" {{{ File header information " vim:ff=unix ts=4 ss=4 " vim60:fdm=marker " \file feraltogglecommentify.vim " \date Thu, 28 Apr 2005 16:22 PST " " \brief Adds, removes or toggles comment characters. Ranges are supported " as is custom text to insert/remove/toggle. " Maintainer: (same as \author below) " \author Robert KellyIV (Rot13ed) " Based On: {{{ " \note Based On Vincent Nijs's ToggleCommentify.vim v1.2 Last Change: " Sunday, June 9th, 2001 (VIMSCRIPT#4) " \author Vincent Nijs " \note Some comment definitions extracted from EnhancedCommentify.vim by " Meikel Brandmeyer " \author Meikel Brandmeyer " }}} " \note This was VIMSCRIPT#4: (originally; See next note) " URL: " I am unable to UL new versions (reasonable, wasn't my script " originally), so I'll make a new entry to keep updating this script " \note This is VIMSCRIPT#665 (now): " URL: " Contrabutions From: {{{ " Tim Johnson v1.58 rebol change. " Brett Williams v1.57 ruby change. " Bernhard Wagner (12-Nov-2002 xml changes) " Jörn Horstmann. Changes are marked with "JH:". -- Also inspired the " v1.55 options. " }}} " " Version: 1.611 " History: {{{ " [Feral:118/05@16:20] 1.611 " *sigh* BUG fix with 1.61's cursor restore. col was messed up; Shame " cursor() does not work with a virtcol. " [Feral:118/05@13:51] 1.61 " Improved/Fixed cursor restore. Screen should not jump; ever. " [Feral:284/03@21:54] 1.60 " Improvement: Added muttrc '#' " [Feral:241/03@01:16] 1.59 " Improvement: Added xmodmap '!' " [Feral:240/03@00:31] 1.58 " Improvement: Added rebol ';' comment type, contribution by Tim Johnson " [Feral:231/03@09:45] 1.57 " Improvement: Added ruby '#' comment type, contribution by Brett " Williams " Added sh '#' comment type. " [Feral:202/03@13:31] 1.56 " BUG FIX: Fixed silly cursor restore problem, screen no longer jumps " on occasion. " [Feral:196/03@07:30] 1.55 " Integrating changes from Jörn Horstmann. Changes are marked with "JH:". " Improvement: Added options to determine how this should react. " * Optionally does not mess with blank lines. " * Change by JH, comment does not have to be in first column " * Change by JH, only add comment when not already commented " Please see "Customizing:" for details and usage: " [Feral:193/03@09:08] 1.54 " BUG FIX: (minor) no longer complains when uncommenting and there " are no comment char(s). (aka middle of a range is uncommented already) " BUG FIX: Respects 'hlsearch'; won't mess with highlighting if off, " etc. (Previous turned it on at end of script) " Improvement: Can now comment/uncomment a fold without opening it. " (courtesy of normal! zn and normal! zN) " Improvement: Changed DLAC into a proper command (:DLAC) (from mapping); " map FtcDLAC as desired, defaults to . Ranges are supported " (default current line) and you can specify the comment chars just as " you can with :CC, :TC, :UC. " [Feral:155/03@06:40] 1.532 " Added: C# // comment style. " [Feral:336/02@16:31] 1.531 " Addition: Added c style /* */ pair; css also; Made it work. " Note: This really needs to wrap comments around a visual; Perhaps not " this however. " [Feral:317/02@05:27] 1.53 " Addition: Incorperated Bernhard Wagner's 12-Nov-2002 v1.52 xml " changes " Improvement: Will make default mappings to only if no map to " FtcTC and is unused. " [Feral:309/02@18:44] 1.52 " Merged DLAC with this; DLAC = duplicate line and comment, simple " mappings that are handy to use to save and comment a line before " you mangle it. However this mangles mark z " Bugfix: mismatched names; This is FtcTc " [Feral:308/02@02:11] 1.51 " Hacked in eol comments and added html's comments. " [Feral:300/02@07:03] 1.5 " Rewrite, condenced toggle, comment and uncomment into one function, " much less duplicate code this way, hehe. " Now saves the cursor position (I believe) properly. " TODO could be better by handeling ranges internal. " [Feral:249/02@00:41] v1.4: " Bugfix, a comment char of + failed. " Modification: commands always place cursor on col 1 this is for " consistancy... comment left on col1, uncomment on first word. " I would prefer the cursor's column be unchanged however a range " command starts with cursor on col1, thus the cursor col would have to " be saved in a map or something that calls the commands. " " Sat, 20 Jul 2002 02:26:29 Pacific Daylight Time: v1.3 " Massive changes. Proper handling of ranges (not that it didn't work before " mind you) " Made ToggleCommentify, UnCommentify and Commentify commands (:TC, :UC and " :CC respectivly) so you can choose what to do to a line, or line " range. (I like to comment off entire sections of code, sometimes those " sections contain line comments.. toggleing in this instance has " undesired results.) Now I can simply highlight and :CC " " Another (possibly) nice addition is the ability to specify the comment " symbol on after the command, I.e. :CC // which would add // chars to " the start of the range of lines. " " The range defaults to the currnet line, as per VIM documentation. " " }}} " " Customizing: (how to customize) {{{ " " Each option var can be specified as buffer or global, with that " precedence. " " I.e. in .vimrc: " let g:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly = 0 " let g:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments = 1 " " Option: g:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly " If this is 0 (false) then the comment char does not have to be at col1 " to be removed, in addition comment chars are placed just before the " first word of the line. " Valid Values: 0 or 1 " Default: 1 " " Option: g:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments " If 1 (true) a line will not be commented if it already starts with " comment chars. With this 0 (false) you can (easily) comment entire " functions without fear of messing up commenting (i.e. '<,'>CC ... " '<,'>UC ... I.e. comment then uncomment. If this is true the above " MAY not work (depending on how the existing comments are.) " Valid Values: 0 or 1 " Default: 0 " " Option: g:FTCOperateOnBlankLines " If 1 (true) blank lines will be processed, else they are skipped. " Valid Values: 0 or 1 " Default: 1 " " Option: g:FTCBangEffectsWhat " Will toggle an option if command is banged: (i.e. :CC!) " 1. OperateOnFirstColumnOnly " 2. OperateOnlyOnNonComments " 3. OperateOnBlankLines " Valid Values: 1, 2 or 3 " Default: 1 " " " }}} " " Note: I am happy to add new file types or any other suggestions just " email me and I'll see what I can do. " " Examples: " :CC-- " :CC -- " " spaces are ate between the command and the string, if you want a space " use \ , i.e. " :CC\ -- " " }}} if exists("loaded_feraltogglecommentify") finish endif let loaded_feraltogglecommentify = 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim "set cpo+=C " Look to the vim entry here to add your own file types. function s:FindCommentify() " {{{ " finding out the file-type, and specifying the comment symbol let fileType = &ft "[Feral:201/02@01:17] ftf is my hypertext markup format. (which is to say " txt with a few special chars) "[Feral:283/02@04:14] torque-script: See: http://www.garagegames.com/ "[Feral:155/03@06:40] C# ('cs') if fileType == 'ox' || fileType == 'cpp' || fileType == 'c' || fileType == 'php' || fileType == 'java' || fileType == 'cs' || fileType == 'ftf' || fileType == 'torquescript' || fileType == 'pov' || fileType == 'idl' let commentSymbol_L = '//' let commentSymbol_R = '' " [Feral:224/03@17:08] conf (.xinitrc, etc.) " [Feral:231/03@09:45] ruby contribution by Brett Williams " [Feral:242/03@23:43] xf86conf (/etc/X11/XF86Config) " [Feral:284/03@21:54] muttrc elseif fileType == 'python' || fileType == 'perl' || fileType == 'make' || fileType =~ '[^w]sh$' || fileType == 'tcl' || fileType == 'jproperties' || fileType == 'ruby' || fileType == 'sh' || fileType == 'conf' || fileType == 'xf86conf' || fileType == 'muttrc' let commentSymbol_L = '#' let commentSymbol_R = '' " [Feral:189/03@20:40] bnk (custom format) elseif fileType == 'bnk' let commentSymbol_L = 'X-' let commentSymbol_R = '' "[Feral:303/02@19:20] fte is a template expansion system, See: " http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=648 elseif fileType == 'fte' let commentSymbol_L = 'FTE:' let