" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 Stephen Bach " Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " lusty-explorer.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no " warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no " event will the copyright holder be liable for any damages " resulting from the use of this software. " " Name Of File: lusty-explorer.vim " Description: Dynamic Filesystem and Buffer Explorer Vim Plugin " Maintainers: Stephen Bach " Matt Tolton " Contributors: Raimon Grau, Sergey Popov, Yuichi Tateno, Bernhard Walle, " Rajendra Badapanda, cho45, Simo Salminen, Sami Samhuri, " Matt Tolton, Björn Winckler, sowill, David Brown, " Brett DiFrischia, Ali Asad Lotia, Kenneth Love, Ben Boeckel, " robquant, lilydjwg, Martin Wache, Johannes Holzfuß, " Donald Curtis, Jan Zwiener, Giuseppe Rota, Toby O'Connell, " Göran Gustafsson, Joel Elkins, Dominick LoBraico, " Pavel Gabriel, Ross Lagerwall " " Release Date: July 24, 2018 " Version: 5.0 " " Usage: " lf - Opens the filesystem explorer. " lr - Opens the filesystem explorer from the " directory of the current file. " lb - Opens the buffer explorer. " lg - Opens the buffer grep, for searching through " all loaded buffers " " You can also use the commands: " " ":LustyFilesystemExplorer [optional-path]" " ":LustyFilesystemExplorerFromHere" " ":LustyBufferExplorer" " ":LustyBufferGrep" " " To suppress the default mappings, set this option: " " let g:LustyExplorerDefaultMappings = 0 " " When launched, a new window appears at bottom presenting a " table of files/dirs or buffers, and in the status bar a " prompt: " " >> " " As you type, the table updates for possible matches using a " fuzzy matching algorithm (or regex matching, in the case of " grep). Special keys include: " " open selected match " open selected match " cancel " cancel " cancel " " open selected match in a new [t]ab " open selected match in a new h[o]rizontal split " open selected match in a new [v]ertical split " " select [n]ext match " select [p]revious match " select [f]orward one column " select [b]ack one column " " clear prompt " " Additional shortcuts for the filesystem explorer: " " ascend one directory at prompt " [r]efresh directory contents " open [a]ll files in current table " create new buffer with the given name and path " " Filesystem Explorer: " " - Directory contents are memoized. ( to refresh.) " - You can recurse into and out of directories by typing the directory name " and a slash, e.g. "stuff/" or "../". " - Variable expansion, e.g. "$D" -> "/long/dir/path/". " - Tilde (~) expansion, e.g. "~/" -> "/home/steve/". " - Dotfiles are hidden by default, but are shown if the current search term " begins with a '.'. To show these file at all times, set this option: " " let g:LustyExplorerAlwaysShowDotFiles = 1 " " You can prevent certain files from appearing in the table with the " following variable: " " set wildignore=*.o,*.fasl,CVS " " The above will mask all object files, compiled lisp files, and " files/directories named CVS from appearing in the table. Note that they " can still be opened by being named explicitly. " " See :help 'wildignore' for more information. " " Buffer Explorer: " " - Buffers are sorted first by fuzzy match and then by most-recently used. " - The currently active buffer is highlighted. " " Buffer Grep: " " - Searches all loaded buffers. " - Uses Ruby-style regexes instead of Vim style. This means: " " - \b instead of \< or \> for beginning/end of word. " - (foo|bar) instead of \(foo\|bar\) " - {2,5} instead of \{2,5} " - + instead of \+ " - Generally, fewer backslashes. :-) " " - For now, searches are always case-insensitive. " - Matches from the previous grep are remembered upon relaunch; clear with " . " " " Install Details: " " Copy this file into $HOME/.vim/plugin directory so that it will be sourced " on startup automatically. " " Note! This plugin requires Vim be compiled with Ruby interpretation. If you " don't know if your build of Vim has this functionality, you can check by " running "vim --version" from the command line and looking for "+ruby". " Alternatively, just try sourcing this script. " " If your version of Vim does not have "+ruby" but you would still like to " use this plugin, you can fix it. See the "Check for Ruby functionality" " comment below for instructions. " " If you are using the same Vim configuration and plugins for multiple " machines, some of which have Ruby and some of