bslash_esc.re_move elseif b:txtfmt_cfg_escape == 'self' let re_move = substitute(b:re_no_self_esc, 'placeholder', re_move, '') endif endif silent! exe '%s/'.re_move.'/\=' \.'nr2char(char2nr(submatch(0)) + l:offset)' \.'/g' " STEP 3: (If and only if escaping is permitted) " Remove escape chars for characters that are txtfmt tokens under old " tokrange setting, but not under new. Also, since this post-unescaping " step is the complement of the pre-escaping performed above, we must " unescape backslashes that occur in sequences leading up to the escaped " token. E.g., " would become , since neither " the nor the subsequent is significant after the move. " Note that there's no need to check for even/odd number of backslashes " preceding tokens. The number will always be odd. For proof, see the " Rationale below. " Note: Any character that is in the old tokrange but not the new is an " escaped token that no longer needs escaping. " Rationale: All unescaped tokens of the old range have been translated, " and hence will be tokens in the new range as well. Thus, any token that " is within the old range but not within the new must, by definition, have " been escaped (else it would have been translated to the new range). " Design Decision: An escape is an escape if it's escaping any txtfmt " token, even a useless 'no-format' or 'no-color' token appearing outside " a region. (Recall that I don't highlight these to facilitate removal by " user...) " Rationale: The goal of this function is not to clean up user's file, but " simply to translate tokrange if b:txtfmt_cfg_escape != 'none' " Note: This concat order is *much* more efficient than the " alternative (since tokens are less common than non-token chars) let re_noneed_esc = \'\%(['.re_old_tokrange.']' \.'\&[^'.re_new_tokrange.']\)' " Perform substitution if b:txtfmt_cfg_escape == 'bslash' " Note: The nature of global substitutions is such that the first " char matched will always be an escaping (not an escaped) char. silent! exe '%s/\\\(\\\%(\\*'.re_noneed_esc.'\)\@=\|'.re_noneed_esc.'\)/\1/g' else " self-escape silent! exe '%s/\('.re_noneed_esc.'\)\(\1\)/\1/g' endif endif " Cause buffer to be refreshed with the new settings " Note: The following events are consumed by modeline processing logic, " which may need to alter the starttok value in a modeline " Note: ensures that new_starttok is a string. This is important " because it permits the modeline processing function to respect user's " choice of hex or dec when altering the modeline. let b:txtfmt_ml_new_starttok = new_starttok :Refresh endfu endif " if !exists('*s:MoveStartTok') " >>> " Function: s:GetTokInfo() <<< " Purpose: Return a string, which gives information about a token at a " specific line/col. If optional line/col pair is not supplied, cursor " location will be assumed. " Inputs: " [line] Optional arg #1. Line number of char for which info is desired. If " present, 2nd optional arg (col) must also be supplied. " [col] Optional arg #2. Column number of char for which info is desired. " Note: This number is actually a byte index, such as would be " returned by Vim's col() function. " Return: Variable format string as follows: " *** fg color token *** " c [(inactive)] " Note: is 1 based. " Also Note: `(inactive)' is appended if the token corresponds to a color that " is not in the active color mask " *** bg color token *** " k [(inactive)] " Note: is 1 based. " Also Note: `(inactive)' is appended if the token corresponds to a color that " is not in the active color mask " *** format token *** " f<[u][b][i]> " i.e., the format descriptor in fiducial form " *** non-token *** " " *** invalid char location *** " 'NUL' (just like Vim's ga builtin) " *** invalid inputs *** " (and echoerr a warning) " Note: Will show warning to user if inputs were invalid in a syntactical " sense. (No error msg for nonexistent char position.) " Interface note: This function is meant to be used both from a mapping (which " assumes cursor position) and from a command (which permits user to specify " position). " IMPORTANT NOTE: This function is multibyte-safe. fu! s:GetTokInfo(...) " The output of the if/else will be line/col of character of interest, " assuming the inputs are valid. if a:0 == 0 " Character of interest is at cursor position let line = line('.') let col = col('.') elseif a:0 == 1 " Makes no sense to supply line but not column! echoerr 'GetTokInfo(): Attempt to specify line without column' return '' elseif a:0 == 2 " Check for nonnegative line number if a:1 =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$' let line = a:1 else echoerr 'GetTokInfo(): '.a:1.' is not a valid line #' return '' endif " Check for nonnegative col number if a:2 =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$' let col = a:2 else echoerr 'GetTokInfo(): '.a:2.' is not a valid col #' return '' endif else echoerr 'GetTokInfo(): Wrong # of args - should be 0 or 2' return '' endif " If here, inputs are syntactically valid and line/col represents the " position of character about which information is desired. Obtain a " string whose first character is the character of interest. " Note: char2nr considers only first character in a string, so we don't " need to strip subsequent characters yet (and we can't do so with " byte-aware strpart anyway). let ch = strpart(getline(line), col - 1) " Note: If input position was invalid, ch will contain empty string. if ch == '' " Char pos doesn't exist - not an error return 'NUL' endif " If here, we have a character! Get its character code. let char_nr = char2nr(ch) " Get *single* char corresponding to the char code. " Note: strpart() and expr-[] deal with bytes not chars! let ch = nr2char(char_nr) " Determine the range within which token lies if char_nr >= b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok && char_nr <= b:txtfmt_fmt_last_tok " fmt token return 'f'.b:ubisrc_fmt{char_nr - b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok} elseif char_nr >= b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok && char_nr <= b:txtfmt_clr_last_tok " clr token " offset 0 = 'no color', represented by 'c-' " offset i = txtfmtColor{i} " Note: User-visible array is 1-based, and b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok " corresponds to the default fg color token let offset = char_nr - b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok let ret_str = 'c'.