commentSymbol_R = '' "[Feral:308/02@02:02] html -- first start/end comment "12-Nov-2002: Bernhard Wagner's xml handling elseif fileType == 'html' || fileType == 'xml' let commentSymbol_L = '' elseif fileType == 'javascript' let commentSymbol_L = '//' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'dot' let commentSymbol_L = '//' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'c' || fileType == "css" let commentSymbol_L = '/*' let commentSymbol_R = '*/' elseif fileType == 'vim' let commentSymbol_L = '"' let commentSymbol_R = '' " [Feral:240/03@00:33] rebol contribution from Tim Johnson elseif fileType == 'lisp' || fileType == 'scheme' || fileType == 'dosini' || fileType == 'rebol' let commentSymbol_L = ';' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'tex' || fileType == 'plaintex' let commentSymbol_L = '%' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'caos' let commentSymbol_L = '*' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'm4' || fileType == 'config' || fileType == 'automake' let commentSymbol_L = 'dnl ' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'vb' || fileType == 'aspvbs' let commentSymbol_L == "'" let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'plsql' || fileType == 'lua' let commentSymbol_L = '--' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'xmodmap' let commentSymbol_L = '!' let commentSymbol_R = '' elseif fileType == 'cfg' let commentSymbol_L = '#' let commentSymbol_R = '' else echohl WarningMsg echo "feraltogglecommentify.vim has not (yet) implemented for this file-type" echo "Your best bet is to specify the comment chars manually, i.e. :CC --" echo "Please feel free to email me with the comment char(s) and file type." echohl None let commentSymbol_L = '' let commentSymbol_R = '' endif " this function is ment to be executed as a way of returning two vars; see " :h return return "let CommentSymbol_L = '" . commentSymbol_L . "' | let CommentSymbol_R = '" . commentSymbol_R ."'" endfunction " }}} function s:DoCommentify(DaMode, DaBang, ...) " {{{ " Initialize: CommentSymbol_L, CommentSymbol_R " {{{ if(a:0 == 0) execute s:FindCommentify() elseif a:0 == 2 let CommentSymbol_L = a:1 let CommentSymbol_R = a:2 else let CommentSymbol_L = a:1 let CommentSymbol_R = "" endif " }}} " [Feral:201/02@01:46] GATE: nothing to do if we have no comment symbol. " CommentSymbol_R is allowed to be blank so we only check CommentSymbol_L if strlen(CommentSymbol_L) == 0 return endif " Initialize: OperateOnFirstColumnOnly " {{{ " If this is false (0) then the comment char does not have to be at col1 " to be removed. Added comment chars are placed just before the first word " of the line. if exists('b:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly') let OperateOnFirstColumnOnly = b:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly elseif exists('g:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly') let OperateOnFirstColumnOnly = g:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly else let OperateOnFirstColumnOnly = 1 "let OperateOnFirstColumnOnly = 0 endif " }}} " Initialize: OperateOnlyOnNonComments " {{{ " If true a line will not be commented if it already starts with comment " chars. With this false you can (easily) comment entire functions without " fear of messing up commenting (i.e. '<,'>CC ... '<,'>UC ... I.e. comment " then uncomment. If this is true the above MAY not work (depending on how " the existing comments are.) if exists('b:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments') let OperateOnlyOnNonComments = b:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments elseif exists('g:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments') let OperateOnlyOnNonComments = g:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments else "let OperateOnlyOnNonComments = 1 let OperateOnlyOnNonComments = 0 endif " }}} " Initialize: OperateOnBlankLines " {{{ " If true blank lines will be processed, else they are skipped. if exists('b:FTCOperateOnBlankLines') let OperateOnBlankLines = b:FTCOperateOnBlankLines elseif exists('g:FTCOperateOnBlankLines') let