which don't, you may want to " turn off the "Sorry, LustyExplorer requires ruby" warning. You can do so " like this (in .vimrc): " " let g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning = 1 " " " Contributing: " " Patches and suggestions welcome. If you'd like to submit a patch, check out " the Github repository: " " https://github.com/sjbach/lusty " " (Note: autoload/lustyexplorer.vim is a generated file. Patch the files " under src/ and then run `make` to recreate autoload/lustyexplorer.vim.) " " " GetLatestVimScripts: 1890 1 :AutoInstall: lusty-explorer.vim " " TODO: " - when an edited file is in nowrap mode and the explorer is called while the " current window is scrolled to the right, name truncation occurs. " - enable VimSwaps stuff " - set callback when pipe is ready for read and force refresh() " - uppercase character should make matching case-sensitive " - FilesystemGrep " - C-jhkl navigation to highlight a file? " Exit quickly when already loaded. if exists("g:loaded_lustyexplorer") finish endif if &compatible echohl ErrorMsg echo "LustyExplorer is not designed to run in &compatible mode;" echo "To use this plugin, first disable vi-compatible mode like so:\n" echo " :set nocompatible\n" echo "Or even better, just create an empty .vimrc file." echohl none finish endif if exists("g:FuzzyFinderMode.TextMate") echohl WarningMsg echo "Warning: LustyExplorer detects the presence of fuzzyfinder_textmate;" echo "that plugin often interacts poorly with other Ruby plugins." echo "If LustyExplorer gives you an error, you can probably fix it by" echo "renaming fuzzyfinder_textmate.vim to zzfuzzyfinder_textmate.vim so" echo "that it is last in the load order." echohl none endif " Check for Ruby functionality. if ( !has("ruby") && !has("ruby/dyn") ) || version < 700 if !exists("g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning") || \ g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning == "0" if !exists("g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning") || \ g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning == "0" echohl ErrorMsg echon "Sorry, LustyExplorer requires ruby. " echon "Here are some tips for adding it:\n" echo "Debian / Ubuntu:" echo " # apt-get install vim-ruby\n" echo "Fedora:" echo " # yum install vim-enhanced\n" echo "Gentoo:" echo " # USE=\"ruby\" emerge vim\n" echo "FreeBSD:" echo " # pkg_add -r vim+ruby\n" echo "Windows:" echo " 1. Download and install Ruby from here:" echo " http://www.ruby-lang.org/" echo " 2. Install a Vim binary with Ruby support:" echo " http://segfault.hasno.info/vim/gvim72.zip\n" echo "Manually (including Cygwin):" echo " 1. Install Ruby." echo " 2. Download the Vim source package (say, vim-7.0.tar.bz2)" echo " 3. Build and install:" echo " # tar -xvjf vim-7.0.tar.bz2" echo " # ./configure --enable-rubyinterp" echo " # make && make install" echo "(If you just wish to stifle this message, set the following option:" echo " let g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning = 1)" echohl none endif endif finish endif if ! &hidden echohl WarningMsg echo "You are running with 'hidden' mode off. LustyExplorer may" echo "sometimes emit error messages in this mode -- you should turn" echo "it on, like so:\n" echo " :set hidden\n" echo "Even better, put this in your .vimrc file." echohl none endif let g:loaded_lustyexplorer = "yep" " Commands. command LustyBufferExplorer :call lustyexplorer#LustyBufferExplorerStart() command -nargs=? LustyFilesystemExplorer :call lustyexplorer#LustyFilesystemExplorerStart("") command LustyFilesystemExplorerFromHere :call lustyexplorer#LustyFilesystemExplorerStart(expand("%:p:h")) command LustyBufferGrep :call lustyexplorer#LustyBufferGrepStart() " Deprecated command names. command BufferExplorer :call \ deprecated('BufferExplorer', 'LustyBufferExplorer') command FilesystemExplorer :call \ deprecated('FilesystemExplorer', 'LustyFilesystemExplorer') command FilesystemExplorerFromHere :call \ deprecated('FilesystemExplorerFromHere', \ 'LustyFilesystemExplorerFromHere') function! s:deprecated(old, new) echohl WarningMsg echo ":" . a:old . " is deprecated; use :" . a:new . " instead." echohl none endfunction " Default mappings. if !exists("g:LustyExplorerDefaultMappings") let g:LustyExplorerDefaultMappings = 1 endif if g:LustyExplorerDefaultMappings == 1 nmap lf :LustyFilesystemExplorer nmap lr :LustyFilesystemExplorerFromHere nmap lb :LustyBufferExplorer nmap lg :LustyBufferGrep endif