#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Module for parsing/formatting TVO outlines. # $Id: otlParser.rb 118 2006-04-17 21:12:45Z ned $ require 'stringio' require 'getoptlong' module TVO RETodo1 = /\b(TODO|XXX|NOTE)\b/ REStandout = /\*\*\s*\b(.+?)\b\s*\*\*/ RETagDef = /]+)>|\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]/i REExternTagRef = /]+)\s*>|\[([a-z]+:[^\]]+)\]/i RETagRef = /\[([^\[\]:]+)\]/ REVimTagRef = /\[(:[^\[\]:]+)\]/ REHTMLOnly = /(.*?)\s*]+|<[^>]+>)\s*>\s*(.*)/i REItalic = /I<(.+?)>/ REBold = /B<(.+?)>/ RECode = /C<(.+?)>/ REUnderline = /U<(.+?)>/ RETextLeader = /^\t*\|\s*/ REText = /^\t*\|\s*(.*)/ # outlineItem := head text? outlineItem* # # from Vim syntax definition: # text # contains=vikiHyperLinks,RETodo,RETagDef,RETagRef,RETextLeader nextgroup=REText # RETabs : /^\t\{0-9}[^\t|].*/ # contains=vikiHyperLinks,RETodo,RETagDef,RETagRef nextgroup=RETabs,REText # vikiHyperLinks = vikiLink,vikiExtendedLink,vikiURL,vikiInexistentLink # class Item public attr_accessor :parent, :keepHead attr_reader :head, :children, :level def initialize(level, head='', text=nil, parent=nil, children=[]) @level = level @head = head @text = text ? text.to_a.join("\n").split("\n") : [] @children = children @parent = parent @keepHead = false self end def head=(headText) if headText.nil? @head = headText elsif headText[0..0] == '+' @keepHead = true @head = headText[1..-1] else @head = headText end end def addText(text) @text.push(text) end def addChild(child) @children.push(child) child.parent = self end def children=(_children) _children.each { |c| addChild(c) } end def text @text end def text=(_text) @text = _text.split("\n") end def each_text_line(&blk) text.each(&blk) end # returns array of arrays [marker, para] # marker is '' or '-' or '*' # para is array of paragraph lines def textParagraphs paras = [] thisPara = [] markerLength = 0 marker = '' text.each do |textline| case textline when /^(\s*([-*])\s*)(.*)/ paras.push([ marker, thisPara ]) marker = $2 markerLength = $1.length thisPara = [ $3 ] when /^(\s*)(.+)/ if $1.length == markerLength thisPara.push($2) else paras.push([ marker, thisPara ]) markerLength = $1.length thisPara = [ $2 ] marker = '' end when /^\s*$/ paras.push([ marker, thisPara ]) thisPara = [] marker = '' end end paras.push([ marker, thisPara ]) return paras.reject { |p| p[1].length == 0 } end # calls given block with: # array of related lines # marker ('' or '-' or '*') def relatedTextParagraphsDo lastMarker = '' related = [] paras = textParagraphs paras.push([nil, []]) # to flush last one paras.each do |p| marker = p[0] textLines = p[1] if marker == lastMarker related.push(textLines) else # process related paragraphs if any if related.length > 0 yield related, lastMarker end lastMarker = marker related = [ textLines ] end end end end class Formatter protected # default output is just flattened. def printHead?(item) return (!@textOnly || item.keepHead) end def visitHead(item,seq=0) return unless printHead?(item) file().puts(embellish(item.head), "") end def visitText(item,seq=0) item.text.each { |textLine| file.puts(embellish(textLine)) } file.puts("") if item.text.length > 0 end def visitItem(item,seq=0) if item.level >= 0 visitHead(item,seq) visitText(item,seq) end item.children.each_with_index { |ch,n| visitItem(ch,n) } nil end # format individual spans def italic(text) ; text; end def bold(text) ; text; end def code(text) ; text; end def underline(text) ; text; end def standout(text) ; text; end def tagDef(text) ; text; end def tagRef(text) ; text; end def vimTagRef(text) ; text; end def htmlOnly(text); end def embellish(text) text. gsub(REItalic) { |s| italic($1) }. gsub(REBold) { |s| bold($1) }. gsub(RECode) { |s| code($1) }. gsub(REUnderline) { |s| underline($1) }. gsub(REStandout) { |s| standout($1) }. gsub(RETagDef) { |s| tagDef($1||$2) }. gsub(RETagRef) { |s| tagRef($1) }. gsub(REVimTagRef) { |s| vimTagRef($1) }. gsub(REHTMLOnly) { |s| htmlOnly($1) } end public def self.formatterNames TVO.constants. select { |c| cl = TVO.const_get(c) rescue '' cl.kind_of?