OperateOnBlankLines = g:FTCOperateOnBlankLines else let OperateOnBlankLines = 1 "let OperateOnBlankLines = 0 endif " }}} " Initialize: BangEffectsWhat " {{{ " Will toggle an option if command is banded: " 1. OperateOnFirstColumnOnly " 2. OperateOnlyOnNonComments " 3. OperateOnBlankLines if exists('b:FTCBangEffectsWhat') let BangEffectsWhat = b:FTCBangEffectsWhat elseif exists('g:FTCBangEffectsWhat') let BangEffectsWhat = g:FTCBangEffectsWhat else let BangEffectsWhat = 1 endif " }}} " [Feral:196/03@15:57] Bang will toggle options. if a:DaBang == "!" if BangEffectsWhat == 1 if OperateOnFirstColumnOnly == 0 let OperateOnFirstColumnOnly = 1 else let OperateOnFirstColumnOnly = 0 endif elseif BangEffectsWhat == 2 if OperateOnlyOnNonComments == 0 let OperateOnlyOnNonComments = 1 else let OperateOnlyOnNonComments = 0 endif elseif BangEffectsWhat == 3 if OperateOnBlankLines == 0 let OperateOnBlankLines = 1 else let OperateOnBlankLines = 0 endif else echohl ErrorMsg echo "feraltogglecommentify.vim ERROR:" echo "FTCBangEffectsWhat set to an invalid value; please fix." echo "Quick Help:" echo "let g:FTCBangEffectsWhat = 1. for OperateOnFirstColumnOnly" echo "let g:FTCBangEffectsWhat = 2. for OperateOnlyOnNonComments" echo "let g:FTCBangEffectsWhat = 3. for OperateOnBlankLines" echo "Aborting." echohl None return endif endif " " Save where we are " let SavedMark = line('.').'G'.b:FTCSaveCol.'|' " normal! H "" let SavedMark = 'normal! '.line('.').'Gzt'.SavedMark " let SavedMark = line('.').'Gzt'.SavedMark " if has('folding') " let SavedMark = 'zN'.SavedMark " endif " let SavedMark = 'normal! '.SavedMark " execute SavedMark " " " [Feral:201/02@03:43] folded lines must be opend because a substitute " " operation on a fold effects all lines of the fold, so (temp) turn off " " folding. " if has('folding') " normal! zn " endif let lineString = getline(".") " [Feral:196/03@14:31] I could place the if OperateOnFirstColumnOnly here " just as easily; then we would bail on lines that just contained " whitespace as well as empty lines. if OperateOnBlankLines == 0 if lineString == $ " the line is blank, do nothing. return endif endif " Save where we are " See: let old_scrolloff = &scrolloff let &scrolloff=0 let inner_line = line('.') exe 'normal! '.b:FTCSaveCol.'|' let inner_col = col('.') normal! H let upper_line = line('.') call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let mess_with_folding = 0 if has('folding') && &foldenable normal! zn let mess_with_folding = 1 endif if OperateOnFirstColumnOnly != 1 " JH: remove leading white space let lineString = substitute(lineString,'^\s*','','e') endif " FERAL: extract the first x chars of the line, where x is the " width/length of the comment symbol and see if they match our Left " comment symbol. if strpart(lineString,0,strlen(CommentSymbol_L) ) == CommentSymbol_L let isCommented = 0 else let isCommented = 1 endif " 0 = toggle " 1 = comment " 2 = uncomment. " if a:DaMode == 1 let ModeOfOperation = a:DaMode if ModeOfOperation == 0 " Toggle: if isCommented == 0 " already commented, so uncomment. let ModeOfOperation = 2 else " not already commented, so comment. let ModeOfOperation = 1 endif endif let CommentSymbol_L = escape(CommentSymbol_L, '/\\*') let CommentSymbol_R = escape(CommentSymbol_R, '/\\*') let MessWith_HLS = 0 if &hlsearch let MessWith_HLS = 1 set nohlsearch endif if ModeOfOperation == 2 " Uncomment: -- remove the comment markers. " [Feral:193/03@09:07] But don't scream if the comment char isn't " there. if OperateOnFirstColumnOnly == 1 silent execute ':sm/^'.CommentSymbol_L.'//e' else " JH: comment symbol is not always on the first column silent execute ':sm/^\(\s*\)'.CommentSymbol_L.'/\1/e' endif if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) silent execute ':sm/'.CommentSymbol_R.'$//e' endif else " " else ModeOfOperation == 1 " " Comment: -- add the comment markers. " JH: only add comment when not already commented let DoIt = 0 if OperateOnlyOnNonComments == 0 let DoIt = 1 else if isCommented == 1 let DoIt = 1 endif endif if DoIt == 1 if OperateOnFirstColumnOnly == 2 silent execute ':sm/^/'.CommentSymbol_L.'