> could you post an explaination of what you mean by outliner? Sure... An outliner is an editor for hierarchically structured text or other content. The first outliners appeared back in the '80's (ThinkTank, More!, and Ready come to mind), but have not survived as a separate product category. However, their legacy lives on in modern projects. Probably the best known example of them is the Outline View in Microsoft Word. I've adopted this model for my outliner. Of course, Vim outlines are pure text instead of a M$ proprietary file format. Here's the model: Headlines establish a hierarchy. Headline levels are determined by their indenting (1 tab per headline level). Headlines may be collapsed, in which case you just see the headline and the first line of its text, if any, but not any of its sub-headlines. Operations on headlines affect their text as well as subheads. These include: * Promote/Demote (decrease/increase the indent) * Cut Paste before/after * Yank (copy) You can quickly determine how many levels you want to display, so you can zoom into and out of the structure. If you do (for instance) \2 then only levels 0, 1, and 2 will be shown. Headlines may have attached text. I've used pipe characters to mark text blocks, so a piece of an outline with text might look like: Level 0 Level 1 | Level 1's text Level 2 | level 2 text | another line Another Level 1 heading Another level 2 heading Because there's both text and headlines, I've also supplied two operations that extract a subset of the outline to another buffer/window: * Extract text (gets all the text, removes comment characters, reformats). Will include headings marked with "+" signs. * Extract heads Also see some web sites that discuss outliners: http://www.outliners.com/ http://frontier.userland.com/stories/storyReader$307 http://john.redmood.com/organizers.html http://radio.weblogs.com/0001215/stories/2002/03/04/insideOutliners.html