" Script Name: mark.vim " Version: 1.1.8 (global version) " Last Change: April 25, 2008 " Author: Yuheng Xie " Contributor: Luc Hermitte " " Description: a little script to highlight several words in different colors " simultaneously " " Usage: :Mark regexp to mark a regular expression " :Mark regexp with exactly the same regexp to unmark it " :Mark to clear all marks " " You may map keys for the call in your vimrc file for " convenience. The default keys is: " Highlighting: " Normal \m mark or unmark the word under or before the cursor " \r manually input a regular expression " \n clear current mark (i.e. the mark under the cursor), " or clear all marks " Visual \m mark or unmark a visual selection " \r manually input a regular expression " Searching: " Normal \* jump to the next occurrence of current mark " \# jump to the previous occurrence of current mark " \/ jump to the next occurrence of ANY mark " \? jump to the previous occurrence of ANY mark " * behaviors vary, please refer to the table on " # line 123 " combined with VIM's / and ? etc. " " The default colors/groups setting is for marking six " different words in different colors. You may define your own " colors in your vimrc file. That is to define highlight group " names as "MarkWordN", where N is a number. An example could be " found below. " " Bugs: some colored words could not be highlighted " " Changes: " " 10th Mar 2006, Yuheng Xie: jump to ANY mark " (*) added \* \# \/ \? for the ability of jumping to ANY mark, even when the " cursor is not currently over any mark " " 20th Sep 2005, Yuheng Xie: minor modifications " (*) merged MarkRegexVisual into MarkRegex " (*) added GetVisualSelectionEscaped for multi-lines visual selection and " visual selection contains ^, $, etc. " (*) changed the name ThisMark to CurrentMark " (*) added SearchCurrentMark and re-used raw map (instead of VIM function) to " implement * and # " " 14th Sep 2005, Luc Hermitte: modifications done on v1.1.4 " (*) anti-reinclusion guards. They do not guard colors definitions in case " this script must be reloaded after .gvimrc " (*) Protection against disabled |line-continuation|s. " (*) Script-local functions " (*) Default keybindings " (*) \r for visual mode " (*) uses instead of "\" " (*) do not mess with global variable g:w " (*) regex simplified -> double quotes changed into simple quotes. " (*) strpart(str, idx, 1) -> str[idx] " (*) command :Mark " -> e.g. :Mark Mark.\{-}\ze( " default colors/groups " you may define your own colors in you vimrc file, in the form as below: hi MarkWord1 ctermbg=Cyan ctermfg=Black guibg=#8CCBEA guifg=Black hi MarkWord2 ctermbg=Green ctermfg=Black guibg=#A4E57E guifg=Black hi MarkWord3 ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guibg=#FFDB72 guifg=Black hi MarkWord4 ctermbg=Red ctermfg=Black guibg=#FF7272 guifg=Black hi MarkWord5 ctermbg=Magenta ctermfg=Black guibg=#FFB3FF guifg=Black hi MarkWord6 ctermbg=Blue ctermfg=Black guibg=#9999FF guifg=Black " Anti reinclusion guards if exists('g:loaded_mark') && !exists('g:force_reload_mark') finish endif " Support for |line-continuation| let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Default bindings if !hasmapto('MarkSet', 'n') nmap l MarkSet endif if !hasmapto('MarkSet', 'v') vmap l MarkSet endif if !hasmapto('MarkRegex', 'n') nmap r MarkRegex endif if !hasmapto('MarkRegex', 'v') vmap r MarkRegex endif if !hasmapto('MarkClear', 'k') nmap k MarkClear endif nnoremap MarkSet :call \ MarkCurrentWord() vnoremap MarkSet :call \ DoMark(GetVisualSelectionEscaped("enV")) nnoremap MarkRegex :call \ MarkRegex() vnoremap MarkRegex :call \ MarkRegex(GetVisualSelectionEscaped("N")) nnoremap MarkClear :call \ DoMark(CurrentMark()) " Here is a sumerization of the following keys' behaviors: " " First of all, \#, \? and # behave just like \*, \/ and *, respectively, " except that \#, \? and # search backward. " " \*, \/ and *'s behaviors differ base on whether the cursor is