/' else silent execute ':sm/^\(\s*\)/\1'.CommentSymbol_L.'/' endif if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) silent execute ':sm/$/'.CommentSymbol_R.'/' endif endif endif if MessWith_HLS let MessWith_HLS = 0 set hlsearch endif " " Return to where we were exe 'normal! '.b:FTCSaveCol.'|' let inner_col = col('.') if mess_with_folding normal! zN endif call cursor(upper_line, inner_col) normal! zt call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff endfunction " }}} function s:DLAC(...) range " {{{ if(a:0 == 0) execute s:FindCommentify() elseif a:0 == 2 let CommentSymbol_L = a:1 let CommentSymbol_R = a:2 else let CommentSymbol_L = a:1 let CommentSymbol_R = "" endif " [Feral:201/02@01:46] GATE: nothing to do if we have no comment symbol. " [Feral:308/02@02:04] CommentSymbol_R is allowed to be blank so we only " check CommentSymbol_L if strlen(CommentSymbol_L) == 0 return endif " Save where we are " See: let old_scrolloff = &scrolloff let &scrolloff=0 let inner_line = line('.') exe 'normal! '.b:FTCSaveCol.'|' let inner_col = col('.') normal! H let upper_line = line('.') call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let mess_with_folding = 0 if has('folding') && &foldenable normal! zn let mess_with_folding = 1 endif let CommentSymbol_L = escape(CommentSymbol_L, '/\\*') let CommentSymbol_R = escape(CommentSymbol_R, '/\\*') let MessWith_HLS = 0 if &hlsearch let MessWith_HLS = 1 set nohlsearch endif let SR = a:firstline.",".a:lastline " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informations messages " while deleting the lines let old_report = &report set report=99999 let Was_Reg_w = @w ":[range]y[ank] [x] Yank [range] lines [into register x]. execute ":".SR."yank w" " Restore the report option let &report = old_report put! w let @w=Was_Reg_w " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informative messages while " deleting the lines let old_report = &report set report=99999 " Comment -- add the comment markers. silent execute SR.':sm/^/'.CommentSymbol_L.'/' if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) silent execute SR.':sm/$/'.CommentSymbol_R.'/' endif " Restore the report option let &report = old_report if MessWith_HLS let MessWith_HLS = 0 set hlsearch endif " " Return to where we were exe 'normal! '.b:FTCSaveCol.'|' let inner_col = col('.') if mess_with_folding normal! zN endif call cursor(upper_line, inner_col) normal! zt " call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) call cursor(a:lastline+1, inner_col) let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff " " but goto to the new duplicate lines " execute ":".(a:lastline+1) endfunction " }}} " [Feral:053/05@07:50] Comment and fold function s:CCF(String) range " {{{ " Initialize: CommentSymbol_L, CommentSymbol_R execute s:FindCommentify() " [Feral:201/02@01:46] GATE: nothing to do if we have no comment symbol. " CommentSymbol_R is allowed to be blank so we only check CommentSymbol_L if strlen(CommentSymbol_L) == 0 return endif " Save where we are " See: let old_scrolloff = &scrolloff let &scrolloff=0 let inner_line = line('.') let inner_col = col('.') normal! H let upper_line = line('.') call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let mess_with_folding = 0 if has('folding') && &foldenable normal! zn let mess_with_folding = 1 endif let MessWith_HLS = 0 if &hlsearch let MessWith_HLS = 1 set nohlsearch endif " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informative messages while " deleting the lines let old_report = &report set report=99999 let SR = a:firstline.",".a:lastline let EscapedCommentSymbol_L = escape(CommentSymbol_L, '/\\*') let EscapedCommentSymbol_R = escape(CommentSymbol_R, '/\\*') " Comment -- add the comment markers. silent execute SR.':sm/^/'.EscapedCommentSymbol_L.'/' if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) silent execute SR.':sm/$/'.EscapedCommentSymbol_R.'/' endif " silent execute SR.':call s:DoCommentify(1, "")' let DaString = CommentSymbol_L." }"."