(Class) && cl <= self }.collect { |cn| cn.sub(/Formatter$/, '') }. sort end attr_accessor :file, :textOnly def initialize(_file=$stdout) @file = _file @textOnly = false end def format(outlineRoot) visitItem(outlineRoot) end end # Output TVO again (for building OTL files programmatically) class OutlineFormatter < Formatter protected Prefixes = (0..9).to_a.collect { |n| ("\t" * n) } def prefixForLevel(level) Prefixes[level] || ((level < 0) ? "" : ("\t" * level)) end def visitHead(item,seq=0) return unless printHead?(item) file.print(prefixForLevel(item.level), item.head, "\n") end def visitText(item,seq=0) prefix = prefixForLevel(item.level) + '| ' item.text.each { |tline| file.print(prefix, tline, "\n") } end end # Format outline as h1-h6/ul # Classes used are: # # otlExternTagRef # otlTagRef # # otlTagDef # # otlHTMLOnly # otlTodo # otlStandout # otlVimTagRef # otlUnderline #
# h1 .. h<#> #


# h1 .. h6 #
# h6 .. h<#> #
  • # t<#>pd (if marker was '-') # t<#>pa (if marker was '*') #

    # t<#>p # # class HTMLFormatter < Formatter def self.quoted(text) text.gsub(/&/, '&'). gsub(//, '>') end def self.requoted(re) Regexp.new(re.source.gsub(/\\\\/, '\\'). gsub(//, '>')) end RETagDef = /<id=([^&]+)>|\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]/i REExternTagRef = /<url:\s*([^>]+)\s*>|\[([a-z]+:[^\]]+)\]/i RETagRef = /\[([^\[\]:&]+)\]/ REVimTagRef = /\[(:[^\[\]:&]+)\]/ REHTMLOnly = /(.*?)\s*<html:\s*(.+?|.*<.+?>)\s*>\s*(.*)/i REItalic = /I<(.+?)>/ REBold = /B<(.+?)>/ RECode = /C<(.+?)>/ REUnderline = /U<(.+?)>/ REGtLt = /&&([gl]t;)/ protected # notice in-text markings # Would be run after quoted def decorated(textLine) if textLine.match(REHTMLOnly) return textLine. gsub(REHTMLOnly) do |s| "#{decorated($1)} #{$2} #{decorated($3)}" end else return textLine. gsub(REGtLt) {|s| "&#{$1}" }. gsub(REItalic) {|s| "#{$1}" }. gsub(REBold) {|s| "#{$1}" }. gsub(RECode) {|s| "#{$1}" }. gsub(REUnderline) {|s| "#{$1}" }. gsub(RETodo1) {|s| "#{s}" }. gsub(REStandout) {|s| "#{$1}" }. gsub(RETagDef) {|s| "" }. gsub(REExternTagRef){|s| "#{$1||$2}" }. gsub(RETagRef) do |s| url=dest=$1 if dest =~ /^--\s*(.+)\s*--$/ url = dest = $1 end if dest =~ /^([^#]+)#([^#]+)$/ url=dest dest=$1 end if File.readable?(dest) "#{url}" else "#{url}" end end. gsub(REVimTagRef) { "#{$&}" } end end def quoted(text) self.class.quoted(text).gsub(/\n/, "\n" + (" " * @nest)) end def urlEncoded(text) text.gsub(/[^#.A-Za-z0-9]/) { |c| sprintf("%%%02X", c[0]) } end def htmlTag(tagname, attribs={}) file.print("\n", " " * @nest) file.print('<', tagname) attribs.each_pair { |k,v| file.print(" #{k}=\"#{quoted(v)}\"") } if block_given? file.print('>') @nest += 1 text = yield @nest -= 1 file.print(decorated(quoted(text))) if text file.print('') else file.print(' />') end nil end def tagAndClassForHead(itemLevel) hLevel = "h#{itemLevel}" tag = (itemLevel.between?(1,6) ? hLevel : 'h6') return *[tag, hLevel] end def visitHead(item,seq=0) return unless printHead?(item) itemLevel = item.level + 1 (tag, hLevel) = tagAndClassForHead(itemLevel) if itemLevel == 1 && seq > 0 htmlTag('hr', { :class => hLevel }) end htmlTag(tag, { :class => hLevel } ) { item.head } end def tagsAndClassForTextPara(itemLevel,marker) case marker when '-' return *['ul','li',"t#{itemLevel}pd"] when '*' return *['ul','li',"t#{itemLevel}pa"] else return *['div','p',"t#{itemLevel}p"] end end def formatTextParagraph(para, itemTag, itemClass) htmlTag(itemTag, {:class => itemClass }) { para.join("\n") } end def visitText(item,seq=0) item.relatedTextParagraphsDo do |related, marker| (groupTag,itemTag,itemClass) = tagsAndClassForTextPara(item.level,marker) htmlTag(groupTag, {:class => itemClass }) do related.each { |p| formatTextParagraph(p, itemTag, itemClass) } nil end end end public attr_accessor :stylesheet def self.defaultStylesheet "tvo.css" end def initialize(_file=$stdout) super @nest = 0 @stylesheet = self.class.defaultStylesheet end def format(outlineRoot) file.print('') htmlTag('html') do htmlTag('head') do htmlTag('title') { outlineRoot.children[0].head } htmlTag('link', { :rel => 'stylesheet', :type => 'text/css', :href => stylesheet() }) end htmlTag('body') { visitItem(outlineRoot) } end end end # Format entire outline as nested series of ul/li/ul class HTMLListFormatter < HTMLFormatter def visitHead(item,seq=0) return unless printHead?