(offset == 0 ? '-' : ''.offset.'') " Distinguish between active/inactive start color tokens if char_nr > b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok && ch !~ '['.b:txtfmt_re_clr_stok_atom.']' let ret_str = ret_str.' (inactive)' endif return ret_str elseif char_nr >= b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok && char_nr <= b:txtfmt_bgc_last_tok " bgc token " offset 0 = 'no color', represented by 'k-' " offset i = txtfmtColor{i} " Note: User-visible array is 1-based, and b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok " corresponds to the default bg color token let offset = char_nr - b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok let ret_str = 'k'.(offset == 0 ? '-' : ''.offset.'') " Distinguish between active/inactive start color tokens if char_nr > b:txtfmt_bgc_first_tok && ch !~ '['.b:txtfmt_re_bgc_stok_atom.']' let ret_str = ret_str.' (inactive)' endif return ret_str else " Not a txtfmt token - just return ascii value return ''.char_nr.'' endif endfu " >>> " >>> " Configuration <<< " Needed only for ftplugin " Note: Performed after the Common Configuration, which sets the 'starttok' " option, needed when processing user maps " Function: s:Expand_user_map_macro() <<< " Purpose: Expand the input string, which is assumed to be the `...' in one of " the user-map expansion sequences of the form <...>. " Return: If the macro is valid, return the expanded text, just as it would " appear in the rhs of the map; otherwise, an empty string. fu! s:Expand_user_map_macro(s) let re_ins_tok_i = '^i\\:\(.\+\)$' let re_ins_tok_n = '^n\([1-9]\d*\)\?\\\(v\?\)\([iIaAoOs]\):\(.\+\)$' let re_jump_to_tok = '^\([nvio]\)\([1-9]\d*\)\?\([][]\)\(t\?\)\([be]\?[fkca]\)' " Determine which macro type we have if a:s =~ re_ins_tok_n . '\|' . re_ins_tok_i " Insert-token macro if a:s[0] == 'n' " Insert-token macro (normal) let l:count = substitute(a:s, re_ins_tok_n, '\1', '') let end_in_norm = substitute(a:s, re_ins_tok_n, '\2', '') == 'v' let enter_ins_cmd = substitute(a:s, re_ins_tok_n, '\3', '') let fmtclr_list = substitute(a:s, re_ins_tok_n, '\4', '') else " Insert-token macro (insert) let fmtclr_list = substitute(a:s, re_ins_tok_i, '\1', '') endif " Validate / Translate the fmt/clr list let tokstr = s:Translate_fmt_clr_list(fmtclr_list) if tokstr=='' " Invalid fmt/clr list " TODO: Perhaps fix up the error string. let s:err_str = "Invalid fmt/clr list in user map rhs: ".s:err_str return '' endif " Create the mode-specific expansion text if a:s[0] == 'n' " normal mode let seq = ":call Insert_tokstr('" \.tokstr."', '".enter_ins_cmd."', 1, ".end_in_norm \.(strlen(l:count) ? (", ".l:count) : "") \.")" \.":call Adjust_cursor()" else " insert mode let seq = "=Insert_tokstr('".tokstr."', 'i', 1, 0)" \."=Adjust_cursor()" endif elseif a:s =~ re_jump_to_tok " Jump to token macro let l:mode = substitute(a:s, re_jump_to_tok, '\1', '') let l:count = substitute(a:s, re_jump_to_tok, '\2', '') let l:dir = substitute(a:s, re_jump_to_tok, '\3', '') == '[' ? 'b' : 'f' let l:till = substitute(a:s, re_jump_to_tok, '\4', '') == 't' ? 1 : 0 let l:target = substitute(a:s, re_jump_to_tok, '\5', '') if l:mode =~ '[nvo]' let l:seq = ":call Jump_to_tok('" \.l:mode."', '".l:target."', '".l:dir."', ".l:till \.(strlen(l:count) ? (", ".l:count) : "") \.")" else " TODO - Permit insert-mode? let l:seq = "=Jump_to_tok('" \.l:mode."', '".l:target."', '".l:dir."', ".l:till \.(strlen(l:count) ? (", ".l:count) : "") \.")" endif else let s:err_str = "Invalid user-map expansion sequence: `<".a:s.">'" return '' endif " If here, expansion was successul. Return the expanded text. return seq endfu " >>> " Function: s:Translate_user_map_rhs() <<< " Purpose: Convert the rhs specified in a user map definition string to the " rhs that will be used in the actual map command. Special <<...>> sequences " are expanded. " Input: rhs string as it would appear in a user-map string " Return: The rhs as it would appear in a map command (with user-map macros " expanded) " Error: Set s:err_str and return empty string fu! s:Translate_user_map_rhs(rhs) let s = a:rhs " Catch empty (or all ws) strings - shouldn't be input if s =~ '^[[:space:]]*$' let s:err_str = "f:User map rhs must contain at least 1 non-whitespace char" return '' endif " Loop until special sequences are all expanded let ret_str = '' " build up in loop let len = strlen(s) let i1 = 0 let i2 = 0 while i2 < len " Find start of <<...>> sequence - this is safe even if i2 is index of " next '<' "let i1 = matchend(s, '\%(\\\_.\|[^<]\)*', i2) let i1 = matchend(s, '<<', i2) if i1 < 0 " String is exhausted - accumulate up to end let ret_str = ret_str.strpart(s, i2) break else " Accumulate, prior to processing <<...>> let ret_str = ret_str.strpart(s, i2, i1-i2-2) endif " Now find closing `>>' (it's not optional at this point) let i2 = match(s, '>>', i1) if i2 < 0 let s:err_str = "Unmatched `<<' in user map rhs" return '' endif " Extract stuff inside <<...>> " i1 points to 1st char beyond `<<' " i2 points to first `>' " i1 == i2 implies empty ... if i2 > i1 let seq = strpart(s, i1, i2-i1) else let s:err_str = "Empty fmt/clr map sequence" return '' endif " We have a non-empty sequence. Convert txtfmt-specific to `>' " before passing to Expand_user_map_macro for expansion. "let seq = substitute(seq, '\\\(.\)', '\1', 'g') let seq = substitute(seq, '', '>', 'g') " Expand the macro let expseq = s:Expand_user_map_macro(seq) " Was it valid? if expseq == '' let s:err_str = "Invalid usermap rhs: " . seq return '' endif " Append the expanded text to the return string let ret_str = ret_str.expseq " Make i2 point just past `>>' (it's on the 1st `>') let i2 = i2+2 endwhile " Return the now completely expanded string return ret_str endfu " >>> " Function: s:Do_user_maps() <<< " Purpose: Process any special global variables set by user, for the purpose " of allowing him to build his own map sequences from primitives. " How: fu! s:Do_user_maps() " In the following regex, \1=map command, \2=lhs, \3=rhs " RULES: " map_cmd must be imap, inoremap, nmap or nnoremap " map_lhs is terminated by first unescaped whitespace " -whitespace may appear in lhs if preceded by " map_rhs is everything else in the string " -must have extra level of escaping for \ and < " -may contain special <[in]:...> sequences " TODO - Fix up the regex... let re_usermap = '^\s*\([in]\%(nore\)\?map\)\s\+' \.'\(\%('."\.".'\|\S\)\+\)\s\+\(.