}}" if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) let DaString = DaString." ".CommentSymbol_R endif call append(a:lastline, DaString) let DaString = CommentSymbol_L." {"."{{" if strlen(a:String) let DaString = DaString." ".a:String endif if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) let DaString = DaString." ".CommentSymbol_R endif call append(a:firstline-1, DaString) " Restore the report option let &report = old_report if MessWith_HLS let MessWith_HLS = 0 set hlsearch endif " " Return to where we were if mess_with_folding normal! zN endif call cursor(upper_line, inner_col) normal! zt call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff endfunction " }}} " [Feral:059/05@01:48] Edit Block function s:ChangeMark(Bang, DoCommentBody, String) range " {{{ " " Initialize: CommentSymbol_L, CommentSymbol_R execute s:FindCommentify() " [Feral:201/02@01:46] GATE: nothing to do if we have no comment symbol. " CommentSymbol_R is allowed to be blank so we only check CommentSymbol_L if strlen(CommentSymbol_L) == 0 return endif " Save where we are " See: let old_scrolloff = &scrolloff let &scrolloff=0 let inner_line = line('.') let inner_col = col('.') normal! H let upper_line = line('.') call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let mess_with_folding = 0 if has('folding') && &foldenable normal! zn let mess_with_folding = 1 endif let MessWith_HLS = 0 if &hlsearch let MessWith_HLS = 1 set nohlsearch endif " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informative messages while " deleting the lines let old_report = &report set report=99999 " let SR = a:firstline.",".a:lastline if a:DoCommentBody == 1 let SR = a:firstline.",".a:lastline let EscapedCommentSymbol_L = escape(CommentSymbol_L, '/\\*') let EscapedCommentSymbol_R = escape(CommentSymbol_R, '/\\*') " Comment -- add the comment markers. silent execute SR.':sm/^/'.EscapedCommentSymbol_L.'/' if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) silent execute SR.':sm/$/'.EscapedCommentSymbol_R.'/' endif endif "call FeralStub_AddNewExecute('', '\', "norm! ".'"_ciw'."[Feral:\=strftime('%j/%y@%H:%M')\] \") if strlen(a:Bang) " banged = folded let DaString = CommentSymbol_L." }"."}}" else let DaString = CommentSymbol_L." }" endif let DaString = DaString." EO:" if strlen(a:String) let DaString = DaString." ".a:String endif if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) let DaString = DaString." ".CommentSymbol_R endif call append(a:lastline, DaString) if strlen(a:Bang) " banged = folded let DaString = CommentSymbol_L." {"."{{" else let DaString = CommentSymbol_L." {" endif " [Feral:059/05@02:12] Something such as this in your .vimrc or where ever you " prefer. NOTE this 'bakes' the time and allows for all edits for a particular " session to carry the same time stamp. "let g:ChangeMarkID="[Feral:".strftime('%j/%y@%H:%M')."]" if exists("g:ChangeMarkID") let DaString = DaString." ".g:ChangeMarkID endif let DaString = DaString." SO:" if strlen(a:String) let DaString = DaString." ".a:String endif if strlen(CommentSymbol_R) let DaString = DaString." ".CommentSymbol_R endif call append(a:firstline-1, DaString) " Restore the report option let &report = old_report if MessWith_HLS let MessWith_HLS = 0 set hlsearch endif " " Return to where we were if mess_with_folding normal! zN endif call cursor(upper_line, inner_col) normal! zt call cursor(inner_line, inner_col) let &scrolloff=old_scrolloff endfunction " }}} "***************************************************************** " Commands: {{{ "***************************************************************** "Holding: {{{ ":command -nargs=? -range TC :,call ToggleCommentify() ":command -nargs=? -range CC :,call Commentify() ":command -nargs=? -range UC :,call UnCommentify() "}}} :command -nargs=? -range -bang TC :let b:FTCSaveCol = virtcol('.')|,call DoCommentify(0, , ) :command -nargs=? -range -bang CC :let b:FTCSaveCol = virtcol('.')|,call DoCommentify(1, , ) :command -nargs=? -range -bang UC :let b:FTCSaveCol = virtcol('.')|,call DoCommentify(2, , ) "if !hasmapto('FtcTc') && mapcheck("", "nvi") == "" if !hasmapto('FtcTc') nmap FtcTc vmap FtcTc imap FtcTc endif noremap