currently " placed over an active mark: " " Cursor over mark Cursor not over mark " --------------------------------------------------------------------------- " \* jump to the next occurrence of jump to the next occurrence of " current mark, and remember it "last mark". " as "last mark". " " \/ jump to the next occurrence of same as left " ANY mark. " " * if \* is the most recently used, do VIM's original * " do a \*; otherwise (\/ is the " most recently used), do a \/. nnoremap v :call SearchCurrentMark() nnoremap # :call SearchCurrentMark("b") nnoremap / :call SearchAnyMark() nnoremap ? :call SearchAnyMark("b") nnoremap * :if !SearchNext()execute "norm! *"endif nnoremap # :if !SearchNext("b")execute "norm! #"endif command! -nargs=? Mark call s:DoMark() autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:UpdateMark() " Functions function! s:MarkCurrentWord() let w = s:PrevWord() if w != "" call s:DoMark('\<' . w . '\>') endif endfunction function! s:GetVisualSelection() let save_a = @a silent normal! gv"ay let res = @a let @a = save_a return res endfunction function! s:GetVisualSelectionEscaped(flags) " flags: " "e" \ -> \\ " "n" \n -> \\n for multi-lines visual selection " "N" \n removed " "V" \V added for marking plain ^, $, etc. let result = s:GetVisualSelection() let i = 0 while i < strlen(a:flags) if a:flags[i] ==# "e" let result = escape(result, '\') elseif a:flags[i] ==# "n" let result = substitute(result, '\n', '\\n', 'g') elseif a:flags[i] ==# "N" let result = substitute(result, '\n', '', 'g') elseif a:flags[i] ==# "V" let result = '\V' . result endif let i = i + 1 endwhile return result endfunction " manually input a regular expression function! s:MarkRegex(...) " MarkRegex(regexp) let regexp = "" if a:0 > 0 let regexp = a:1 endif call inputsave() let r = input("@", regexp) call inputrestore() if r != "" call s:DoMark(r) endif endfunction " define variables if they don't exist function! s:InitMarkVariables() if !exists("g:mwHistAdd") let g:mwHistAdd = "/@" endif if !exists("g:mwCycleMax") let i = 1 while hlexists("MarkWord" . i) let i = i + 1 endwhile let g:mwCycleMax = i - 1 endif if !exists("g:mwCycle") let g:mwCycle = 1 endif let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if !exists("g:mwWord" . i) let g:mwWord{i} = "" endif let i = i + 1 endwhile if !exists("g:mwLastSearched") let g:mwLastSearched = "" endif endfunction " return the word under or before the cursor function! s:PrevWord() let line = getline(".") if line[col(".") - 1] =~ '\w' return expand("") else return substitute(strpart(line, 0, col(".") - 1), '^.\{-}\(\w\+\)\W*$', '\1', '') endif endfunction " mark or unmark a regular expression function! s:DoMark(...) " DoMark(regexp) " define variables if they don't exist call s:InitMarkVariables() " clear all marks if regexp is null let regexp = "" if a:0 > 0 let regexp = a:1 endif if regexp == "" let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if g:mwWord{i} != "" let g:mwWord{i} = "" let lastwinnr = winnr() exe "windo syntax clear MarkWord" . i exe lastwinnr . "wincmd w" endif let i = i + 1 endwhile let g:mwLastSearched = "" return 0 endif " clear the mark if it has been marked let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if regexp == g:mwWord{i} if g:mwLastSearched == g:mwWord{i} let g:mwLastSearched = "" endif let g:mwWord{i} = "" let lastwinnr = winnr() exe "windo syntax clear MarkWord" . i exe lastwinnr . "wincmd w" return 0 endif let i = i + 1 endwhile " add to history if stridx(g:mwHistAdd, "/") >= 0 call histadd("/", regexp) endif if stridx(g:mwHistAdd, "@") >= 0 call histadd("@", regexp) endif " quote regexp with / etc. e.g. pattern => /pattern/ let quote = "/?~!