\+\)' " Allow up to configurable number of user maps " Note: txtfmtUsermaplimit option may be set globally or buflocally, with " precedence given to buflocal set. let bset = exists('b:txtfmtUsermaplimit') let gset = exists('g:txtfmtUsermaplimit') if bset || gset let user_map_limit = bset ? b:txtfmtUsermaplimit : g:txtfmtUsermaplimit " Validate the limit set by user if user_map_limit !~ '^\s*\([1-9]\d*\|0x\x\+\)\s*$' " Invalid format - Warn and abort user-map processing echoerr "Aborting user-defined map processing: " \.(bset ? 'b:' : 'g:').'txtfmtUsermaplimit set to invalid value: ' \."`".user_map_limit."'" return endif else " Set default let user_map_limit = 25 endif " Loop over all possible maps let i = 1 while i <= user_map_limit " Determine whether buflocal or global setting exists for this element let bset = exists('b:txtfmtUsermap'.i) let gset = exists('g:txtfmtUsermap'.i) if bset || gset " Obtain the buflocal or global element let s = bset ? b:txtfmtUsermap{i} : g:txtfmtUsermap{i} " Validate and process the user map string if s !~ re_usermap echoerr 'Ignoring malformed user-defined map specified by ' \.(bset ? 'b:' : 'g:').'txtfmtUsermap{'.i.'}: ' \.'help txtfmt-user-map-fmt' else " Extract the map command and the map lhs/rhs let map_cmd = substitute(s, re_usermap, '\1', '') let map_lhs = substitute(s, re_usermap, '\2', '') let map_rhs = substitute(s, re_usermap, '\3', '') " Process non-empty rhs for special sequences " NOTE: rhs has extra level of \ and < escaping because of the " special embedded <...> sequences let map_rhs = s:Translate_user_map_rhs(map_rhs) if map_rhs=='' echoerr "User-defined map #".i." ignored due to error: ".s:err_str else " Attempt to define the map exe map_cmd.' '.map_lhs.' '.map_rhs " Add corresponding undo action (n or i unmap) " TODO - Figure out how to use s:Undef_map and avoid "no " such mapping error. call s:Add_undo(map_cmd[0].'unmap '.map_lhs) endif endif endif " Progress to next possible user map let i = i + 1 endwhile endfu " >>> " Function: s:Set_mapwarn() <<< " Purpose: Set txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn option either from user-supplied " g:txtfmtMapwarn or to default value. Global var txtfmtMapwarn is a character " flag option, which may contain the following flags: mMeEcCoO. Although the " flags may appear in any combination and in any order, there are certain " combinations that make no sense and should (arguably) result in a warning: " -m and e should not be used together " -M and E should not be used together " Note: If either of the above 2 rules are violated, the last supplied flag " takes precedence. " -o should not be used without either e or m " -O should not be used without either E or M fu! s:Set_mapwarn() " The following buffer-local config option is the output of this function, " and must be set before return. unlet! b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn if exists('g:txtfmtMapwarn') " Process value supplied by user, storing to buffer-local config " variable a valid and normalized set of character flags. " Design Decision: Preserve the order of flags being retained rather " than arranging them in fiducial order. " Note: Existence of l:mapwarn after the loop implies that no error " was found with user-supplied option value. (Note that empty string " is a valid setting.) let mapwarn = '' let i = strlen(g:txtfmtMapwarn) - 1 while i >= 0 let ch = g:txtfmtMapwarn[i] if ch !~ '[mMeEcCoO]' " Invalid flag! unlet mapwarn break endif " Make sure flags already in mapwarn don't preclude addition of " this one. if ( \-1 == stridx(mapwarn, ch) && \(ch != 'm' || -1 == stridx(mapwarn, 'e')) && \(ch != 'e' || -1 == stridx(mapwarn, 'm')) && \(ch != 'M' || -1 == stridx(mapwarn, 'E')) && \(ch != 'E' || -1 == stridx(mapwarn, 'M')) \) " Prepend the flag to preserve order. (Recall that loop is in " reverse order.) let mapwarn = ch . mapwarn endif " Retreat to preceding character flag let i = i - 1 endwhile if exists('l:mapwarn') " No errors were encountered in the set of mapwarn. let b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn = mapwarn else " Warn user that his setting was not valid echomsg "Ignoring invalid setting of txtfmtMapwarn: `".g:txtfmtMapwarn \."' (:he txtfmtMapwarn)" endif endif " If option was not set by user to a valid value, set to default if !exists('b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn') " Use default let b:txtfmt_cfg_mapwarn = 'mMoOcC' endif endfu " >>> " Function: s:Define_user_map_defaults() <<< " Purpose: Set up some default user maps for testing... fu! s:Define_user_map_defaults() " User map definition examples for test <<< " Map CTRL-B in insert mode to start and terminate a 'bold' region, " leaving the cursor positioned in the region interior, ready to type bold " text. " Hint: Similar maps might be created for underline and italic let g:txtfmtUsermap1 = 'inoremap <>' " Map CTRL-\f in insert mode to end current format region. let g:txtfmtUsermap2 = 'inoremap f <>' " Map CTRL-\k in insert mode to end current bg color region. let g:txtfmtUsermap3 = 'inoremap k <>' " Map \t in normal mode to embolden, underline and center (i.e. " 'title-ize') the current line let g:txtfmtUsermap4 = \'nnoremap t <><>:ce' " Map \cf in normal mode to change all text within the current format " region (without deleting the tokens that begin and end the region). " Note: Since the default jump-to-token mappings are used in the rhs " (rather than the special expansion macros), nmap must be used (rather " than nnoremap). " Note: The reason the ]f does not cause the format 'end region' token to " be deleted is that the operator-pending jump-to-token maps work " 'exclusively' when there is no 'v' between operator and motion. let g:txtfmtUsermap5 = \'nmap cf [tbfc]f' " Same as preceding map but for current color region. " Note: This one demonstrates the use of the 'jump-to-token' expansion " macros. let g:txtfmtUsermap6 = \'nnoremap cc <>c<>' " Map bw in normal mode to embolden the word under the " cursor. (The extra complexity is needed to ensure that you can invoke " with cursor anywhere on the word.) let g:txtfmtUsermap7 = \'nnoremap bw :if col(".")!=1 && ' \.'getline(".")[col(".")