(item) hLevel = "h#{item.level + 1}" htmlTag('li', { :class => hLevel } ) { item.head } end def visitItem(item, seq=0) hLevel = "h#{item.level + 1}" if item.level >= 0 if item.level == 0 && seq > 0 htmlTag('hr', { :class => hLevel }) end visitHead(item,seq) visitText(item,seq) end if item.children.length > 0 htmlTag('ul', { :class => hLevel }) do item.children.each_with_index { |ch,n| visitItem(ch,n) } nil end end end end # Construct an OutlineItem (the root item) from input text. class Parser protected @@debug = false def gets(sepString = $/) retval = @getback.gets(sepString) || @file.gets(sepString) if retval.nil? $stderr.puts("(EOF)") if @@debug throw(:eof, nil) end return retval.chomp(sepString) end def puts(line) @pushback.puts(line) @pushback.sync end def head(level) $stderr.print("Looking for head(#{level})") if @@debug line = gets if m = line.match(@tabREs[level]) and m[2][0..0] != '|' $stderr.print("... got #{m[2]}\n") if @@debug return m[2] else puts(line) $stderr.print("... rej #{line.inspect}\n") if @@debug return nil end end def text(level) $stderr.print("Looking for text(#{level})") if @@debug line = gets if m = line.match(@tabREs[level]) and m[2].match(/\|\s?(.*)/) $stderr.print("... got #{m[2][2..-1]}\n") if @@debug return $1 else puts(line) $stderr.print("... rej #{line.inspect}\n") if @@debug return nil end end # get next outline item that starts with (at least) "level" tabs. # return single item. def item(level) throw(:toodeep, nil) if level > 9 catch(:eof) do catch(:toodeep) do retval = Item.new(level) retval.head = head(level) return nil unless retval.head catch(:eof) do while t = text(level) retval.addText(t) end end retval.children = items(level+1) $stderr.puts("Returning item [level=#{level}] [head=\"#{retval.head}\"] [text=#{retval.text.length}lns]") if @@debug retval end end end # return array of items at the given level. def items(level) retval = [] while nextItem = item(level) retval.push(nextItem) end return retval end public def initialize(file=$stdin) @pbString = "" @pushback = StringIO.new(@pbString) @getback = StringIO.new(@pbString) @file=file @tabREs = (0..9).to_a.collect { |n| Regexp.new("^(\\t{#{n}})(\\S.*)") } end def outline return Item.new(-1, '', nil, nil, items(0)) end def Parser.debugMode=(bool) @@debug = bool end end # class Parser # read options from ARGV def parseAndFormat # parse arguments formatType = '' outputFileName = nil textOnly = false parser = GetoptLong.new parser.set_options( [ '--format', '-f', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--output', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--debug', '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--stylesheet', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--include', '-i', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--textonly', '-t', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]) parser.each_option do |name, arg| case name when '--format' formatType = arg when '--help' $stderr.print <<-EOF Usage: #{$0} [opt] [file [...]] opt is one or more of: --format, -f #{ "<'" + Formatter.formatterNames().join("'|'") + "'>" } set output format type --help, -h display this help --output, -o output to file named filename instead of stdout --debug, -d turn on parser debugging to stderr --textonly, -t omit heads except those starting with '+' --stylesheet, -s link to stylesheet named filename (default=#{HTMLFormatter.defaultStylesheet}) --include, -i include Ruby module filename EOF exit(0) when '--output' outputFileName = arg when '--debug' Parser.debugMode = true when '--textonly' textOnly = true when '--include' require arg end end outputFile = outputFileName.nil? ? $stdout : File.open(outputFileName, 'w') outline = Parser.new(ARGF).outline formatterClass = TVO.const_get("#{formatType}Formatter") formatter = formatterClass.new(outputFile) formatter.textOnly = textOnly formatter.format(outline) end end # module TVO if $0 == __FILE__ include TVO parseAndFormat end