@#$%^&*+-=,.:" let i = 0 while i < strlen(quote) if stridx(regexp, quote[i]) < 0 let quoted_regexp = quote[i] . regexp . quote[i] break endif let i = i + 1 endwhile if i >= strlen(quote) return -1 endif " choose an unused mark group let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if g:mwWord{i} == "" let g:mwWord{i} = regexp if i < g:mwCycleMax let g:mwCycle = i + 1 else let g:mwCycle = 1 endif let lastwinnr = winnr() exe "windo syntax clear MarkWord" . i " suggested by Marc Weber " exe "windo syntax match MarkWord" . i . " " . quoted_regexp . " containedin=ALL" exe "windo syntax match MarkWord" . i . " " . quoted_regexp . " containedin=.*" exe lastwinnr . "wincmd w" return i endif let i = i + 1 endwhile " choose a mark group by cycle let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if g:mwCycle == i if g:mwLastSearched == g:mwWord{i} let g:mwLastSearched = "" endif let g:mwWord{i} = regexp if i < g:mwCycleMax let g:mwCycle = i + 1 else let g:mwCycle = 1 endif let lastwinnr = winnr() exe "windo syntax clear MarkWord" . i " suggested by Marc Weber " exe "windo syntax match MarkWord" . i . " " . quoted_regexp . " containedin=ALL" exe "windo syntax match MarkWord" . i . " " . quoted_regexp . " containedin=.*" exe lastwinnr . "wincmd w" return i endif let i = i + 1 endwhile endfunction " update mark colors function! s:UpdateMark() " define variables if they don't exist call s:InitMarkVariables() let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax exe "syntax clear MarkWord" . i if g:mwWord{i} != "" " quote regexp with / etc. e.g. pattern => /pattern/ let quote = "/?~!@#$%^&*+-=,.:" let j = 0 while j < strlen(quote) if stridx(g:mwWord{i}, quote[j]) < 0 let quoted_regexp = quote[j] . g:mwWord{i} . quote[j] break endif let j = j + 1 endwhile if j >= strlen(quote) continue endif " suggested by Marc Weber " exe "syntax match MarkWord" . i . " " . quoted_regexp . " containedin=ALL" exe "syntax match MarkWord" . i . " " . quoted_regexp . " containedin=.*" endif let i = i + 1 endwhile endfunction " return the mark string under the cursor. multi-lines marks not supported function! s:CurrentMark() " define variables if they don't exist call s:InitMarkVariables() let line = getline(".") let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if g:mwWord{i} != "" let start = 0 while start >= 0 && start < strlen(line) && start < col(".") let b = match(line, g:mwWord{i}, start) let e = matchend(line, g:mwWord{i}, start) if b < col(".") && col(".") <= e let s:current_mark_position = line(".") . "_" . b return g:mwWord{i} endif let start = e endwhile endif let i = i + 1 endwhile return "" endfunction " search current mark function! s:SearchCurrentMark(...) " SearchCurrentMark(flags) let flags = "" if a:0 > 0 let flags = a:1 endif let w = s:CurrentMark() if w != "" let p = s:current_mark_position call search(w, flags) call s:CurrentMark() if p == s:current_mark_position call search(w, flags) endif let g:mwLastSearched = w else if g:mwLastSearched != "" call search(g:mwLastSearched, flags) else call s:SearchAnyMark(flags) let g:mwLastSearched = s:CurrentMark() endif endif endfunction " combine all marks into one regexp function! s:AnyMark() " define variables if they don't exist call s:InitMarkVariables() let w = "" let i = 1 while i <= g:mwCycleMax if g:mwWord{i} != "" if w != "" let w = w . '\|' . g:mwWord{i} else let w = g:mwWord{i} endif endif let i = i + 1 endwhile return w endfunction " search any mark function! s:SearchAnyMark(...) " SearchAnyMark(flags) let flags = "" if a:0 > 0 let flags = a:1 endif let w = s:CurrentMark() if w != "" let p = s:current_mark_position else let p = "" endif let w = s:AnyMark() call search(w, flags) call s:CurrentMark() if p == s:current_mark_position call search(w, flags) endif let g:mwLastSearched = "" endfunction " search last searched mark function! s:SearchNext(...) " SearchNext(flags) let flags = "" if a:0 > 0 let flags = a:1 endif let w = s:CurrentMark() if w != "" if g:mwLastSearched != "" call s:SearchCurrentMark(flags) else call s:SearchAnyMark(flags) endif return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction " Restore previous 'cpo' value let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: ts=2 sw=2