-2]=~"\\w"exe "norm! b"' \.'endif<>e<>b' " Map \vf in normal mode to select all of the current format region " visually. " Note: Unlike the earlier one for changing the current format region, " this one doesn't constrain the backwards jump to a 'begin' region token; " hence, it will also highlight the text between regions. let g:txtfmtUsermap8 = \'nnoremap vf <>v<>' " Map vf in insert mode to do the same in insert mode let g:txtfmtUsermap9 = \'inoremap vf <>lv<>' " Map in normal mode to jump forward to the 3rd " 'begin format region' token. (Not overly practical, but demonstrates the " use of whitespace in the lhs, as well as the use of the optional count " with the jump-to-token expansion macros.) let g:txtfmtUsermap10 = \'nnoremap <>' " Map _ in normal mode to substitute the next 4 characters " with a 'bold' format token followed by a 'no format' token, leaving the " cursor positioned between the two. " (This map is not intended to be useful, but merely to demonstrate the " specification of a count with an insert-token expansion macro.) let g:txtfmtUsermap11 = \'nnoremap _ <>' " Map rb in normal mode to make the current line bold with a " red background. let g:txtfmtUsermap12 = \'nnoremap rb <><>' " >>> endfu " >>> " Function: s:Do_config() <<< " Purpose: Set script local variables, taking into account whether user has " overriden via txtfmt globals. fu! s:Do_config() " set vim 'iskeyword' option <<< " Exclude the special tokens from iskeyword option, so that word movement " normal commands will work intuitively. (Recall that the delimiters will " appear as space characters.) " IMPORTANT NOTE: Ideally, we would be able to have the tokens treated " just like whitespace, from the standpoint of word and WORD motions; " unfortunately, we can't instruct Vim to do this - the best we can do is " make them non-keyword, which means they'll be treated like punctation; " i.e., word motions will stop on them and on the beginning of subsequent " word. " IMPORTANT TODO: Vim doesn't allow multi-byte characters above 255 to be " excluded! " Decide whether there's a workaround. For now, don't do this if we're " dealing with tokens above 255. " Note: I'm intentionally including inactive color tokens in the ranges. " Rationale: I don't feel that the complexity that would be added by the " logic to exclude them is justified by any advantage doing so would " provide. if (b:txtfmt_last_tok <= 255) let val = '^'.b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok.'-'.b:txtfmt_last_tok exe 'setlocal iskeyword+='.val call s:Add_undo('setlocal iskeyword-='.val) endif " >>> " Process txtfmtMapwarn option <<< call s:Set_mapwarn() " >>> " txtfmtUsermaplimit: Max # of user maps that will be checked <<< " Allow nonnegative dec, hex, or oct " Cannot set from modeline if exists('g:txtfmtUsermaplimit') && g:txtfmtUsermaplimit =~ '^\%(0[xX]\)\?[0-9]\+$' let s:txtfmtUsermaplimit = g:txtfmtUsermaplimit else " Set to reasonable default let s:txtfmtUsermaplimit = 25 endif " >>> " TEST ONLY: Define some default user-maps for testing <<< "call s:Define_user_map_defaults() " >>> " Process any user-defined maps <<< call s:Do_user_maps() " >>> endfu " >>> call s:Do_config() " >>> " Public-interface functions <<< " Function: g:Txtfmt_GetTokInfo() <<< " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " !!!!! DEPRECATED !!!!! " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Purpose: Return a string, which gives information about a token at a " specific line/col. If optional line/col pair is not supplied, cursor " location will be assumed. " Important Note: This function is conceptually a wrapper for script-local " s:GetTokInfo. For backwards-compatibility reasons, however, the meaning of " the 'col' parameter is slightly different. For this function, col represents " a 1-based char index; for s:GetTokInfo it is a 1-based byte index. " Note: See s:GetTokInfo for additional description " Interface note: This function is meant to be used by plugin user; e.g., from " mappings. " IMPORTANT NOTE: This function now works for multibyte encodings. fu! Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(...) " Call s:GetTokInfo with the appropriate arguments if a:0 == 0 return s:GetTokInfo() elseif a:0 == 1 " Makes no sense to supply line but not column! echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): Attempt to specify line without column' return '' elseif a:0 == 2 " Check for nonnegative line number if a:1 =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$' let line = a:1 else echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): '.a:1.' is not a valid line #' return '' endif " Check for nonnegative col number if a:2 =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$' " Note: Input col is 1-based character index. Use byteidx to convert " to 1-based byte index for strpart. let col = byteidx(getline(line), a:2 - 1) + 1 if col == 0 " Invalid (too large) col position - not error... return 'NUL' else return s:GetTokInfo(line, col) endif else echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): '.a:2.' is not a valid col #' return '' endif else echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): Wrong # of args - should be 0 or 2' return '' endif endfu " >>> " Function: g:OldTxtfmt_GetTokInfo() <<< " Purpose: Return a string, which gives information about a token at a " specific line/col. If optional line/col pair is not supplied, cursor " location will be assumed. " Inputs: " [line] Optional arg #1. Line number of char for which info is desired. If " present, 2nd optional arg (col) must also be supplied. " [col] Optional arg #2. Column number of char for which info is desired. " NOTE: Currently, even when a multi-byte encoding is used, [col] is used as a " byte offset rather than a character offset. " TODO: Decide whether I should stop obtaining the character via " getline()[pos] in favor of a multi-byte safe way. " Return: Variable format string as follows: " *** color token *** " c " Note: is 1 based. " *** format token *** " f<[u][b][i]> " i.e., the format descriptor in fiducial form " *** non-token *** " " *** invalid char location or wrong # of inputs *** " " Note: Will show warning to user if inputs were invalid in a syntactical " sense. (No error msg for nonexistent char position.) " Interface note: This function is meant to be used by plugin user; e.g., from " mappings. " IMPORTANT NOTE: This function now works for multibyte encodings. " TODO_BG: Delete this "old" version of the function if I haven't rolled back " prior to the release of 2.0... fu! OldTxtfmt_GetTokInfo(...) " The output of the if/else will be a variable (ch) whose first character " is the token about which information is requested if a:0 == 0 let ch = strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1) elseif a:0 == 1 " Makes no sense to supply line but not column! echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): Attempt to specify line without column' return '' elseif a:0 == 2 " Check for nonnegative line number if a:1 =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$' let line = a:1 else echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): '.a:1.' is not a valid line #' return '' endif " Check for nonnegative col number if a:2 =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$' " Note: Input col is 1-based character index. Use byteidx to convert " to byte index for strpart. let col0 = byteidx(getline(line), a:2 - 1) if col0 == -1 " Invalid (too large) col position - not error... let ch = '' else let ch = strpart(getline(line), col0) endif else echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): '.a:2.' is not a valid col #' return '' endif else echoerr 'Txtfmt_GetTokInfo(): Wrong # of args - should be 0 or 2' return '' endif " If here, inputs are syntactically valid and ch holds a string whose " first character is the one about which info is requested, or empty " string if the requested position is invalid. if ch == '' " Char pos doesn't exist - not an error return '' endif let char_nr = char2nr(ch) " Determine the range within which token lies if char_nr >= b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok && char_nr <= b:txtfmt_fmt_last_tok " fmt token return 'f'.b:ubisrc_fmt{char_nr - b:txtfmt_fmt_first_tok} elseif char_nr >= b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok && char_nr <= b:txtfmt_clr_last_tok " clr token " offset 0 = 'no color', represented by 'c-' " offset i = color{i-1} let offset = char_nr - b:txtfmt_clr_first_tok return 'c'.(offset == 0 ? '-' : ''.(offset-1).'') else " Not a txtfmt token - just return ascii value return ''.char_nr.'' endif endfu " >>> " Function: g:Txtfmt_GetTokStr() <<< " Purpose: Translate the input fmt/clr spec list and return the resulting " token string. " Inputs: " s fmt/clr spec list to be translated " Return: If input spec list is valid, the corresponding literal token " sequence is returned as a string; otherwise, empty string is returned and " error msg is output. fu! Txtfmt_GetTokStr(s) " Make sure this is a txtfmt buffer if !exists('b:loaded_txtfmt') echoerr "Function Txtfmt_GetTokStr can be used only within a 'txtfmt' buffer" return '' endif " Call script-local function to perform the translation let tokstr = s:Translate_fmt_clr_list(a:s) if (tokstr == '') echoerr "`".a:s."' is not a valid fmt/clr spec list" return '' else " We have a translated fmt/clr spec comprising an offset followed by " the actual fmt/clr token sequence. Extract the literal token string " and throw the offset away. " TODO - Embed this in a special accessor function that may be used " elsewhere... let tokstr = substitute(tokstr, '\(\-\?[[:digit:]]\+\),\(.*\)', '\2', '') return tokstr endif endfu " >>> " >>> " Public-interface commands <<< com! -buffer ShowTokenMap call ShowTokenMap() com! -buffer -nargs=? MoveStartTok call MoveStartTok() com! -buffer -nargs=* GetTokInfo echo GetTokInfo() " >>> " MAPS: LEVEL 1 & 2 (reconfig): normal/insert mode --> ... mappings <<< " Note: used (rather than ) to prevent side-effect when insert-mode " mapping invoked past end of line (cursor pos off by 1) " normal mode jump 'to' token mappings <<< " Align sequence <<< " AlignCtrl default " AlignCtrl w=p0P1 , " AlignCtrl g ^call " '<,'>Align " >>> call s:Def_map('n', '[bf', 'TxtfmtBckToFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bf', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']bf', 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bf', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[bc', 'TxtfmtBckToClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bc', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']bc', 'TxtfmtFwdToClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bc', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[bk', 'TxtfmtBckToBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bk', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']bk', 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bk', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[ba', 'TxtfmtBckToAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ba', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']ba', 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ba', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[f' , 'TxtfmtBckToFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'f' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']f' , 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'f' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[c' , 'TxtfmtBckToClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'c' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']c' , 'TxtfmtFwdToClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'c' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[k' , 'TxtfmtBckToBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'k' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']k' , 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'k' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[a' , 'TxtfmtBckToAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'a' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']a' , 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'a' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[ef', 'TxtfmtBckToFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ef', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']ef', 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ef', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[ec', 'TxtfmtBckToClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ec', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']ec', 'TxtfmtFwdToClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ec', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[ek', 'TxtfmtBckToBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ek', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']ek', 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ek', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', '[ea', 'TxtfmtBckToAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ea', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('n', ']ea', 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ea', 'f', 0)") " >>> " visual mode jump 'to' token mappings <<< call s:Def_map('v', '[bf', 'TxtfmtBckToFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bf', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']bf', 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bf', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[bc', 'TxtfmtBckToClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bc', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']bc', 'TxtfmtFwdToClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bc', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[bk', 'TxtfmtBckToBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bk', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']bk', 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bk', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[ba', 'TxtfmtBckToAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ba', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']ba', 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ba', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[f' , 'TxtfmtBckToFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'f' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']f' , 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'f' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[c' , 'TxtfmtBckToClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'c' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']c' , 'TxtfmtFwdToClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'c' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[k' , 'TxtfmtBckToBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'k' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']k' , 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'k' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[a' , 'TxtfmtBckToAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'a' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']a' , 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'a' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[ef', 'TxtfmtBckToFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ef', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']ef', 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ef', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[ec', 'TxtfmtBckToClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ec', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']ec', 'TxtfmtFwdToClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ec', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[ek', 'TxtfmtBckToBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ek', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']ek', 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ek', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', '[ea', 'TxtfmtBckToAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ea', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('v', ']ea', 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ea', 'f', 0)") " >>> " operator-pending mode jump 'to' token mappings <<< " Note: 'v' can be used with these to toggle inclusive/exclusive call s:Def_map('o', '[bf', 'TxtfmtBckToFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bf', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']bf', 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bf', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[bc', 'TxtfmtBckToClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bc', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']bc', 'TxtfmtFwdToClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bc', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[bk', 'TxtfmtBckToBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bk', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']bk', 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bk', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[ba', 'TxtfmtBckToAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ba', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']ba', 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ba', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[f' , 'TxtfmtBckToFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'f' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']f' , 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'f' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[c' , 'TxtfmtBckToClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'c' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']c' , 'TxtfmtFwdToClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'c' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[k' , 'TxtfmtBckToBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'k' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']k' , 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'k' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[a' , 'TxtfmtBckToAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'a' , 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']a' , 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'a' , 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[ef', 'TxtfmtBckToFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ef', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']ef', 'TxtfmtFwdToFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ef', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[ec', 'TxtfmtBckToClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ec', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']ec', 'TxtfmtFwdToClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ec', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[ek', 'TxtfmtBckToBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ek', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']ek', 'TxtfmtFwdToBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ek', 'f', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', '[ea', 'TxtfmtBckToAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ea', 'b', 0)") call s:Def_map('o', ']ea', 'TxtfmtFwdToAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ea', 'f', 0)") " >>> " normal mode jump 'till' token mappings <<< call s:Def_map('n', '[tbf', 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bf', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tbf', 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bf', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tbc', 'TxtfmtBckTillClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bc', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tbc', 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bc', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tbk', 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bk', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tbk', 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'bk', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tba', 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ba', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tba', 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ba', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tf' , 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'f' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tf' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'f' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tc' , 'TxtfmtBckTillClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'c' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tc' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'c' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tk' , 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'k' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tk' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'k' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[ta' , 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'a' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']ta' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'a' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tef', 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ef', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tef', 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ef', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tec', 'TxtfmtBckTillClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ec', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tec', 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ec', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tek', 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ek', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tek', 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ek', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', '[tea', 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ea', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('n', ']tea', 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('n', 'ea', 'f', 1)") " >>> " visual mode jump 'till' token mappings <<< call s:Def_map('v', '[tbf', 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bf', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tbf', 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bf', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tbc', 'TxtfmtBckTillClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bc', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tbc', 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bc', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tbk', 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bk', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tbk', 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'bk', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tba', 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ba', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tba', 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ba', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tf' , 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'f' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tf' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'f' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tc' , 'TxtfmtBckTillClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'c' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tc' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'c' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tk' , 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'k' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tk' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'k' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[ta' , 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'a' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']ta' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'a' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tef', 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ef', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tef', 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ef', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tec', 'TxtfmtBckTillClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ec', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tec', 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ec', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tek', 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ek', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tek', 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ek', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', '[tea', 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ea', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('v', ']tea', 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('v', 'ea', 'f', 1)") " >>> " operator-pending mode jump 'till' token mappings <<< " Note: 'v' can be used with these to toggle inclusive/exclusive call s:Def_map('o', '[tbf', 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bf', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tbf', 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bf', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tbc', 'TxtfmtBckTillClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bc', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tbc', 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bc', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tbk', 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bk', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tbk', 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'bk', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tba', 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ba', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tba', 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyBegTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ba', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tf' , 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'f' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tf' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'f' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tc' , 'TxtfmtBckTillClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'c' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tc' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'c' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tk' , 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'k' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tk' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'k' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[ta' , 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'a' , 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']ta' , 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyTok' , ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'a' , 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tef', 'TxtfmtBckTillFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ef', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tef', 'TxtfmtFwdTillFmtEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ef', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tec', 'TxtfmtBckTillClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ec', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tec', 'TxtfmtFwdTillClrEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ec', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tek', 'TxtfmtBckTillBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ek', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tek', 'TxtfmtFwdTillBgcEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ek', 'f', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', '[tea', 'TxtfmtBckTillAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ea', 'b', 1)") call s:Def_map('o', ']tea', 'TxtfmtFwdTillAnyEndTok', ":call Jump_to_tok('o', 'ea', 'f', 1)") " >>> " normal mode insert token mappings <<< " These mappings may be used from normal mode to insert special tokens. " Note: The first set leaves cursor in insert mode, and is probably the most " useful. The second set enters insert mode to do the insert and puts cursor " at correct offset prior to returning to normal mode. Works just like " inserting the token, then hitting . " TODO - This one is redundant to the \vi one - use the latter instead for " notational consistency? call s:Def_map('n', '', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_n', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'i', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") " Start in normal / End in insert call s:Def_map('n', 'i', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_i', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'i', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'I', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_I', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'I', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'a', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_a', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'a', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'A', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_A', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'A', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'o', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_o', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'o', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'O', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_O', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'O', 0, 0)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") "call s:Def_map('n', 's', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_s', " \":call Insert_tokstr('', 's', 0, 0)" " \.":call Adjust_cursor()") " Start in normal / End in normal call s:Def_map('n', 'vi', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_vi', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'i', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'vI', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_vI', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'I', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'va', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_va', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'a', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'vA', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_vA', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'A', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'vo', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_vo', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'o', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'vO', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_vO', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 'O', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") call s:Def_map('n', 'vs', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_vs', \":call Insert_tokstr('', 's', 0, 1)" \.":call Adjust_cursor()") " >>> " insert mode insert token mappings <<< " NOTE: Default is to use something that wouldn't be typed as text for the " insert mode map. User may wish to remap this one to a Function key or " something else entirely. I find very easy to type... call s:Def_map('i', '', 'TxtfmtInsertTok_i', \"=Insert_tokstr('', 'i', 0, 0)" \."=Adjust_cursor()") " >>> " normal mode get token info mapping <<< call s:Def_map('n', 'ga', 'TxtfmtGetTokInfo', \":echo GetTokInfo()") " >>> " NOTES <<< " -enterinsert default is 'i' " -mode default is 'ni' " - can't be used in insert-mode mapping for some reason... " >>> " TODO <<< " -Convert ASCII only pattern character classes to ones that will work with " multi-byte chars " -Add commands/functions for detecting and altering the range of character " codes used for txtfmt tokens. " -Use syntax clusters instead of the double definition trickery I used when I " didn't know about syntax clusters. " >>> " >>> " Restore compatibility options <<< " Restore compatibility options to what they were let &cpo = s:save_cpo " >>> " vim: sw=4 ts=4 foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> :